Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 131 Benefits from increased popularity (2/4)

Leaving Shengshi Advertising Company, Ye Zishu had to feel that the advertising industry is easier to make money than other industries. He didn't invest much resources at the beginning, and the benefits he got far exceeded his expectations.

Back at Phoenix Software Company, Ye Zishu approached the HR department and asked them to help find the person in charge of the search business. He must understand Chinese, have experience studying in Europe and the United States, and have a certain understanding of search.

Just as I was talking, I found a voice suddenly appeared in my mind, and it seemed that he was more in line with my requirements.

That is Li Yanhong. No matter how many people complained about his company in his previous life, his company has made my country one of the four countries with search engines in the world.

For ordinary people, it seems that anyone can use it, as long as they can get real benefits, but from the perspective of the country, information security can never be ignored.

Our country also has a large number of its own Internet companies, and it will be able to fight when it competes with the United States in data competition and artificial intelligence competition.

If we do not have these Internet data as a support, if we want to develop our own artificial intelligence, it is simply a competition with a wooden stick and a competitor with a gun, and it is impossible to win.

It's just that the other party seems to be studying in university, and it seems a bit early to find him now, and search engine technology is secondary to him, and market operation ability is more important.

Because he owns the technology himself, and it is much more advanced, he still gave up the idea of ​​recruiting Robin Li, but added one to the HR department, which has rich international market development capabilities.

In addition to asking the personnel department to find the person in charge of the search engine, they also asked them to help find the person in charge of the news website. He still hasn't forgotten the Yahoo in his previous life.

Although in his opinion, such a website has no technical content, but in this era, the technical content of Yahoo's website is still not low.

In his view, Yahoo has a special role. Apart from making money for him, it can also be used as fat meat thrown to international "wolves" when necessary.

He believes that the Internet prosperity that appeared at the end of the century in the previous life will not change. At that time, the market value of Yahoo will definitely be very scary. When the time comes, he can cash out and bring himself a considerable income.

As for how Yahoo will end in the future, he actually doesn't care, because such a website is destined to be eliminated, even if it is not eliminated in the era of the personal computer Internet, it will be eliminated in the era of the mobile Internet.

However, the current Internet speed is not high, and it is difficult to support richer web traffic transmission.

So he wasn't particularly anxious about this matter.

He has not even set up a relevant project team so far. If the personnel department finds a person in charge who meets the requirements in advance, he will carry out relevant research work in advance, and if not, he will wait.

Building a large-scale Internet website is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and many technologies are needed to support it. This part of the work can be carried out in advance.

Just when Ye Zishu was about to leave, the personnel department told him that there were three candidates for the person in charge of the "Chinese Little Master" catering that he wanted to find, and asked him to choose.

Ye Zishu got the personal information of the three people and looked at them. The three people were all Japanese, which made him unconsciously glance at the people in the personnel department.

He said that the Japanese can be considered, but it doesn't take all three candidates to be Japanese. Could it be that they are looking for the Japanese during this time?

From the information of the three people, they all met his requirements, but one of the women caught his attention. It's not that women are special, but that he has his own considerations.

Judging from her resume, this candidate named Yuko Ogura graduated from the University of Tokyo with a major in business management, but her family has been cooking for several generations and is very famous in the local area.

The only thing that puzzled him was why her family already had a catering business, but why did they travel all the way to work in a company in China? This is what he needed to understand.

The reason why he pays attention to her is that apart from the fact that his resume is a little more prominent than the other two, he thinks that women are easier to control than men.

Although the headquarter of this catering company is in China, for quite a long time, its main business has been overseas, and his ability to control the company is relatively weak.

In addition, the person in charge of this enterprise is a foreigner, which has to make him pay more attention to this aspect. Of course, he believes that no matter what country he is from, as an enterprise owner, necessary control is needed.

It's just that the few companies he has established so far have not yet reached that level, and the few companies that make money are right under his nose. Although they are not often there, the financial department is his own.

And there is another difference in catering, that is, it does not require too much high-tech blessing, and the role he can play in it is also limited. Under such circumstances, if it is out of his control, he has no way to restrain it.

After visiting the three people, he directly called Yuko Ogura to come over to meet them, and then asked his deputy how the search was going, but he still hadn't found it.

Although he is a deputy, the requirements are not low. If an accident occurs in the future, the deputy can immediately control the situation and reduce the loss of the company, so he must not be sloppy.

No matter what, now that there is a person in charge, at least the shelf can be built first, and the rest can only be watched while walking.

In the final analysis, this is just his leisurely arrangement. It is good to be able to grow up quickly. If you can't do it, you will lose a little money, which has no effect on the overall situation.

Now that the annual graduation season is coming soon, Ye Zishu is very concerned about the recruitment plan of the personnel department. The personnel department of Phoenix Software Company has actually become the core of all personnel work in his company.

The personnel department of other companies is actually under the leadership of the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company, the main reason is that the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company has better working ability than other companies.

Moreover, Unified has the leader of the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company, which can realize the sharing of personnel resources of various companies, which is of great benefit to the personnel recruitment work of all the companies under him.

Hearing Ye Zishu's question about campus recruitment, the personnel from the personnel department immediately smiled. According to them, this year's school recruitment is very effective.

"Why did the school recruitment work so well this year?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

It seems that college students have not been promoted to choose their own careers this year. Even if the salaries offered by his companies are higher than those of the outside world, it is not so obvious.

"In fact, we have also investigated this."

"Oh, tell me."

"We recruited in the name of Phoenix Software Company, and now our Phoenix Software Company is well-known in domestic universities, which is the main reason why our recruitment work is very smooth."

"Is Phoenix Software Company well-known? Why don't I know?" Ye Shu felt a little strange.

"Mr. Ye, you haven't paid attention to the recent wind direction. Our increase in popularity mainly comes from two aspects. The first is that our Phoenix programming language has been popularized in major universities across the country.

However, those who learn the Phoenix programming language are basically students from the computer department, and the influence has not been out of the circle, and students from other majors don't know much about it.

The second is that our Phoenix operating system has been disseminated in major colleges and universities. We also asked some people that we knew it from their teachers. "The person from the personnel department said.

Hearing what they said, he understood a little bit. Maybe the news spread from the mouths of the experts who came to inspect and accept it, causing it to spread to various colleges and universities in China.

Those who can become members of the expert group all have positions in colleges and universities, and their influence is not low. The news that comes out of his mouth is not slow to spread.

A company with strong technical strength, and the salary offered is not low, as long as students who are a little bit more courageous, they will not let go of the recruitment opportunity of Phoenix Software Company.

At present, Phoenix Software Company's threshold for recruiting students is not high, and it has not yet reached the point of picking and choosing, because no matter what, the resources of college students are still relatively scarce.

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