Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 132 The Eve of the Operating System's Listing (3/4)

At present, the number of fresh students who have signed the agreement is as high as more than 1,000. This number surprised Ye Zishu. There are still more than two months before graduation, and there are such results.

However, compared to his plan, this number of people is still not enough. He asked the personnel department to continue to increase efforts, otherwise Phoenix Software Company's construction of such a large office space would not be enough.

Phoenix Software's new research and development center can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and there is a headquarters office building that can also accommodate thousands of people. Of course, he wants to fill these places as soon as possible.

After leaving the personnel department, he went directly to the office software project team. It is now May, and according to the plan, their project should have reached the final stage.

"Mr. Ye is here. Our office software system has completed the code development and is currently being tested. Including the later modification time, it will take about half a month to complete." Lei Jun said.

"It's not bad, but don't forget about the internationalization. We have done a good job in each language version. We are targeting the international market." Ye Zishu said.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, we will do a good job of internationalization as soon as possible." Lei Jun said.

Ye Zishu nodded, then thought for a while and said: "After finishing the office software system, except for some people who will continue to maintain the software, I will give you new tasks for the rest."

"What mission?" Lei Jun asked curiously.

"It is the task of database software development. Our country does not have its own database software, which is very unfavorable to our informatization, so database development is also a relatively urgent task." Ye Zishu said.

The current software is basically based on personal software, which seems to rely less on databases, but as Internet applications become more and more common, databases can be seen everywhere.

What he wants to build is not just a relational database, but a complete set of database products that can meet the requirements of all future scenarios.

Of course, what is most needed at present is a relational database, and then a non-relational database to speed up user access. As for other special databases, it can be pushed back.

"Is Mr. Ye still providing relevant technical information?" Lei Jun asked.

This is very important. The reason why they develop so fast is not that they are powerful, but that the technical information provided by Ye Zishu is so good that they only do the physical work.

It's not their fault either,

But our strength in software is limited, and the educational courses of colleges and universities are actually seriously behind the world's advanced technology level.

If there is no technical information provided by Yeshu, let them figure it out by themselves, not to mention whether they can be developed, and the quality of the developed products is up to standard, at least it will take several times the time.

The most difficult thing about software is not writing codes. As long as there are enough human resources to write codes, the speed can be accelerated by stacking manpower, which is not considered a high technical content.

The most difficult thing is the software architecture and design, as well as the design of key algorithms. As long as you have these technical materials, the subsequent work can almost be said to be smooth.

"Don't worry about it, I will never let you explore by yourself, but after you have been trained in the project, I hope you can learn something from it, and the work you will undertake will become heavier and heavier for subsequent upgrades and major version development." Ye Zishu Said.

He doesn't mind providing relevant technical information in the early stage, because this is the most cost-effective and fastest way to train talents, but he doesn't want to have to provide technical information by himself all the time, and can't rely on him too much.

In the future, he still has many things to do. The software industry is only a part of his work, but the current software industry is what he focuses on.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Lei Jun nodded unconsciously. This in itself is what it should be. No one wants to keep doing the lowest-level work, which will quickly open up the gap.

At present, there are few domestic software talents. They are still very competitive at this level, but when there are more talents who can write codes, writing codes will be completely reduced to a bottom-level job.

After encouraging the technicians of the office software system and helping them solve some problems, he went directly to the browser project team.

The research and development progress of the browser project team is very tight, and the Phoenix operating system is waiting for their software to be launched together after completion, so this project team is working the most overtime during this period.

Recently, the technical personnel recruited by the personnel department were assigned to the browser project team, except for some assigned to the industrial software department.

When I came to the browser project team, Ye Zishu looked at it. The development of the scripting language is nearing completion, and it is now in the stage of development and testing.

The scripting language compiler is still under intense development. According to their progress, it will be basically completed by the end of May.

Compared with the browser kernel, the workload of the scripting language compiler is relatively simple, and there is no comparison between the two in terms of complexity or code size.

Looking at the leaf book, one person can develop the compiler of the Phoenix programming language, and it can be seen that the amount of code will not be particularly large.

Although their abilities cannot be compared with Ye Zishu's, they rely on their manpower advantages, coupled with perfect architecture design and algorithm design, so that their development work is very smooth.

According to their current progress, all the work on the browser will be completed by the end of June. This is already their limit, and it is not easy for Ye Zishu to rush.

After leaving the browser project team, he went to other project teams to take a look. The security software development progress of the operating system project team was much faster than he expected.

According to their current progress, it is even possible to complete this work before the launch of the Phoenix operating system. Obviously, he has devoted most of his energy to this project.

Because the other two projects are much less difficult for them, and the demand is not particularly urgent, the manpower and material resources invested are correspondingly less.

To be honest, he didn't know the size of the current network security market, and naturally he didn't know how much benefit this software could bring them.

However, he needs to start thinking about how to operate this security software. He came from the era of free in his previous life and knows the power of free very well.

So he plans to formulate different sales strategies according to different needs, such as the personal home version, and he is going to adopt a completely free strategy.

This is to quickly occupy the market and reduce promotion costs. As for the way to make money, it may adopt the advertising model, but the advertising model needs to wait until there is an absolute market share.

Then there is the personal professional version. Compared with the personal home version, it will provide stronger protection capabilities. Individual users who have higher requirements for computer protection can consider purchasing such a service.

The last is the enterprise version, which provides a full range of security services for enterprises, and will also provide hardware security technical support in the future, making enterprises completely invincible.

The operating system project team is currently developing a personal version, which is not a big problem in dealing with viruses, but it is a bit stretched to deal with advanced hackers.

If the security software is completed before the operating system is released, he considers pre-installing the personal home version into the operating system, which can increase the number of users more quickly.

As for whether it will be said to be a monopoly, he doesn't care much. Anyway, the company's headquarters is in the mainland, and other countries are fined at most.

Moreover, he also planned to separate the security software and set up a separate company instead of using the name of Phoenix Software Company, so as to avoid suspicion of monopoly.

In fact, most of the projects will be operated independently in the future, and Phoenix Software only retains basic software businesses such as operating systems, office software, databases, programming languages, and browsers.

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