Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 133 Thinking about the problem from another angle (4/4)

Three days later, Yuko Ogura flew to the capital from Japan, and came to Phoenix Software Company to meet Ye Zishu. At first glance, she felt quite temperamental.

This shows that Ogura Yuko's family conditions should be good, and it is difficult for ordinary people to cultivate such a temperament. What impresses him most is that the other party's Chinese is very standard.

"Miss Xiaocang speaks Chinese very well." Ye Zishu said.

"Thank you for the compliment. I have learned Chinese from a Chinese tutor since I was a child." Yuko Ogura said with a smile.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, Ye Zishu began to ask questions that he was more concerned about. He said, "I think Ms. Xiaocang's conditions are good in all aspects. Why did you choose to join our new company?"

"Mr. Ye, you may not believe me. I am your fan. When the recruiter told me the name of the boss, the first thing I thought of was you. After asking, I found out that it was really you." Yuko Ogura was happy said.

Unexpectedly, it was because of this, he intentionally seldom appeared in public, and the employees in the company regarded him as the boss, so he didn't have much feeling for his star status.

But obviously this was not the answer he wanted, so he said: "It turns out that Ms. Xiao Cang is my fan, and it is my honor to have such an intellectual and beautiful fan.

However, your information shows that your own family is engaged in catering. It stands to reason that it would be more appropriate for you to go back to help the family after graduating from the University of Tokyo.

I guess you didn't choose to join our startup just because you're my fan? Can you tell me the specific reason? "

Yuko Ogura heard him say this, thought for a while, and said, "Originally this is a personal privacy, but since Mr. Ye asked, I don't intend to hide it."

"Oh, there seems to be something unspeakable?" Ye Zishu asked.

"My father only has two children, me and my brother. My relationship with my brother has not been very good since I was a child. My family values ​​my brother much more than me. Many opportunities are reserved for my brother.

So I have been studying hard since I was a child, just wanting to surpass my elder brother in ability, but when I was in college, my father passed away.

I originally thought that I should have a share of the inheritance, but in my father's will, the family business was given to my brother, but only a small amount of cash was given to me.

But this is not the most important thing. After I graduate, I want to return to work in the family business.

Rejected by my brother, he was guarding me. "Yuko Ogura was talking, her face lost much expression.

Ye Zishu wondered if he had heard it wrong. According to news reports in his previous life, it seemed that the patriarchal phenomenon in Japanese families was not that serious.

Some people even say that Japanese entrepreneurs hope to use their daughters to recruit capable sons-in-law to take charge of the business. In fact, there are indeed many such examples.

"Your brother is very capable?" Ye Zishu asked.

"He is still very capable. He was stricter than me at home since he was a child, and he was given opportunities to exercise since he was a child. Although he may not be as good at reading as I am, his ability is not weak." Yuko Ogura said honestly .

Then it makes sense, generally recruiting a son-in-law to run a business is difficult for a man in the family, otherwise it is impossible not to trust one's own people, but to trust outsiders like the son-in-law.

"Then you join my company, do you have any idea of ​​competing with your brother?" Ye Zishu asked frankly.

Ogura Yuko didn't see Ye Zishu asking such sharp questions, her face moved unconsciously, obviously she was not used to this way of questioning.

Ye Zishu drank a cup of tea by himself, and waited for Yuko Ogura's words. About a minute later, Yuko Ogura finally said, "To tell you the truth, Mr. Ye, I really have such thoughts."

"After you prove your ability, do you ever think about going back to take charge of the family business and get back what you lost?" Ye Zishu asked again.

This question was even sharper than the previous one, causing Yuko Ogura's eyes to flicker at him, while Ye Zishu looked directly into Yuko Ogura's eyes, trying to see her true thoughts clearly.

"I don't know!" Yuko Ogura finally said.

Seeing Yuko Ogura like this, Ye Zishu didn't intend to keep asking, but in this state, is it really suitable to be the person in charge of his company.

Managing the company with anger in this way can certainly allow her to exert her full capabilities, which is of great benefit to the initial development of the company.

However, when the enterprise enters a stable period, or has achieved its purpose of proving itself, it may be somewhat unfavorable to the operation of the enterprise.

So if he wants to use Yuko Ogura, he still needs to resolve her obsession, so he said: "I sympathize with Miss Ogura's experience, after all, this situation is quite common in our country.

And I also think that your father's choice is not too big of a mistake. It is an undeniable fact that handing over the company to your brother will allow the company to continue to exist even when your brother is capable.

Your resentment does not come from your father handing over the business to your brother, but from the unfair treatment you have felt since you were a child, which has accumulated over a long period of time, which makes you have such a big opinion.

But people don't just have to look at what the outside world thinks of them. After all, life is only a few decades, and the more important thing is to live for yourself. What kind of life you want is the key.

Your life is perfect when you go after the life you want, I don't believe you live a life full of resentment. "

Originally, Yuko Ogura was a little angry when she heard that Ye Zishu agreed with her father to hand over the management of the family business to her brother, but when she heard what Ye Zishu said later, she calmed down.

Ye Zishu left enough time for Yuko Ogura to think, while he drank tea quietly without disturbing Yuko Ogura's thinking.

After he drank the rest of the tea in the teacup, Ogura Yuko came back to his senses, ended his thinking, and said, "Although I still can't let go, Mr. Ye's words are very reasonable."

Ye Zishu shrugged his shoulders when he heard Ogura Yuko say this, and then said: "It's good for you to think this way, but you can also think about it differently, did your brother live the life he wanted to live since he was a child?

Once anyone comes into this world, he will face more and more things beyond his control, and it is impossible for everyone to live completely according to his ideal way of life.

And I think your current state is much better than your brother. You have enjoyed the superior living conditions of the family since childhood, but now you don't have to bear the responsibilities of the family.

Your brother is miserable. Not only has he lived under the attention of his elders since he was a child, he will inevitably face a lot of pressure, but now he has to shoulder the responsibilities of the family, and he still dare not live the life he wants.

From this perspective, are you luckier than your brother? "

When Yuko Ogura heard what Ye Zishu said, she was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect Ye Zishu to analyze it from this angle, and she turned from feeling discriminated against before to an advantage now.

And her elder brother, who had always been valued by her family before, lived a miserable life than herself. This kind of logic overturned all her previous thoughts, and she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing Yuko Ogura's expression, Ye Zishu said: "Could it be that you think about the problem from a different angle, and you have a completely different answer, and you were in a dead end before.

There is no one who does not desire freedom, but they are all involuntary. In my opinion, your current state is the best state. Why bother to pay for your future with the prejudices of the past? "

When Yuko Ogura heard what Ye Zishu said, a smile burst out on her face, she laughed and cried, and Ye Zishu didn't know how to comfort her, so she just handed her the tissue on the table.

After Ogura Yuko calmed down, he said, "Is it more comfortable?"

"Thank you, you are my life mentor, and you are worthy of being my idol!" Yuko Ogura said, stood up, and bowed to him at 90 degrees.

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