Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 134 Temporarily abandoning multi-line development (1/4)

Untying Yuko Ogura's knot, Ye Zishu said, "Do you still have any plans to join our company?"

"Although I don't hate the family so much now, do you think it is appropriate for me to go back? What's more, you also said that I am not in a state of freedom now, so why go back?" Ogura Yuko said.

"Of course I'm happy that you think so. Let's sign the relevant contract first, and then we'll talk about the business of this catering company," Ye Zishu said.

Seeing Yuko Ogura nodding her head, Ye Zishu asked the Human Resources Department to bring the prepared contract and handed it to her, asking her to read the contract carefully.

While Yuko Ogura was reading the content of the contract, Ye Zishu continued to do his work, typing codes on the computer.

Half an hour later, Yuko Ogura finally finished reading the contract, pulled Ye Zishu back from the busy state of work, raised her head and asked Yuko Ogura: "After reading the contract, do you have any comments?"

"I've read it. I don't have any comments on the clauses in the contract. I can sign it at any time." Yuko Ogura said.

Hearing Yuko Ogura's words, Ye Zishu was stunned for a moment. Although the contract had fully considered the interests of the parties, the benefits it gave were not very generous.

In the final analysis, this contract is a part-time job contract, but the annual salary is higher than that in China, but it is not too outrageous, after all, the overall profit of the catering industry is not particularly high.

"Alright then, let's sign the contract now." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After the two parties signed the contract, Ye Zishu put away the contract on his side, and then said to Ogura Yuko: "This time, you are required to come here in person. On the one hand, we will meet each other. After all, we need to understand each other for the first time. .

On the other hand, I want to discuss the development strategy of this catering company face to face, and jointly formulate the future development direction for this catering company. "

Seeing Yuko Ogura nodding, Ye Zishu continued: "Our catering brand is called 'Zhonghua Xiaodangjia', and it is a chain brand that mainly deals in Chinese food.

The business category is mainly divided into two categories, one is mid-to-high-end catering, which provides rich and delicious Chinese food services for the urban middle class and above, and the other provides Chinese fast food services for people who have no time to eat. "

"Will this cause confusion among catering brands and prevent consumers from having an accurate perception of our brand?" Yuko Ogura asked.

"Generally speaking,

But conversely, if our high-end catering is done very well, can it also promote the development of the fast food business.

The reason why we established a unified brand management strategy is mainly because it can save a lot of investment in advertising and promotion, and have a linkage effect on the entire business line.

Of course, if such a strategy is to be successful, it must require the products and services of our business lines to do well. If there is an obvious disconnect in a certain business line, it will in turn affect other business lines. "Leaf Book said.

"How much money does the boss prepare to support the development of the catering industry?" Yuko Ogura said.

"I can only provide financial support of 20 million RMB for the time being," Ye Zishu said.

Japan has just experienced a real estate bubble, and the rent price has fallen off a cliff. The cost of rent is not high, and the initial investment of 20 million yuan is not small.

"Is the boss planning to develop the two business lines together?" Yuko Ogura asked.

"What do you think should be done to be more beneficial to us?" Ye Zishu asked rhetorically.

This is the boss's test of himself. Yuko Ogura thought for a while and said, "We are a new brand, and we don't have much popularity. I think we will attack on multiple fronts at the beginning. Once something goes wrong, it may bring disaster. .

What's more, our management and energy may not be able to keep up in the early stage, and there may be negligence in service and quality, which is more prone to problems.

What I mean is that we can enter the high-end catering field first. First, with the current amount of funds, we may only be able to open a few high-end catering stores, which is easier to manage. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

Second, high-end catering plays a greater role in brand building. Doing this well first will benefit the development of the fast food business in the future and play a positive role in promoting it. "

According to Ye Zishu, he naturally hopes to attack on two fronts. With the popularity of "The Little Master of China", direct catering brands can get a bumper harvest on both lines.

But now Yuko Ogura said that the management can't keep up, so he gave up his previous thoughts, because as she said, if the management can't keep up, the bigger the spread, the easier it is to fail.

This is a Chinese food brand, and many chefs were recruited from the mainland, and these chefs don't know much Japanese, so it will take some time to adapt to the local area.

Of course, the fast food business will still use local people to work, because the Chinese food in fast food is not particularly complicated, the production process is simple, and it is a standardized production process, so it is more appropriate to use local people. Ad-free network am~w~w.

"Miss Xiaocang's words are exactly what I want. Let's build a high-end store first. One is to explore experience, and the other is to cultivate a talent team for ourselves, and at the same time, it also serves the purpose of exploring the market." Ye Zishu said.

Seeing Ye Zishu's approval of her own thoughts, Yuko Ogura suddenly smiled more. This is the joy of being recognized, and she is still recognized by her idol.

"So boss, how big is our first store going to be?" Yuko Ogura asked.

The reason why she asked this question was because she needed to see the boss's plan. After all, there was only 20 million yuan, and part of it needed to be used for publicity.

Therefore, the size of the store determines the amount of remaining funds, and also determines the amount of funds that can be used for advertising and promotion.

"I don't know much about the market in Tokyo, so you can do it with the 20 million yuan." Ye Zishu said.

"Don't you need to set aside some funds for marketing?" Yuko Ogura asked curiously.

Hearing what Yuko Ogura said, he realized that he had something to say, so he said: "The reason why our catering brand is called 'China Little Master' is related to an animated TV series we are producing.

This animated TV series is called "The Little Master of China". The content uses the experience of the protagonist to show the Chinese cuisine to the outside world, so as to promote the purpose of Chinese cuisine.

And the reason why I want to open a catering company with the same name brand is also an attempt to carry out brand management, hoping to link cultural brands with the real economy, so as to exert greater economic benefits. "

Ye Zishu's words fooled Yuko Ogura. She didn't know why the boss was so confident in this animation TV series. You must know that Japan's animation industry is not bad, and it is not easy to stand out in this market.

Seeing Yuko Ogura's expression, Ye Zishu knew what she was thinking, so he continued: "You may not know our ability to make animation.

The animated film "The Lion King" that was released at the end of last year was produced by our Shengshi Film and Television Company. Soon we will have a heavyweight animated film to be released around June 1st.

In the field of animation production, our strength is still very good, but the animated TV series "The Little Master of China" is our first attempt in animation series.

But both "The Lion King" and "The Little Master of China" are scripts written by me, and the quality should be guaranteed. "

Unexpectedly, "The Little Master of China" and "The Lion King" were produced by the same company and the same team, and Yuko Ogura was relieved at this time.

"If this is what the boss said, the animated TV series "The Little Master of China" will cause widespread discussion when it lands in Japan. This will really help the establishment of the brand awareness of the "Little Master of China"." Yuko Ogura said.

"Ms. Ogura is Japanese and has lived in Japan all year round. She must know more about the local situation than I do. Can I ask Ms. Ogura to operate this animated TV series in Japan?" Ye Zishu said.

The reason why Yuko Ogura was handed over to operate the Japanese market is mainly to enable better linkage between animation TV dramas and catering brands, and to better deal with locals.

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