Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 135 Catering Business Strategy (2/4)

"Boss, you have a lot of fans in Japan. If we use your fame to promote it, we can get twice the result with half the effort." Yuko Ogura said while looking at Ye Zishu.

Although he has never been to Japan, it can be seen from the sales of his albums in Japan that he is still very popular there, and his popularity is very high.

But he doesn't plan to use his popularity to bind with this catering company, because in his opinion, business promotion is important, but careful management is more important.

And he doesn't want to bind himself to too many companies. For him, business management is business management. Using his popularity is just to take advantage of it for a while. How far he will go in the future has nothing to do with his own popularity.

But once there is a problem, the harm caused by this strong binding is huge. Although this is also his company, apart from the problem, there will be more or less implicated, but at least it will not be that big.

So he shook his head and said: "Whether a company can run for a long time, the most important thing is to have solid basic skills, run the company with heart, and make every link as perfect as possible.

Therefore, when promoting the catering brand 'China Little Master', don't have any association with me. I hope you can do this. "

Hearing that Ye Zishu disagreed, although Yuko Ogura was a little disappointed, she could understand it, and the boss had already said this, so she couldn't get entangled in this issue anymore.

If she tried to persuade her again, it would be as if she was denying her management ability and relying on the reputation of her boss to do well. This was something that Ogura Yuko's proud character could not tolerate.

After seeing Yuko Ogura's acceptance, Ye Zishu continued: "Then let's discuss how this company operates.

Although the scale is small now, I hope that you will do a few things:

The first point is to do a good job in internal management. Problems in the catering industry are big problems. Only when we attach great importance to this in daily work can we avoid accidents.

This requirement is not only for existing businesses, but also for fast food businesses and other businesses that will be operated in the future. This rule is always applicable.

The second point is to do a good job in standard process management. Only by doing a good job in standardization process can we provide users with services and products with guaranteed quality.

Even if we provide relatively cheap fast food products, we need to do a good job of standardizing the process. In this regard, you need to spend a lot of energy on this aspect of work.

The third point is localization management.

It does not mean complete localization. After all, we are in the business of Chinese food and catering, and we provide consumers with pure Chinese food and catering services.

What I mean by localized management is that on the premise of adhering to the characteristics of Chinese food, we need to carry out differentiated management according to the local cultural environment, which will make it easier for our business to integrate into the local culture.

Now you also know that China's current economic status is not strong enough, and it still seems powerless to rely on national identity to do this and make others unconsciously admire Chinese culture.

The fourth point is the problem of supply chain construction. Due to financial and energy problems in the early stage, we are temporarily unable to specialize in this matter, but from now on, we will start to study this area.

The threshold of the catering industry is not high. How to build our own competitive advantage, in addition to improving the quality of our consumer-oriented services, is to build our own high-quality supply chain system.

Only by having a supply chain system fully controlled by oneself can one avoid copying of one's business by others, which is also the most important basic measure for establishing a moat of one's own catering brand.

In the early stage, we can cooperate with other suppliers. In the later stage, I hope to establish my own one-stop system from raw material planting to transportation to production, so that we can always keep our quality consistent. "

In what he said, some people did feel a little frustrated when they heard it. If our country is strong enough, there is no need to deliberately localize its operations. Instead, other countries will admire Chinese culture and flock to it.

It's like a western-style fast food restaurant coming to China. In fact, there is nothing to eat in western-style fast food, but due to the strength of the United States, many consumers are still flocking to it.

Some people even hold their wedding ceremony in a fast food restaurant, which would be unbelievable decades later, but in this era, it is a kind of "honor".

Therefore, the development of the country is closely related to the development of enterprises, and even the development of individuals. Those who say "Don't want the country to be strong, but have the dignity of the small people" are simply a joke.

Without the strength of the country, there is no dignity for ordinary people. When the country is strong, as ordinary citizens, they can easily go anywhere in the world and bring more opportunities for personal development.

As an entrepreneur, he is also deeply touched by this, otherwise he would not deliberately put forward the third suggestion, which is the reality he is currently facing.

"Among the four mentioned by the boss, the first three are completely fine, but the fourth is that we have not had the funds to do this for a long time.

On the one hand, it takes a lot of energy and time to establish a complete supply chain system, especially the boss's request to do it yourself from the beginning of planting. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

On the other hand, it will cost a lot of money to do so, and if we want to reduce the cost of such a supply chain system, we need to be very strong on the demand side.

If we only do it on a small scale, the cost will be very high, which may make us less competitive, and this will not only not be our moat, but our urging talisman. "Okura Yuko said.

"You make a lot of sense, it's just that this matter must be done, but when the time comes, you won't be doing it alone, and I will provide some help.

Our funds are indeed limited now, but that may not be the case in the future. At that time, we are afraid that the rapid expansion will bring you huge management pressure.

So now you need to do the basic work well, train more catering management talents, and more excellent chef teams, and when I have enough funds here, you don't need to worry about the shortage of funds. "

Although Yuko Ogura didn't know why the boss was so confident, she didn't doubt it. Before meeting Ye Zishu just now, she also observed the situation of Phoenix Software Company.

A software company with so many employees may really be able to bring more business income to the boss, so this aspect is not what she should care about.

Seeing that Yuko Ogura had no problem, Ye Zishu continued: "Next, I will talk about the way I think about the business. You can use it as a reference. This is not an order."

"I understand!" Ogura Yuko said.

"Our Chinese cuisine is extensive and profound. There are eight major cuisines that are well-known alone. In addition, there are many local cuisines that also have their own food culture.

It is impossible for the catering company of "China Xiaodaojia" to cook all the delicacies in our country, so we need to carefully select and find dishes that suit the tastes of the local people.

This is also an aspect of localized management that I mentioned earlier, so you need to do a good job in this area, but how do you know which dishes consumers like?

In order to solve this problem, I came up with a fast iterative way, that is, we will launch some new dishes every day, and then record the customer consumption of these new dishes.

If the purchase rate of a certain dish is obviously very high, it means that this dish is relatively popular with consumers, and this dish will enter our dish pool.

Then provide this kind of dish for a period of time, and finally do data analysis, and make a comprehensive analysis from the aspects of cost, income, customer evaluation, etc., to decide whether to put this kind of dish in the daily dish pool.

The dishes in the daily dish pool will also be analyzed by data. If a certain dish is found to be gradually abandoned by customers, it must be decisively kicked out of the daily dish pool and fill the vacancy with new popular dishes.

After operating in this way for a period of time, we will be able to provide local favorite food menus, and we can also adjust our own dishes according to market changes at any time, so that we can adapt at any time.

This model is not only used in high-end restaurants, but also in our fast food restaurants. "Leaf Book said.

When Yuko Ogura heard what Ye Zishu said, her eyes lit up. This is a good way to quickly adapt catering companies to the tastes of local consumers.

It's just that there are some problems here, Yuko Ogura said: "This will increase our operating costs a lot."

"In the initial stage, the cost will definitely increase. After a period of operation, a relatively fixed menu will be formed, the speed of adding new products will be reduced, and the cost will also drop significantly.

In addition, since you have been in business for a long time, you can optimize management and reduce management costs. At the same time, you can adjust the supply system at any time and reduce corresponding costs.

But the benefits are obvious. When consumers come to our store to consume, in addition to eating their favorite dishes, they can also have a fresh feeling every time, so they have more return rates. "Leaf Book said.

"If the number of stores is small, the boss said there is no problem, but if the number is very large, it is very difficult to manage such a system." Yuko Ogura said.

"You are right, but the Internet age is coming soon, we can adopt new technologies, reduce management difficulties, and make complex management systems simpler.

At that time, I will provide you with a set of efficient management software system, so that your operation will become simpler and more effective. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what the boss said, Yuko Ogura no longer worried. As long as the boss can fulfill what he said, she has the confidence to manage well.

Later, Ye Zishu and Yuko Ogura also discussed some business details, as well as the company's future plans, so that Yuko Ogura could be aware of it and make corresponding preparations in advance.

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