Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 136 Imported Things Are Not Cheap (3/4)

Yuko Ogura left, taking with her a signed album by Ye Zishu, as well as a colleague from the administration department, finance department, and personnel department. Ad-free network am~w~w.

Ye Zishu’s personal pocket was used to fund the establishment of the “China Little Master” catering group. The company’s money has uses, so there is no way to borrow money, so they can only pay for it themselves.

But after paying the money himself, the money in Ye Zishu's personal account has almost bottomed out. Fortunately, he doesn't have any expenses himself, so he doesn't have a strong sense of anxiety.

For the next period of time, he only needs to deal with the matter at hand and quietly wait for the completion of various projects that will be launched in conjunction with the launch of the Phoenix operating system.

As for the "Toy Story" animation film that will be released soon, Shengshi Film and Television Company has already negotiated with Disney about the North American distribution work, and the time is scheduled to be released on June 1.

In other regions and countries, due to the strong performance of "The Lion King", Shengshi Film and Television has brought a lot of voice, and the distribution of "Toy Story" in these places has also been arranged.

As for the special effects of "Titanic", after his guidance some time ago, the special effects department has gradually mastered the production methods of the special effects of Hollywood blockbusters. For the production of special effects in the future, Ye Shu only needs to go to give guidance at intervals.

And the "Kung Fu Panda" animation film arranged later is already being produced by the relevant personnel of the special effects department. According to their speed, it can be completed in a month or two.

Seeing that everything was going well, Ye Zishu went to Lingtong Technology Company to see how the development of PHS and micro-cellular communication systems was going.

They have already completed the research and development of the three-in-one digital switch, and they will be able to sell it directly on the market as soon as the production capacity of Xuanwu Technology Company is formed.

In addition to digital switches, there are also equipment supporting the Internet, such as high-speed optical fiber, enterprise-level switches, home routers, etc. They need to build a complete set of Internet hardware product systems.

Linktone Communications has been developing these hardware products around the Internet, and has completed the research and development of most of the products so far.

But he is most concerned about the micro-cellular communication system and PHS, because the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is preparing to introduce GSM in Europe, so PHS needs to race against time.

Although it is impossible for him to prevent the country from introducing the seemingly more advanced GSM communication system, he has to come up with related products to compete with the GSM communication system.

When we didn't have any mobile communication technology,

We are bound to be at an absolute disadvantage in negotiations, so we have no bargaining chips to increase our confidence.

Although the micro-cellular communication technology is a transitional communication product in Ye Zishu's mind, it has also undergone technical improvements, and its performance in the city is no worse than that of the GSM communication system.

More importantly, PHS is cheap enough, whether it is communication fees or handheld terminals, it is much cheaper than GSM, which gives PHS a huge competitive advantage.

In our country, people with the ability to consume mobile communication are basically in cities, and the market in rural areas is not large, and most of the mobile communication needs are also completed in cities.

However, the mission of PHS only needs to be supported for about 5 years. At that time, the mature 3G products of PHS will be released, which will completely eliminate PHS and GSM.

In these 5 years, it is better for PHS to make more money, otherwise it only takes one or two years for him to complete the research and development of a complete set of 3G mobile communication technology.

Lingtong Technology Company also knows that the boss attaches great importance to PHS and micro-cell communication technology, so research and development in this area is also among their priorities.

When Ye Shu came over, they had already started the final sprint. According to them, all the work related to this aspect would be completed in half a month at most.

Just seeing the PHS prototype they took out, Ye Zishu's face was a little green, because it was a bit big, although it was smaller than the big brother, but compared with the PHS in the previous life, it seemed too big.

Seeing Ye Zishu's expression, the person in charge of the research and development department said: "There is no way, our country's electronic technology can only reach this level, and when Xuanwu Technology's electronic manufacturing industry is established, it will shrink a lot."

"What's the estimated cost?" Ye Zishu asked. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

"It's hard to say now, we don't know the manufacturing cost of Xuanwu Technology, but all the chips in it are imported, and the cost together is not low.

According to our forecast, the minimum cost of PHS is about 800 yuan, and the terminal sales price may reach more than 1,500 yuan. " said the person in charge of the research and development department.

Hearing this cost, Ye Zishu still thinks it is too expensive. Let alone 1992, even in 2010, many people feel distressed when buying a mobile phone for 1,500 yuan.

If it is at this price, it will be a joke for him to quickly promote PHS, because most people simply cannot afford such an expensive product.

What PHS focuses on is cheapness. If it loses this advantage, even if the communication cost is lower than that of GSM, it will be difficult to form a huge competitive advantage difference, and it will be in a stalemate.

And the more deadlocked the situation, the more unfavorable it is to PHS, because as GSM becomes more and more perfect, the operating cost will further decrease, and the cost gap will be smaller.

"Is there a way to further reduce costs?" Ye Zishu asked.

The person in charge of the R\u0026D department shook his head and said, "Imported components are not cheap, unless these things are made by ourselves."

The PHS he designed is more advanced than the PHS in his previous life, which resulted in many parts and components that could not be manufactured in China, which invisibly increased the cost.

Except for chip-related parts, other parts will be produced without any problems after the first phase of Xuanwu Technology's project is completed.

However, most of the cost in PHS is on the chips, which include radio frequency chips, communication chips, memory chips, etc., and there are many types.

Calculated in this way, it seems that only the circuit board and antenna are made by ourselves, and the others are foreign products. Of course, the system is also our own.

"Let's leave it at that for the time being. You should hurry up and complete the research and development work, then conduct an off-site actual test, and then invite people from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to come and take a look." Ye Shu said.

Back at Phoenix Software Company, Ye Zishu felt a deep sense of helplessness in his heart. It was too difficult to establish a high-end industrial chain on the basis of poverty and nothingness.

Even if he has the skills, he needs to spend a huge amount of money to build a complete industrial chain. Now it is not enough to rely solely on the money he makes in the entertainment industry.

At present, the establishment of the ordinary electronic manufacturing industry chain alone has killed half of his life. He is powerless to complete the establishment of the chip industry chain.

Now he puts all his hopes on the Phoenix operating system, and in order to make the Phoenix operating system a hit, he even let the software company develop office software and browsers.

It is to ensure that nothing goes wrong, to avoid being jointly targeted by other capitals, and to become a laughing stock in the industry, because there are too many expectations behind the Phoenix operating system.

After getting rid of these troubles, he devoted himself even more frantically to his work. In addition to continuing to write search engines, he began to build a more complete application software ecosystem for the Phoenix operating system.

Just relying on the office software system and browser can only be said to meet the minimum requirements. If you want to sell more Phoenix OS, you need to make this ecology more abundant.

Although he hopes that more application software companies will develop application software for the Phoenix operating system, he cannot put all his hopes on this, and he still needs to prepare for what he should prepare.

If they really don't cooperate, then he is going to start the army battle plan, using the relatively cheap labor costs in the country, and the software technology he has mastered, and the two sides will have a decisive battle.

It's just that if that's the case, it will be either you or me, and the battle needs to be over before Microsoft's Windows 95 comes out. After a long delay, there will be changes.

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