Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 137 Invite leaders to inspect (4/4)

In the following time, apart from being busy with technical matters, Ye Zishu was most concerned with the issue of the capital chain, always paying attention to the use of funds of Xuanwu Technology Company.

There is also the sales of new records of Shengshi Records, as well as the follow-up video tapes and licensing income of Shengshi Film and Television Company, so that they can keep track of their cash flow at any time.

Among them, the income from video tapes and licensing is a steady stream, but it can still bring him a certain amount of cash flow supplement every once in a while.

And his latest three consecutive Chinese albums still did not disappoint him. Within a month, they sold 15 million copies, and the average sales volume of each album was as high as 5 million.

And which of his English albums still occupies the weekly sales champion for a long time, and the hot sales of these albums have brought 250 million yuan in revenue to Shengshi Records.

In addition to the sales income of the company's agency music albums and commercial licensing income, all kinds of things add up to bring a total income of 300 million yuan to Shengshi Records.

While Shengshi Film and Television Company is busy with its own TV series shooting, it is also busy with the release of "Toy Story", as well as the production of various toys.

In any case, these two companies can provide him with a total income of about 500 million yuan during this period, and Shengshi Film and Television Company is also working hard to communicate with the distributors, so that they can transfer the box office revenue of "The Lion King" as soon as possible.

Now there is no person in charge of his company who doesn't know that he is short of money, so in order to avoid the collapse of the entire system, they have to work hard to find money for Ye Zishu.

Under the whole system, once there is a collapse, none of them will be able to survive, and once they overcome the difficulties together, they will also usher in huge development opportunities.

They are under the banner of the same boss, and they are all prosperous and all damaged, so it is impossible for them to hang on high without having nothing to do with themselves.

Of course, if Ye Zishu can be ruthless and stop losses in time, the collapse of one company will not affect other companies. At most, the loans of Shengshi Records and other companies cannot be recovered.

But seeing that the boss attaches so much importance to the development of the technology industry, the wage earners below can no longer think so. So during this period, their nerves have been tense like clockwork.

The office software project team finally completed all the research and development work in mid-May, and by the end of May, it had already met the listing requirements.

And Ye Zishu gave them the database technical information that had been prepared long ago,

Let them develop a relational database next, and give them half a year, that is to say, they must complete this research and development work before the end of the year.

The browser project team, under the circumstance that Leaf Book continued to increase the support of technical personnel, and at the same time they themselves worked overtime, finally completed the code writing and testing work in early June.

So far, the Phoenix operating system has met the basic requirements for marketing, and Ye Zishu immediately informed the dean of the School of Computer Science, Tsinghua University.

His purpose is to send news to various departments, academic institutions and research units in the country through the mouth of the dean, so that they can quickly take money to order.

At present, there is no department to manage the domestic software industry, and the Ministry of Information Industry had to wait until 1998 to establish it. Therefore, the only ones that have a certain relationship are the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Electronics.

On the phone, he asked the dean to help invite the relevant leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Electronics to come and inspect, the purpose is to see how the Phoenix operating system is.

Sure enough, the dean's network is still very strong. In less than two days, Phoenix Software received a notice from the leaders of two departments to come to inspect.

Phoenix Software Company warmly received the leaders of the two departments, showed them the Phoenix operating system and office software system in an all-round way, and also introduced the browser products specially prepared for the Internet era.

As a result, the leaders of the two departments were very happy. No matter from which point of view, the operating system is a high-tech product in the software industry, let alone a world-leading graphics operating system.

When introducing the browser, Ye Zishu focused on describing the future Internet development scenarios, the vast Internet application scenarios, and the economic scale that these industries will generate.

Through his words, the two departments have aroused strong interest, saying that they should study the development of the Internet after returning home.

When communicating with the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ye Zishu also mentioned the three-in-one digital switch that Lingtong Technology Company has developed, as well as various hardware and software equipment prepared for the Internet.

Now the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has not yet separated, and the three-in-one digital switch is a very practical product for them, not to mention that this product is in an absolute leading position in the world.

In addition, he also deliberately reported to the leaders the research results of Lingtong Technology Company on the micro-cellular communication system and PHS, and the role of this product in the development of my country's mobile communication industry.

Any of these words can arouse the interest of the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, so the leaders said that they will go to Lingtong Technology Company for inspection tomorrow after watching Phoenix Software Company's Phoenix Operating System.

What he wants is this effect. With the intensive research and development of Lingtong Technology Company, the PHS project has completed all the research and development work, and is currently undergoing off-site environmental testing.

After the inspection by the leaders of the two departments, the audit of Phoenix Software's national high-tech company has entered the process, which is very good news for Phoenix Software.

This means that Phoenix Software can not only get more support in terms of policies, but also has great tax incentives, and Phoenix Software can get a lot of practical benefits.

On the second day of the inspection by the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ye Zishu came to Lingtong Technology Company early in the morning, and was going to take the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to explain the products of Lingtong Technology Company to them.

The first thing to explain is naturally the digital switch that the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications urgently needs, and the triple play digital switch of Lingtong Technology Company can not only solve the problem of high installation cost of fixed telephones in our country. Ad-free network am~w~w.

Moreover, it can also build up our country's Internet backbone network and cable TV network. Now that the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has not been separated, it is the most convenient time to do this kind of thing.

Three-in-one digital switches also have grades. The switches that provide digital switching for the backbone network and the switches that provide digital switching for user terminals are definitely different in terms of technical content and cost.

According to Ye Zishu, as long as the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications adopts the digital switch products of Lingtong Technology Company, the Internet speed in our country can be directly increased from the current KB to at least 4M.

This is because the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications initially built a small number of backbone optical fiber networks. If the backbone optical fiber network can be supported, this number will increase further.

It just so happens that Linktone Communications also has a variety of new optical fiber products developed by itself. The bandwidth is much higher than that of existing optical fibers. If such optical fibers are laid, there will be no pressure for the terminal broadband to break through 10M.

The optical fiber products developed by Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd., from the backbone optical fiber products to the terminal optical fiber products, are all owned. The only thing that makes the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications dissatisfied is that these products have not yet been produced, and they are all laboratory products.

In addition, there is an initial installation fee for installing telephones for residents. If these devices are introduced, the initial installation fee will not be charged, and the cost can be earned back by relying on the subsequent service fees.

The leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications's eyes were shining brightly when they saw these advanced communication equipment, and they kept saying, why didn't they come out earlier, so they didn't have to import so many telephone exchanges.

As for the home Internet and telephone communication equipment, the two sides have only looked at it hastily. After all, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications itself is not too concerned about this aspect, and it is also a product that Lingtong Communication Company directly sells to consumers.

Finally, Yeshu also wants to focus on the micro-cellular technology and PHS products. According to his introduction, the cost of using a fixed-line phone can realize some mobile communication functions.

Except that the call quality is not good due to the number of base stations in the suburbs, under the coverage of the base stations, there is no difference from the current European GSM communication system.

Moreover, the PHS call capability between cities has been realized, so that relatives and friends in the two cities can make mobile calls freely.

The call quality of PHS in the previous life was not good, especially in a relatively confined space, and the signal was particularly poor, which was also solved by Ye Zishu. It can be said that in the city, PHS has a strong competitive advantage.

Finally, with a smile on the face of the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the inspection of Lingtong Technology Company ended. According to the words of the leaders, they need to go back and study it carefully.

As for what they are researching, Ye Zishu doesn't know. Anyway, he thinks that our country will have great policy reforms in terms of telephone communication and Internet communication.

Because of everything, Lingtong Technology has prepared for the country, and it is waiting for the country to make up its mind to do things, and there should be no shortage of RMB countries.

Now the only limitation lies in production. If the country can support it, then these laboratory products will soon enter the stage of mass production.

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