Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 140 Happiness and Worry, Coping Strategies (3/4)

The negotiation with Lenovo went very smoothly. After all, it is still a national enterprise, and the Phoenix operating system is really excellent, so there is no reason to refuse.

It's just that when it's the turn of computer companies in other countries, the negotiations are not so smooth, especially IBM, which is still the leader, has always used Microsoft's operating system, and the sudden change made them worry a lot.

They can also see the excellence of the Phoenix operating system, but the Phoenix operating system is a new system after all, and the application software ecosystem is not perfect enough.

After installing such a system, what can consumers do after purchasing it? After all, not everyone just writes documents, reads web pages, and there are many other software that are needed for work.

From this point of view, they are afraid that after installation, users will find that it is not very useful, and they will reduce their desire to buy IBM computers.

Of course, the advent of the Phoenix operating system has already been known by other operating system manufacturers. There is no wall that is not leaky, not to mention that it is now being promoted with great fanfare.

Negotiations with these manufacturers have not been smooth, and it is not ruled out that other operating system manufacturers are in the way. After all, many of them are partners who have cooperated for many years.

Especially Microsoft, they are estimated to have started to write their own new operating system now, but Phoenix Software Company developed it earlier.

As long as these manufacturers are dragged on and waited until their new graphics operating system is launched, relying on the originally built application software ecosystem, they can still beat the Phoenix operating system.

Seeing that the idea of ​​all factory pre-installation could not be realized, Ye Zishu proposed the idea of ​​allowing users to choose to install, and handed over the choice to users.

This new way of cooperation was immediately responded by Dell. After all, the excellence of the Phoenix operating system lies there, but the current software ecosystem is not perfect enough.

But they also believe that with the passage of time, the application software ecosystem will be established sooner or later. In addition, Dell is a user-customized production model, which can flexibly change configurations according to user needs, and the operating system is naturally no problem.

In addition, they are still in the catching-up stage, and they have just been listed, and officially need to make a breakthrough. Perhaps the Phoenix operating system is the breakthrough of their performance.

Seeing that Dell has agreed to this kind of cooperation, the marketing department of Phoenix Software Company is more confident. When it starts negotiating with other computer manufacturers, it often uses Dell as an example.

Now the competition among various computer manufacturers is very fierce, even if they have a lot of concerns,

Or it is interfered by some operating system manufacturers, but their own interests are their most important.

If it is left to the user to choose, then it has nothing to do with the computer manufacturer's own business, and it can explain all aspects. Even if the market response is good, it can take advantage of the trend to carry out more cooperation with Phoenix Software.

This kind of non-criminal cooperation method was indeed a great success. The computer manufacturers who had been secretive before had negotiated cooperation agreements with Phoenix Software Company.

After signing these agreements, Phoenix Software's advertisements began to meet consumers on major media, and they also organized a lot of on-site experience and related exhibitions.

When advertising, Ye Zishu suggested that in addition to the formal advertising, reporters could write more soft articles. Anyway, given the money, many reporters would not mind writing such articles.

Compared with formal advertisements, soft articles give consumers more sense of participation, and this kind of articles also convinces consumers more. After all, this is the most authentic feedback from market users.

Just when Phoenix Software's marketing department was frantically promoting and promoting in the global market, Phoenix Software finally received a domestic order.

The major domestic ministries and commissions place orders with Phoenix Software according to the number of their own computers. The unit price of each operating system order is 1,000 yuan. If they choose to purchase the office software system of Phoenix Software at the same time, the price is 1,500 yuan.

You must know that the sales price of Phoenix Software's office software system also needs to be 200 US dollars a set, and if it is a basic package, the price also needs 150 US dollars.

Therefore, it is the most cost-effective to buy the two software together, and most of the domestic orders are to buy both, because the Phoenix office software system is also the most advanced office software system in the world.

In just one week, Phoenix Software received a total of 100,000 orders, with an average order price of 1,400 yuan, which brought 140 million yuan in revenue to Phoenix Software.

Ye Zishu didn't know how many computers there were in the country, but he was overjoyed to receive so many orders in a week.

Phoenix Software has been busy for so long, and finally saw the money back. Now it depends on the international market. If the international market can explode, then his pressure will disappear in an instant.

The global launch date of the Phoenix OS is July 1. In fact, before that, the Phoenix OS has been distributed to major computer manufacturers, as well as major sales channels around the world.

During this time, Phoenix Software has also set up offices in major countries, mainly for the convenience of providing related services to the local area. For example, users can purchase activation codes by calling directly to complete the purchase.

There are two options for purchasing the operating system through retail channels. One is the operating system without an activation code. After the user installs it, there is a one-month trial period.

The reason for doing this is to reduce the user's experience cost. If the user likes it, he will buy the activation code. If the user doesn't like it, he just spent money to buy a low-priced copy.

Of course, Phoenix Software's daring to do this is naturally due to its confidence in its own operating system. I believe that once consumers use the Phoenix operating system, they will absolutely dislike the original system more and more.

The time finally came to July 1st. Ye Zishu was sitting in his office early that day. He who was originally very focused had already started to get distracted and couldn't work with peace of mind.

Because today's sales situation is very important to Phoenix Software. If the sales are not satisfactory, it will bring major setbacks to Phoenix Software.

There was no news all morning. Ye Zishu finally worked for a while after lunch. In the afternoon, the marketing department finally heard the news.

In one morning, according to the sales statistics obtained by the marketing department from various channels, Phoenix Software Company sold 200,000 sets worldwide.

This is a consumer who has paid for it. Although it cannot be compared with Microsoft's Windows 95 in the previous life, Microsoft's operating system sold 10 million sets in a month.

40 million sets were sold in one year. Before Windows XP went public, a total of 1 billion sets were sold worldwide, which is a bit exaggerated.

Users who choose to purchase the Phoenix operating system will choose to purchase the office software system, because currently only the Phoenix office software system can be used on the Phoenix operating system.

If there are no consumers with office needs, there is no need to buy the Phoenix operating system, because you can't do other things if you buy it.

In the evening, Ye Zishu had dinner and returned to the office. Another news came from the marketing department. According to the statistics in the afternoon, 150,000 sets were sold in the afternoon, which was a significant decline compared to the sales in the morning.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu suddenly became a little nervous, sitting in the office and carefully thinking about how to solve it. The current software ecosystem is their biggest flaw.

After thinking about it, he remembered the matter of Huawei's Hongmeng system in his previous life. They seemed to have installed something similar to an Android emulator on Hongmeng, so that the installation program could run on Hongmeng system.

He had actually thought about this before, but doing so might lead to lawsuits. After all, doing so requires the use of other people's operating system interfaces, and these interfaces may be patented.

Now he can't control that much anymore, let's talk about it, as for whether he will be accused later, then the two sides will file a lawsuit, as long as he dominates the market in advance, even if he loses a little money, it's not a big deal.

Thinking of this, he immediately summoned his staff to complete the work tonight, so all the employees in the company had to work overtime until late today.

And this simulation system will be written by his leader, so he spent two hours decomposing all the work to each employee.

On the other hand, he wrote the interface himself, so that the interfaces of other operating systems can be connected with the functions of the Phoenix operating system, which is equivalent to an execution conversion layer.

Although doing so will inevitably reduce the execution efficiency of the application, it is better than nothing. Most application software does not have such strict requirements on execution efficiency.

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