Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 141 Long-term considerations (4/4)

Tonight is destined to be sleepless. All the employees of Phoenix Software's technical department need to stay and work overtime overnight, and other departments also need to arrange some people to stay and work overtime to provide logistics services.

Together with the staff, Ye Zishu will make the Phoenix operating system simulator as soon as possible, because it is related to the success or failure of the company's Phoenix operating system.

All the employees knew the importance of this matter, so they didn't complain, and Ye Zishu also promised that if it was done tonight, they would have two consecutive days off.

The reason why it is not called other operating system simulators is mainly because the simulator they wrote this time is not just simulating a certain operating system, but can imitate the main operating systems on the market.

Since he chooses to do this, he will not only target a certain operating system, but want to wipe out all operating systems and sweep all operating systems into the garbage dump of history.

Ye Shu decomposes all the work and distributes it. In fact, each programmer receives very limited tasks, which is why he is confident that he can complete it in one night.

Ye Zishu himself is writing a conversion program for the office software system, which can directly convert mainstream office software document files into files that can be recognized and read by the Phoenix office software system.

This is to lower the threshold for consumers to use the Phoenix Office software system. The reason why they did not do this before was because they were worried about getting involved in a lawsuit.

Now that he has started doing it, he doesn't mind having one more. Anyway, his current idea is to take the benefits first. As for the lawsuit, it is better if there is no one. If there is one, he will fight slowly.

Anyway, in the field of science and technology, it is normal to go to court for several years. Regardless of whether you win or lose, Phoenix Software will be the biggest winner.

Moreover, the two converters developed now are not released in the name of Phoenix Software Company. In the previous life, Microsoft used piracy strategies in China, which directly destroyed our country's software industry.

He can also use this method to circulate these two converters on the market for free, and releasing these two softwares in the name of the company may bear a greater responsibility.

However, it is distributed to the market for free, and whether each user uses it is entirely voluntary, and it is difficult for other companies to trace the main responsible person.

Even when it came time to pursue the responsibility of Phoenix Software, Phoenix Software could completely deny that they had never issued such a thing to the public anyway.

Moreover, these two converters only use other people's interface names, and the code implementations below are all their own.

The interface name is generally not patented.

This is also where Phoenix Software's greatest confidence lies. Anyway, it is difficult to make it clear in a lawsuit, and generally speaking, the law does not support the practice of registering a patent just for a name.

If such a patent works, then someone can take an English dictionary to the patent office to register one by one. At that time, all software companies will not be allowed to use the words in the English dictionary as interface names.

At two o'clock in the morning, the company's technical department had written all the coding parts, and then spent an hour combining all the coding to form the first test version.

Then I started to run through the automated test program provided by Ye Zishu. After checking out the bugs, everyone corrected the bugs together. By 5 o'clock in the morning, the operating system simulator had been completed.

The completed operating system simulator does not have the name of Phoenix Software Company at all, it is a three-no product, and then directly let the people in the marketing department flow to the market through various methods.

Leaf Book also completed the office file converter at six o'clock in the morning, and the two tools were quietly distributed to the world in the same way, at least every software retailer had a copy.

Most people in the company worked overtime yesterday, and the company was empty during the day. Ye Zishu slept on the camp bed in the office for two hours. After working time, he got up and washed up briefly, and he was full of positive energy.

Other operating system manufacturers also got news about Phoenix Software's sales results yesterday. They sold 200,000 sets in the morning, which originally made many operating system manufacturers a little nervous.

But in the afternoon, they fell to 150,000 sets directly, and suddenly their nervousness was completely relieved, and the development of the matter was indeed the development they expected.

As more and more people recognize the "flashy" nature of the Phoenix OS, less and less people will buy the Phoenix OS, which is almost certain.

In the morning, the people in the marketing department took the two converters and flew directly to Hong Kong on the nearest flight, and then transmitted the two converters to all parts of the world through the Internet in Hong Kong.

Although the current Internet speed can't be said to be fast, these two converters are not very big, and there is not much pressure to spread on the Internet.

Leaf Book didn't care about outside affairs, sat in his office, and began to think about the way out for the future. Without the support of a comprehensive ecosystem, yesterday's sales of the Phoenix operating system had already explained everything.

Although he took temporary remedial measures, this is not a long-term solution, and he also feels that it is a bit unreliable to expect other application software companies to write software for the Phoenix operating system platform.

Especially with the existence of the operating system simulator, other application software manufacturers do not need to write application software specifically for the Phoenix operating system.

Because writing software for a new operating system platform requires a lot of cost, and now they can run their application software with an emulator, they will certainly not immediately write special programs for the Phoenix operating system platform.

Even if they have a plan, it is still unknown when they will be able to write it, because the Phoenix operating system is a brand new system, and it will take time to figure it out.

Moreover, a brand new programming language is used. Although other programming languages ​​such as C language can also be used, it is certainly not as convenient and powerful as using the native language of the operating system.

So he is now working on Phoenix Software's own application software development plan, and it took him a whole morning just to make a list.

From this, it can be seen how difficult it is to do so, because there are so many types of application software that he may not even be able to write down this list.

But he can rank the application software on the list according to the scope of application, frequency of use, and importance, and then ask Phoenix Technology to develop them in order from top to bottom.

Although doing so will definitely become the public enemy of global application software companies, he is even more unwilling to put his life in the hands of others.

The number of application software on the list is as many as several hundred. This is the application software that he considers relatively important. There are still many application software that have not been listed, and the energy of Phoenix Software Company cannot take care of them.

After making the list, he immediately went to the administration department and asked them to help register a large number of software companies. These software companies were all affiliated with Phoenix Technology Corporation and became subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology Corporation.

Then I went to the personnel department again and asked them to speed up the recruitment of personnel, which was even stronger than before, because with the current human resources, it was basically impossible to complete this grand feat.

After explaining these things, Ye Zishu called Guo Dongsheng again and asked him to urge the contractor of Phoenix Software Headquarters to speed up the construction, and the construction must be completed before the end of the year.

Phoenix Software's headquarters, R\u0026D center, and employee residential quarters are not particularly tall buildings, and the construction difficulty is not too great. As long as they follow the design drawings provided by him and add more manpower, the construction period can be shortened.

The Phoenix operating system sold 350,000 sets in one day without the support of a comprehensive application software ecosystem, which shows that users really like this operating system.

Now that the operating system simulator is used to temporarily make up for the ecological shortcomings, the Phoenix operating system will usher in an explosion, and the Phoenix software company will not be short of money at all in the future.

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