Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 142 The reaction is a bit wrong (1/4)

In the afternoon, Ye Zishu will give the application software on the list, in order from top to bottom, the function design and architecture design of the application software, and provide the necessary algorithm support.

However, there have been obvious changes in the operating system market. When users see such a beautiful and easy-to-use operating system, they really want to buy it, but there is no support for the application software they use.

Terminal retailers will recommend operating system emulators to them, and tell users that as long as they install this operating system emulator, they can run the previous software.

As more and more people tried it, the news spread wildly on the Internet or in the circle of friends. In just one afternoon, it has reached the level of public knowledge.

Of course, the news spread so fast, and people from the marketing department also participated. They arranged a large number of people to spread the news from the perspective of ordinary users on various Internet forums and platforms.

After Ye Zishu had dinner and returned to the company to continue working overtime, the marketing department had passed on the latest sales statistics, and the results were of course gratifying.

In the morning, the global sales volume of the Phoenix operating system was only 100,000 sets, but in the afternoon, it jumped to 200,000 sets in an instant, which has returned to the sales data of the first morning.

The next morning, as more and more consumers got to know the news, they didn't have so many worries about buying the Phoenix operating system, and sales surged further, breaking through 500,000 sets in the morning.

In the afternoon, it even broke through the 600,000 sets mark. With such a rapid sales volume, the busy Yepshu had to carefully look at their market analysis data.

According to the forecast of the marketing department, this kind of sales has not reached the peak, and there is a possibility that it will continue to rise in the next two days, and then it will gradually stabilize.

However, although the operating system simulator has made the Phoenix operating system a big hit, it has gradually disconnected the Phoenix office software sales data from the operating system sales data.

Generally speaking, if you only use the basic functions of office software, there is a high probability that you don't need to replace the new office software, and the original office software can be used very well.

Of course, there are many office software in the Phoenix office software package that were not available before. If users need new office software support, they will naturally buy it. Most people still cannot use the new functions.

As for the users who choose to buy office software, quite a few of them download it from the operating system software store, and then purchase activation codes from the service center of Phoenix Software Company by phone.

This makes Leaf Book feel that it has virtually increased the cost of sales,

Although the sales cost is still much lower than that of retail stores, he still feels that the cost is too high.

The main reason is that online payment is not available now, which makes him strongly want to build an online payment system so that users can transfer money from banks on the Internet.

So he put the Internet payment system on the development schedule, but instead of doing it in the name of Phoenix Software, he planned to set up a separate company to operate this matter.

How much the sales performance has skyrocketed is within his expectations. After all, it has solved the biggest obstacle for users to use the Phoenix operating system. There is no reason for users not to use such an advanced operating system.

What he wants to see is the reaction of other operating system vendors, and even he has prepared the people in the administrative department. If an operating system vendor sues them, he will immediately invite the best legal team to respond.

He just waited and waited, but there was no feedback of relevant information. At first, he thought that the time was short, and the major operating system manufacturers had not yet determined the market loss, and it would take some time to evaluate.

But a week later, the Phoenix operating system has sold 7 million sets, and still no operating system manufacturer has come forward to criticize Phoenix Software.

This kind of eerie calm made Ye Zishu feel uneasy, but kept thinking about what was wrong with it, which he hadn't figured out.

Generally speaking, no matter whether the major operating systems can win the lawsuit or not, they will want to sue. At least it can interfere with the sales of the Phoenix operating system and slow down their market expansion.

But it seems that they have reached a certain tacit agreement, and all other operating system manufacturers are silent, allowing the Phoenix operating system to quickly seize their market.

Ye Shu, who couldn't figure it out, directly summoned the personnel from the marketing department who stayed at the headquarters to discuss this issue. If he didn't understand this matter, he would have trouble sleeping and eating. There seemed to be a huge conspiracy waiting for him behind the calmness.

"Why didn't the major operating system manufacturers respond to our actions?" Ye Zishu asked straight to the point.

What he said made everyone in the marketing department dumbfounded. Did the boss take the wrong medicine? Isn't it just right to be stumped? Does it feel normal to have someone come out to interfere with you?

Seeing everyone's reactions at the meeting, Ye Zishu said seriously: "If things are abnormal, there must be demons. At least the current situation is very unreasonable."

Hearing what the boss said, people in the marketing department began to pay attention to this issue. The boss was right, there must be monsters when things go wrong, not to mention the huge interests involved, no one will stay out of it.

So the people in the marketing department were thinking hard, trying to think about what secrets they didn't know, or they were negligent.

Seeing that everyone in the marketing department was thinking hard, but no one spoke, Ye Zishu knew that thinking this way was definitely not a solution, and he couldn't think of a reason.

So he said: "It's definitely not okay to think like this, your marketing department can buy some information, which will be more conducive to our accurate judgment.

In addition, we also need to brainstorm for a while, list the various possibilities, and then analyze them one by one, so as to keep the most likely situation.

Who will come first? "

"Could it be that these operating system manufacturers haven't analyzed the situation of our simulator, and if there is no definite evidence, they will definitely not sue us." An employee said.

"It's not impossible, but our simulator doesn't carry out special encryption, and the software isn't particularly huge. One week is enough for them to analyze clearly." Ye Shu denied this possibility.

"Is it possible that these operating system manufacturers know that they can't compete with our Phoenix operating system, and resistance can't stop us, so they simply don't resist." Another employee said.

After Ye Zishu heard about it, although he wanted to deny it immediately, but after thinking about it, for the operating system manufacturers who do not occupy much market, it is really meaningless to resist.

Because the Phoenix operating system is much better than their operating system, their own market share is not high, and the benefits obtained from the operating system are limited.

If it participates in the competition, it will need to invest more costs to develop a graphics operating system comparable to the Phoenix operating system, and it will also need to file a lawsuit with the Phoenix software company, which they cannot afford.

But for a big software company like Microsoft, the operating system market involves too many of their interests, and their strength is relatively strong, so it makes no sense not to struggle.

"Then why didn't a big company like Microsoft respond?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Would Microsoft's struggle to prevent our Phoenix OS from taking over the market?" the employee continued.

"No!" Everyone who attended the meeting said almost in unison.

"That's right. They know that resistance is futile. Instead, they will advertise our operating system well because of the lawsuit, which may in disguise promote us to occupy the market faster." The employee said.

I didn't expect this possibility. After what he said, it is really possible. It's just that, and it's not convincing enough. More evidence is needed to support this conclusion.

"Our operating system has been on sale for a week now. Have you heard any responses from major application software developers? Or do you have any plans to develop application software on our platform?" Ye Zishu asked.

"During this period, many application software companies have asked us for some information about the operating system, which will help them understand our operating system more comprehensively, and is very helpful for developing applications.

But we also asked if they have plans to develop application software in our operating system, and if so, we can provide more help.

As a result, they all said that they should study and study first for the time being, and did not clearly say that they have plans in this regard. ’ said one of the attendees.

The information provided by this employee made all the participants feel a little abnormal, which may be the crux of the problem.


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