Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 143: Sure enough, there is a conspiracy (2/4)

It stands to reason that if the original operating system manufacturers get more support, application software manufacturers can better grasp the new operating system, which is very beneficial to application software manufacturers.

But now I just asked for some materials. Taking these materials back to study, it doesn't mean that I can't study and understand, but it will take a long time.

Moreover, the content of the information is not particularly comprehensive, some details are only understood by Phoenix Software, and Phoenix Software can even provide more support in the process of developing application software.

Phoenix Software Company offered to provide more services. It stands to reason that application software manufacturers should be happy to accept it, but they all refused.

Then there is only one result, that is, these application software manufacturers just use the data to study in the past, but they have no immediate plan to write application software for the Phoenix operating system.

At least this is the case for large application software manufacturers. As for those application software manufacturers with a few people, it is difficult to produce popular application software, and it is impossible for Phoenix Software to provide personal services.

Because there are too many such small companies, so many that Phoenix Software can't take care of them, and providing more services to these companies will cost a lot, and it's not worth it.

"You said, have these large application software manufacturers reached relevant agreements with the previous operating system manufacturers?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It seems that there is such a possibility on the surface, but it is of no benefit to the application software manufacturers, unless the operating system manufacturers give them a lot of benefits." The personnel of the marketing department said.

"However, there is no loss for the application software manufacturers. Anyway, with our simulator, their application software can still run and will not lose customers." Another employee said.

His words awakened everyone present. With the emulator, it doesn't matter whether the application software manufacturer provides a special application program for the Phoenix operating system.

Unless it is their next-generation application software, which requires manpower to develop anyway, but asking them to make another version specifically for the Phoenix operating system, for them, the cost will increase, and the loss will naturally be large.

Thinking about this, everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay. They thought that the emulator was a good medicine to save the Phoenix operating system, but they didn't expect that it might be a cocoon.

"Then why didn't the operating system manufacturers respond?" Another question was raised.

"I think other operating system vendors, knowing that with their current operating system,

It is impossible to contend, and they will definitely make two-handed preparations.

The first-hand preparation is to develop our own new graphics operating system as soon as possible, even if it cannot be comparable to our Phoenix operating system, at least it must look similar.

Only with the same level of products, their counterattack is meaningful. Now counterattack, as I said just now, can not stop our expansion except for advertising.

The second-hand preparation is to hold back the pace of application manufacturers, so that they don't make special application software for our operating system for the time being, and just give some benefits to application software manufacturers.

Anyway, there is no loss for application software manufacturers not to develop special versions of application software for us, and they only need to hold off for a year or two.

In a year or two, major operating system manufacturers rely on their capital and manpower advantages to come up with a graphical operating system that is acceptable to consumers.

At that time, although we occupy a larger operating system market, they will not lose completely. When their graphics operating system comes out, the original application software ecology will still exist.

At that time, we will have a lawsuit with us, and the government may even intervene. If we lose the lawsuit and can no longer use the simulator, will our software ecology be smashed all at once?

This means that even if they lose a year or two, as well as a temporary loss of benefits, as long as they survive this period, everything they lost will come back. "

Ye Zishu obtained the above analysis results based on the analysis results of each employee just now, and the more he talked, the more he felt that this possibility was greater.

Although there is no story of trying to make a living abroad, what they are currently doing is trying to make a living, and it does not require too much cost to maintain the results they want.

The root of everything is still on the operating system emulator. The Phoenix operating system is very popular because of this emulator, and it will also encounter major failures because of this emulator in the future.

It may also be because they saw an opportunity from the simulator, so naturally they would not jump out to file a lawsuit against the simulator and Phoenix Software.

If Phoenix Software loses the lawsuit and has to disable it on the Phoenix operating system, then Phoenix Software will definitely think of other ways to solve the problem of insufficient application ecology.

At that time, the situation will become more complicated and beyond their control, and their original plan of temporarily dormant for a year or two will be completely ruined.

That's why they acted so calmly, because they were afraid of arousing a strong reaction from Phoenix Software, so they simply pretended they didn't see it, hoping that Phoenix Software wouldn't see through the key point.

Once Phoenix Software is immersed in the glory of the Phoenix operating system without realizing the potential crisis, they will be able to spend a lot less effort when they counterattack in the future.

It is difficult for ordinary people to think of this level. As long as the company develops smoothly, and even thinks that it has occupied most of the operating system market and is complacent, it will not be aware of the existence of danger at all.

The marketing staff who attended the meeting were all stunned when they heard Ye Zishu's analysis. Can these manufacturers see the key to the matter in such a short period of time?

This is too scary. If this is the case, if Phoenix Software relaxes its vigilance, it will really fall into their hands.

"If this is the case, it means that other operating system vendors have already united, otherwise they would not be so surprisingly consistent." An employee in the marketing department said.

The others nodded, agreeing with this point. Only the alliance can be so consistent, and can persuade so many large application software vendors to delay time and buy them more time.

"So don't underestimate any competitors. Just because we have a temporary advantage in products, we can't think that we can win the world. Crisis surrounds us all the time."

Ye Zishu finally issued such warning words, reminding the personnel in the marketing department not to underestimate any competitors in the future work, maybe when we are proud, it is the time when our crisis comes.

"In order to verify whether this analysis is true, the marketing department can arrange people to inquire about some news. Whether it is true or not, we must prevent such dangers from happening." Ye Shu said.

"Understood." The marketing staff said in unison.

After the meeting ended, Ye Zishu returned to his office, sat at his desk, and thought about the content of the meeting just now. Although it was a crisis, it was actually an opportunity.

Once any conspiracy is discovered, it will become powerless, and now, whether it is a conspiracy they discussed or a coincidence, it is an opportunity for Ye Shu.

If those application software manufacturers immediately develop application software for the Phoenix operating system platform, Ye Zishu will not be able to compete with them, and it may not be able to win.

However, since they have adopted a delaying strategy, they have just given more opportunities to the software companies under the leaf book, and wait until these more advanced, powerful and useful application software are launched.

However, if the application software of other application software manufacturers has not been updated for a long time, or if it is only slightly modified, it is not very competitive at all.

Consumers don't think so much, they all vote with their feet, whoever's software is easy to use, and whose software can improve their production efficiency, they will use whose software.

At that time, even if these traditional application software vendors cannot be completely defeated, they are destined to become niche application software vendors and gradually die out naturally.

Once his software company has an advantage, it is impossible for him to give the other party a chance to stand up. Even if the company's employees are not good, he will go into battle in person.

And relying on the technology he possesses, he will never let the opponent have a chance to take the lead in technology. In the competition, they will eventually choose to close their doors because they can't afford it.

Thinking of this, the corner of Ye Zishu's mouth smiled slightly. It is just that "misfortune comes with blessings, and blessings come with misfortunes." It is still unknown who will have the last laugh.


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