Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 144 Money is spent (3/4)

The following incidents basically confirmed this guess. According to the news obtained by the marketing department from various channels, those large application software companies did not carry out project plans for the Phoenix operating system platform.

Moreover, almost all the operating system manufacturers chose to remain silent collectively, as if the hot Phoenix operating system they were selling had nothing to do with them.

They also did not publicly announce that they would abandon the research and development of the operating system and transform into other software. Instead, some operating system manufacturers who were already on the fringes expressed their abandonment of this business.

During this period, Phoenix Software finally launched the Phoenix programming language for the Phoenix operating system. The only difference from the previous Phoenix programming language is that the virtual machine is at a different level.

The Phoenix operating system written by Leaf Book comes from the underlying hardware architecture and can run independently of the operating system. It is a real basic programming language.

The current release is a virtual machine built on the Phoenix operating system. The virtual machine is at the application layer of the operating system. Apart from this difference, there is no change in the programming language.

Since Phoenix Software currently only launches virtual machines based on the Phoenix operating system, it means that software written in the Phoenix programming language can only run on the Phoenix operating system for the time being.

Moreover, for a period of time, Phoenix Software Company did not intend to develop virtual machines for other operating systems. The purpose of doing so was to strengthen the application ecosystem construction of the Phoenix operating system.

The Phoenix programming language is not an open source programming language. Naturally, other companies cannot write virtual machines for other operating systems in private. Even Phoenix Software Company did not tell the outside world that the Phoenix programming language is perfectly cross-platform.

This is considered to be the official launch of the commercial version of the Phoenix programming language by Phoenix Software Company. Individuals do not need to purchase a license for learning and use, but commercial projects using the Phoenix programming language need to purchase a license.

Perhaps the Phoenix operating system is too advanced in this era, and its sales performance is even hotter than Microsoft's win95 sales performance.

In just one month, 12 million sets were sold. If the current computer stock in the world is not too high, this figure may be even higher.

The reason why it has achieved such good results in this era, in addition to its advanced nature, is its strong compatibility, which allows many existing computers with relatively low configuration to run.

In the previous life, Microsoft's win95 only supported chips above 80386, and earlier chips did not support it. This caused many computers to be unable to use win95, but the Phoenix operating system did not have this limitation.

Apart from the fact that the Phoenix operating system has its own technology to achieve this, the most important reason is that they have not reached a cooperation alliance with Intel, and there is no need to deliberately increase the usage conditions for Intel to sell more chips.

Seeing this sales data, Ye Zishu knew that the Phoenix operating system was temporarily stable. It should not be a big problem to sell 40 million sets within a year, and it is likely to reach 50 million sets.

The Phoenix office software system is also more and more popular among consumers in the commercial field. Many functions are more powerful than existing office software, which is of great help to improve work efficiency and work quality.

This is different from individual users. Most individual users only need to use basic functions, and many advanced functions are basically not available, and they may not be able to use them, and they have no intention to learn these usage skills.

Therefore, during this month, the Phoenix Office software system has also sold 5 million sets, and unlike the Phoenix operating system, the sales data of the Phoenix Office software has gradually increased.

These two businesses alone brought Phoenix Software an actual income of 3 billion U.S. dollars in a month, which immediately resolved the financial crisis of Yeshu, which was originally in a tight pocket.

Moreover, the government also recognizes Phoenix Technology as a high-tech company, which implements a preferential tax rate, and only needs to pay a 5% corporate income tax.

This saves a lot of tax for Phoenix Technology, and he intends to use the money for three parts. The first part is reserved for Phoenix Technology to continue to increase subsidiaries and expand product lines.

Many subsidiaries have been established before, but due to financial and personnel problems, they are all in an empty shell state, and now they have to start slowly.

The current Phoenix Software Company is no longer unknown. Almost all state units and private units in China have purchased the Phoenix operating system, and the order volume has reached 200,000 sets.

Since it is all the money of the state unit, it is basically purchased together with the office software. Although it is not comparable to the income from overseas, it has also brought 300 million yuan in revenue to Phoenix Software.

Based on the current human resource price in China, 300 million yuan is enough to support the employee salary expenses of all subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology.

Therefore, Phoenix Technology Company left 1 billion yuan for the daily operation and personnel salary expenses of all its subsidiaries, at least for now, it is enough.

The second part is to build the headquarters, R\u0026D center and staff residences for Phoenix Software, which requires an expenditure of 2 billion yuan, and these buildings must be completed before the end of the year.

But Leaf Book has already asked people to choose suitable places in Shanghai, Wuhan, Xi'an, Chengdu, Changsha, Hangzhou, Nanjing and other places to build headquarters, R\u0026D centers and residences for the subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology.

The reason for choosing these cities is that these cities are rich in university resources. If Phoenix Software wants to build a relatively complete application ecosystem, it must have the support of a large number of application software.

The development of these application software requires a huge amount of manpower to avoid gathering in the capital, so simply build the headquarters in a city rich in university resources.

At that time, students who graduate from colleges and universities in these places will not need to travel thousands of miles to work in the capital, and can directly start jobs in the local area, which reduces the difficulty for college students to choose companies under Phoenix Technology.

He is now competing with the national unit for human resources. If he wants to win this competition, he must provide better conditions than the national unit. This is not just a matter of high salary.

Decades later, there are still so many people struggling to get into the civil service. It stands to reason that the salaries of civil servants are not very high, so if you want to attract talents, you must show more sincerity.

Moreover, the headquarters in other cities were originally planned to be as large as the headquarters of the Phoenix Software Company, and they would be built in several phases. After all, the limited funds cannot be used for building houses.

For this part of the funds, he has prepared 5 billion yuan, which includes the construction cost of Phoenix Software's headquarters. This part of the funds is mainly used to purchase land, first to enclose cheap land, and then develop it in stages.

The third part is to repay the loans of Shengshi Cultural Company's subsidiaries, mainly Shengshi Advertising Company's loan, and the rest will be lent to Xuanwu Technology Company and Lingtong Technology Company under Qinglong Technology Company.

Among them, the fund for Xuanwu Technology Company alone is as high as 8 billion yuan, and the loan for Lingtong Technology Company is also 500 million yuan, so that the two companies will not be short of funds this year.

The loan certificates that were previously processed at China Guangfa Bank were not used after all, and the financial pressure was temporarily relieved by moving left and right in the middle. Later, Phoenix Software began to make efforts to completely solve the financial problem.


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