Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 146 People-oriented (1/4)

Since Phoenix Software Company started to make a profit, Ye Shu started to turn his attention to the field of communication and electronic manufacturing, which will be his very important work in the second half of the year.

Although Phoenix Technology is recruiting aggressively, these new employees still need to be trained for several months to carry out actual work. They will not be allowed to work independently for the time being, and need old employees to learn while doing.

According to the different business scopes of its subsidiaries, Ye Zishu splits up the list of application software that it has compiled and handed them over to the responsible persons of these companies.

And hand over the application software architecture design and function design that you have completed, as well as some key technical materials to relevant companies, and let them wait until new employees have mastered basic programming skills before starting to develop slowly.

And he himself flew directly to the headquarters of Shenzhen Xuanwu Technology Company, because according to the schedule, they should have almost entered the trial production stage.

When Ye Zishu came to Shenzhen, he still saw Director Wu and Wu Chaoqiang from the Investment Promotion Office of Nanshan District picking up the plane together, which shows how much Nanshan District attaches importance to Ye Zishu.

It can be said that Nanshan District has pinned all its hopes on Xuanwu Technology Company. Naturally, it is very concerned about Ye Zishu's itinerary. It is estimated that Ye Zishu has just booked a flight ticket and received the news here.

"Director Wu is too polite. I don't need to bother you to pick up the plane every time. I just come here to handle the business of Xuanwu Technology Company." Ye Zishu said to Director Wu.

"Mr. Ye is serious. You are our distinguished guest. I should come to greet you." Director Wu said with a smile.

"Xuanwu Technology Company is a very important part of my strategic map. I came here in a hurry just after finishing my work in the capital, just to promote the next work of Xuanwu Technology Company.

The smooth progress of Xuanwu Technology Company during this period should also be thanked for the support of the Nanshan District Government. I heard that in order to catch up with the progress, the district government has fully cooperated. We should thank you. "Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

When Director Wu heard Ye Zishu's words, the smile on his face was even better. With his words, the project of Xuanwu Technology Company is considered stable.

To be honest, the Nanshan District government was a little worried about Xuanwu Technology during this time, and it all stemmed from the issue of the guaranteed loan a few months ago.

This let the Nanshan District government know that Xuanwu Technology Company is facing the risk of food shortage at any time. If it is really out of food, it will be a very difficult problem.

At that time, whether the government of Nanshan District will bite the bullet and support it, or give up decisively, is a question they must consider.

It's just a turnaround in the future, and I didn't expect Phoenix Software to explode suddenly.

Now that Xuanwu Technology has received huge financial support, although the establishment of the semiconductor chip industry chain is still insufficient, there is no funding gap for the establishment of the general electronics manufacturing industry chain.

In fact, the progress of Xuanwu Technology Company is progressing in an orderly manner, and Ye Zishu moves left and right, which still ensures that Xuanwu Technology Company's capital chain is in a stable state.

It's just that now it's the final stage, and a lot of equipment has entered the manufacturing process, and a lot of equipment and materials have been purchased, which has led to a huge increase in the amount of funds consumed in the short term.

After the electronic manufacturing equipment is manufactured, a large number of electronic manufacturing production lines can be built. At this time, a complete ordinary electronic manufacturing industry chain has been established.

Ye Zishu came here this time, on the one hand, to see how the overall progress is, because the progress here will affect the arrangement of Lingtong Technology Company, and it will also affect Ye Zishu's future plans.

On the other hand, it is to see if there are any difficulties here that are difficult to deal with. He personally sits in charge, and these problems can be easily solved, which can greatly speed up the progress of various projects.

Director Wu was so happy to see Ye Zishu this time. Apart from being polite, they actually seemed to see hope. Xuanwu Technology Company will soon enter the production stage.

After exchanging pleasantries at the airport for a while, everyone came to the headquarters of Xuanwu Technology Company. The current headquarters of Xuanwu Technology Company is no longer in the original place.

The infrastructure work of Xuanwu Technology Company's headquarters, R\u0026D center, production plant, residential quarters, and commercial facilities has been completed. Although it is the first phase of infrastructure construction, it can accommodate 200,000 people to work, live and live at the same time.

Among the funds he invested in Xuanwu Technology Company, a considerable part of the funds was spent on these infrastructures. If the contractor had not paid for the construction in the early stage, Xuanwu Technology Company would not have been able to build such a huge construction plan.

So far, Ye Zishu has invested a total of 11 billion yuan in Xuanwu Technology, of which 7 billion yuan has been used for these infrastructures, and the remaining 4 billion yuan is for research and development, equipment procurement and future personnel salaries.

The reason why the latter accounted for so little is mainly because most of the technology is self-owned, and Ye Zishu provided them with a large amount of technical information, which made the research and development costs plummet.

Otherwise, with just a few people in the R\u0026D center, how could it be possible to develop dozens of hundreds of key equipment in such a short period of time, and the technology is at the world's leading level.

Without the technical information he provided, the research and development costs of these key equipment alone would have reached tens of billions of yuan. This is equivalent to Ye Zishu's own efforts, and he has accomplished a feat that can only be accomplished by the cooperation of countless companies.

When Ye Zishu arrived at the headquarters, looking at the brand new office building in front of him, he finally felt a little bit at home. The office space he rented before did not have this feeling.

After everyone came to the meeting room and sat down, Ye Zishu said straight to the point: "Director Wu, Xuanwu Technology Company will soon enter the trial production stage.

Prior to this, Xuanwu Technology will conduct a large number of personnel recruitment. In addition to recruiting more R\u0026D personnel and management personnel, more ordinary employees will be recruited.

Therefore, I hope that the district government can improve the efficiency in handling relevant documents for these ordinary employees, and with so many people gathering, I hope the district government can also pay attention to public security issues. "

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, our district government will fully cooperate with Xuanwu Technology Company to handle the next thing smoothly." Director Wu said.

It is not so easy to go out to work now. Guangzhou catches blind people on the streets almost every day, and many people are caught in the police and locked up. This is no joke at all.

He does not want the employees he recruited to encounter such a situation, so he hopes that the district government can provide more convenience and improve processing efficiency in terms of applying for residence permits for employees.

Hearing Director Wu's words, Ye Zishu expressed his gratitude to the district government for what it has done for Xuanwu Technology Company, and then turned to Wu Chaoqiang and said: "Because most of the ordinary employees come from rural areas, many of them may be entering the city for the first time.

Xuanwu Technology Company needs to arrange the reception work well, don't be fooled by scammers, the Guangzhou Railway Station is not peaceful now, you must do a good job in this area. "

"Mr. Ye, please rest assured, we will do a good job in this area, and we will invite the police to assist if necessary." Wu Chaoqiang said.

Ye Zishu nodded, and then continued: "Among the people we recruit, apart from some urban residents, most of them are migrant workers.

You should know the literacy rate among farmers. Although the electronic manufacturing industry is mainly manual labor, the necessary literacy skills are still needed.

Moreover, the improvement of literacy rate is also of great benefit to the company's management. It can effectively reduce management costs and allow employees to live in this city with peace of mind.

Therefore, for a long time to come, Xuanwu Technology Company will not only train their work skills, but also undertake their literacy education.

Unlike other factories, we let employees create benefits for us day and night. We should also pay attention to the growth of employees and make their work more valuable.

Therefore, in the future, Xuanwu Technology Company will implement a daily work system, and the company can use the time after get off work in the afternoon to provide skills training and literacy education for employees. "

Director Wu, who was sitting beside him, was a little surprised when he heard Ye Zishu propose Xuanwu Technology Company's daily working hours, because they had seen too many private companies, and working 10 hours a day was considered benevolent.

Most factories require employees to work 12 hours a day, and almost every day, except for going to work, eating, and sleeping, employees don’t have much free time for themselves.

Not only that, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. also provides skills training and literacy education for employees. This is something that other companies rarely pay attention to.

As for literacy education, it is even more impossible, because it also requires costs. Teachers need to be invited from the school to serve as teachers, and additional costs need to be paid.

"Will this affect the competitiveness of Xuanwu Technology Company?" Director Wu asked worriedly.

"Although this will indeed increase our costs, it will also improve the management efficiency of our company and make it easier for employees to master more advanced skills.

It is impossible for us to let employees work with blood and sweat for a lifetime. Enterprises exist for profit, but enterprises also need to assume certain social responsibilities.

Moreover, we operate the entire industry chain, and the competition is smaller than that of other electronics companies, so we can still afford some additional costs. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

In the future, Xuanwu Technology will still mainly produce the products of its subsidiaries, so naturally it will not squeeze too much, and it will give Xuanwu Technology enough profit margins.

Of course, Xuanwu Technology Company will also accept production orders from the outside world, mainly to manufacture high-level products, and will not compete with other companies in the manufacture of low-end products.

It is precisely because of this corporate positioning that he attaches so much importance to the education and training of employees, and even builds a large number of residential communities in order to allow employees to work with peace of mind.

If my country wants to transition from low-end manufacturing to high-end manufacturing, in addition to technical issues, it also needs to improve the overall quality of employees. People-oriented development will run through all his companies.


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