Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 147 Worried about not enough orders? (two/four)

The residential building provided by Xuanwu Technology Company is not the dormitory room of the previous life, but a normal family living structure, and single employees are also allocated one room per person.

At that time, Xuanwu Technology Company will formulate an evaluation system to give ordinary employees a channel for promotion. If they meet certain standards, they will be assigned a house, and they can take their families over to live together.

Although the ownership of these houses is owned by the company, as long as they work in the company, they only need to pay a small amount of rent and can use them all the time.

As for completely free, he thought about it, but he knew he couldn't do it. Generally, the benefits obtained without cost are rarely cherished by anyone.

"Because there are too many ordinary employees, there must be a lot of teachers needed. At that time, I will ask the district government to help solve the problem of part-time teachers." Ye Zishu said to Director Wu.

"That's no problem!" Director Wu said.

Since the re-education work is after get off work and the teachers are off work at that time, there is no delay in the normal work of the school, and teachers can also earn more money by working part-time.

"Xuanwu Technology Company will introduce some incentive measures at that time. For example, whoever recognizes all 2000 commonly used characters first will give employees a promotion and raise their salary." Ye Zishu turned to Wu Chaoqiang and said.

After talking about things that need the cooperation of the district government, the simple meeting is over. After Ye Zishu invited Director Wu to have lunch at the company.

In the afternoon, a group of people went down to inspect. Ye Zishu mainly looked at the construction of the production area, R\u0026D center, residential area, and commercial area.

After some inspection, Ye Zishu is still very satisfied. All the main buildings have been constructed, but there are still some finishing works that have not been completed, which will not affect normal production and life.

The entire production area is very large, there are chemical preparation production plants that provide chemical preparations, and each chemical preparation has a special production plant responsible for production.

There are also factories responsible for the production of materials. Each material will also have a dedicated production factory for production. It can be said that chemical agents and materials are the basis of any manufacturing industry.

These materials and chemical factories alone occupy a lot of space, and there is still a lot of space left for future expansion.

Then there are parts production factories, such as transistors, capacitors, etc. These parts factories are built according to a certain demand ratio to ensure that they can meet the terminal production needs.


There are also production factories that specialize in the manufacture of related equipment. Due to the large number of equipment types, there are also a large number of factories that produce equipment.

In the future, these basic industries will not only supply Xuanwu Technology's own industries, but will also be sold externally to meet the needs of other companies.

Because it is only for internal use, it is likely that such a huge industrial chain cannot be supported. Even if it is barely supported, there is not much money invested in further research and development, and it will eventually be eliminated by the market.

Unless the other companies of Leaf Book need the support of huge electronic manufacturing industry, so that Xuanwu Technology Company has a lot of orders, it can support a huge basic industrial chain.

He took a look and saw that the factories providing equipment for electronics manufacturing were already in operation. After these equipments were produced, we could talk about establishing an electronics manufacturing production line later.

Director Wu accompanied Ye Zishu to inspect these places throughout the whole process. First, let Ye Zishu feel that the government attaches great importance to it. Second, if Ye Zishu has new needs that require the cooperation of the government, they can also solve them on the spot.

For dinner, Ye Zishu also invited Director Wu and his party to the company cafeteria, but they were all common meals, so he didn't dare to make it too grand, and he didn't want to make it special.

After dinner, Ye Zishu came to his office, and Wu Chaoqiang also came over. There were people from the government in front of him, so it was hard to say something. Now it's time to talk about internal affairs.

"When do you expect to be able to officially start production?" Ye Zishu asked straight to the point.

It is now mid-August, and the progress is much later than he expected, and he can understand that, after all, he is not here often, and there are too many things to develop.

During this period of time, the scientific research personnel in the R\u0026D center have been working overtime. In addition, there are some problems with the capital chain in the early stage. Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. properly controls the use of funds.

"Now the funding problem is no longer a problem. All kinds of equipment, materials and parts required for ordinary electronics manufacturing have been developed and are entering the trial production stage.

Our main work now is the recruitment of personnel and the installation and commissioning of the electronic manufacturing production line. I expect that in mid-September, the entire industrial chain will enter the production stage.

At the end of September, the manufacturing line has entered the trial production stage, but the initial production capacity should not be very large, and we need to wait for the yield rate to increase before we can expand production capacity. "Wu Chaoqiang said.

"Is one month enough?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Sure enough!" Wu Chaoqiang gritted his teeth and said.

Although these words seem to be that the boss wants to give him more time, in fact, he is asked to issue a military order. He can serve as the president of Xuanwu Technology Company.

Seeing what he said, Ye Zishu nodded in satisfaction and said, "You are the foundation for the development of my electronics industry. If you don't start work, other companies under my company won't be able to start work."

"We understand that only the products of Lingtong Technology can support such a huge electronic manufacturing capacity?" Wu Chaoqiang asked.

This is also what he is most worried about. There is no problem in establishing the entire industrial chain, and there is no problem in expanding production capacity. He and Xuanwu Technology Company are all suffering.

But if there are not enough orders to support the industry, then they will fall into a passive position. He has not asked before, that is not the time yet.

Now that the production stage is about to come, this question is what he cares most about. If he can hold back and ask now, he is already very determined.

"Don't underestimate Lingtong Technology's order. If it goes well, your first phase of production capacity will be fully filled by them." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

This is not an exaggeration. The market scale involved in the communication industry is very large, and my country is a country with a vast territory and a large population. As long as the country is determined to improve its domestic communication infrastructure.

Lingtong Technology Company will have endless orders, and relying on the technical strength of Lingtong Technology Company, he is confident that he will take all the domestic communication orders and not leave too much soup for others.

Of course, this is his own idea, and the government may deliberately hand over some less important orders to other companies out of industrial security considerations, but regardless of this, it is certain to occupy most of the market.

Moreover, Linktone still has a vast overseas market to occupy. With their excellent Internet communication and telephone communication equipment and technology, coupled with the much lower domestic manufacturing costs, their competitive advantage is too great.

After speaking, Ye Zishu saw that Wu Chaoqiang was still worried, Ye Zishu said: "Lingtong Technology Company is just an electronic research and development company under my company, focusing on the communication industry.

After your production capacity is up, I will set up other electronics companies, which will definitely bring you endless orders. Don't complain that there are too many orders and you can't keep up. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Wu Chaoqiang finally let go of his worries. He still believed in the boss's ability, and no one would believe him when he said it. All the electronic technical materials of Xuanwu Technology Company came from the boss alone.

He had some doubts before, but seeing the boss talking and laughing with the R\u0026D personnel in the R\u0026D center about technical problems, his doubts no longer exist.

No matter how unbelievable it is, it is certain that the boss really knows these skills, and at most it can only be attributed to the boss's genius.

Since the boss promised to build more electronic companies, he didn't doubt it, because he thought it would be difficult for the boss.


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