Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 148 Reforming Xuanwu Technology Company (3/4)

"The general electronics manufacturing industry chain is basically established, and in the future, we only need to increase production capacity according to business needs.

So next you have a more important job, which is the chip manufacturing industry. If a country does not have its own chips and related manufacturing industries, it cannot be called an electronic power. "Leaf Book said.

Compared with the ordinary electronics manufacturing industry, it is much more difficult to build an advanced semiconductor industry chain. Even if he provides a full set of technical information, it is very difficult to develop the equipment.

Because the machinery and equipment used above are all high-precision equipment and require advanced basic industrial support, it is obvious that our country's foundation in this area is still too weak.

If Xuanwu Technology wants to take off the crown of the semiconductor industry, it must start from the foundation and slowly advance to the stage of advanced semiconductor equipment step by step.

With advanced semiconductor production equipment, it is also necessary to cooperate with very advanced manufacturing processes to use these advanced equipment to produce advanced semiconductor products.

He has actually given the R\u0026D center advanced equipment materials and drawings related to lithography machines, etching machines, ion implanters, etc., but they have not yet produced equipment that meets the requirements.

Because the foundation is not solid enough, and even some parts are not available. Due to the problem of funds, they can only thoroughly understand the information related to the basic industry in the laboratory, and study technical and technological issues in the laboratory.

This is why Ye Zishu said that to build an electronics and semiconductor industry chain, it needs to invest at least 50 billion yuan, because these basic investments alone are a huge investment.

"This needs more financial support!" Wu Chaoqiang said simply and clearly.

"Don't worry about the funds. I will continue to provide you with more funds. What you have to do now is to establish advanced basic industries first, otherwise you will not be able to do the following things." Ye Zishu said.

The boss said so, and Wu Chaoqiang felt relieved, because investing in semiconductors, and building the entire industrial chain, the money spent is not comparable to what it is now.

He just reminded the boss, because in his opinion, it is very difficult to support such a huge industrial chain by relying on Phoenix Software alone.

Regardless of how popular the Phoenix operating system and office software are, even if these two softwares sold 40 million units each according to Microsoft's previous record, the revenue was only US$12 billion.

It seems to be a lot, and it is 68.4 billion yuan when converted into RMB.

However, it is impossible to give all of this money to Xuanwu Technology Company. The enterprises under Phoenix Technology Company are in the stage of development and need huge financial support.

Moreover, Phoenix Technology also needs to establish a large number of software industrial parks in cities with concentrated educational resources in the country, which also requires a lot of money.

"In addition to the funding problem, there is also the problem of industrial workers. These basic industries are all high-tech industries, and migrant workers cannot do these things.

Workers with strong technical skills generally work in state-owned enterprises. When we recruit them, it is more difficult, especially when they leave their hometowns, it is basically impossible. "Wu Chaoqiang said.

Now there is no problem of layoffs, and workers still hold their jobs. Even if some state-owned enterprises have defaulted on their salaries, these state-owned enterprise employees have not thought about leaving the state-owned enterprise, because the state-owned enterprise is their place to live and work.

It is naturally difficult for private companies to recruit them. At most, they do some private work for private companies. Many small private business owners hire senior technicians from state-owned enterprises to do private work, and the prices are quite high.

"Most state-owned enterprises have not had a good life for a few years, but the problems you mentioned do exist. The solution I can think of is to give them better conditions besides high salaries.

In order to allow them to work in their hometowns, you don't need to put all industries together. You can choose areas with rich professional human resources to build production plants according to your needs.

For example, Shenyang, Liaoning Province has very strong machinery manufacturing capabilities. You can put the company's CNC machine tool production base there, so that you can recruit people nearby and reduce the cost of personnel hopping. "Leaf Book said.

When Gu heard Ye Zishu say this, Wu Chaoqiang was a little surprised. If this method is followed, all links in the semiconductor industry chain will be spread all over the country.

This has virtually increased the cost of industrial construction and the cost of terminal production, because the current domestic transportation conditions are not good, and many important domestic industrial bases are in the mainland.

Seeing Wu Chaoqiang's expression, Ye Zishu said: "I also want to put the industry together to reduce circulation costs, but the current situation does not allow us to do so, so we can only do so.

Fortunately, the added value of the basic semiconductor industry is relatively high, and there is no big problem in bearing such costs, but the scale of our investment should be appropriately enlarged.

However, you can also rely on these basic industries to make each link of the industry bigger and stronger, so that it has strong competitiveness, instead of just developing as a supporting industry for our electronic semiconductor industry.

For example, the CNC machine tool industry can be applied to all machining industries and is the foundation of heavy industry. The market prospect is still very broad. I hope that a giant CNC machine tool company will emerge under Xuanwu Technology.

And whether the optical instruments used in lithography machines can be extended to produce digital cameras, or provide professional lenses to downstream manufacturers, this is also a huge market.

You must have an eye for discovery and look for new markets at all times, instead of treating these industries as supporting industries for semiconductors, you will not know how to develop without semiconductors. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Wu Chaoqiang nodded. Although he didn't think it must be a supporting industry for the semiconductor industry, he didn't have a clear idea either.

After Ye Zishu's simple explanation, although there are still more markets waiting for them to discover, the direction of this effort can be determined.

"In order to allow these industries to develop better, I think it is necessary to reform Xuanwu Technology Company!" Ye Zishu thought for a while and said.

Now they are all gathered in one company, which is completely like a hodgepodge. Without the free development of various industrial links, the sensitivity to the market will definitely be reduced a lot.

People are inert. If everyone huddles together to eat a big pot of rice, they will not think about discovering more markets by themselves, and are all waiting for the assignment of tasks from above, just like the current state-owned enterprises.

He didn't wait for Wu Chaoqiang to speak, and continued: "Before, due to limited funds and resources, they could only be put together, so that resources can be shared, and the cost is actually lower.

However, with the completion of the research and development of various industrial links, it is about to enter the industrial production link, and Xuanwu Technology Company has entered the next stage.

I think that the various industrial links involved in the entire electronic semiconductor industry should be separated and established as separate subsidiaries, and the procurement between companies is also completely market-oriented.

If a subsidiary wants to obtain more profits, it must find the market by itself. If there is a problem with the operation of a certain subsidiary, the management team will be replaced directly, indicating that they are not suitable for leading the development of the enterprise.

Although this gives them more freedom, it also gives them more responsibility and pressure, which will make them more sensitive to the market and able to adapt to the needs of market-oriented development. "

"I have no objection to this kind of reform, but if it is divided in this way, Xuanwu Technology will have hundreds of subsidiaries at once, will it be a bit too many?

Moreover, with so many subsidiaries, it will be difficult for the head office to supervise them. If they operate independently and develop well, that’s all. If there are serious problems, it will be difficult for us to find out and remedy them in time. "Wu Chaoqiang said.

"So, it is very necessary for us to modernize our management. Through modern technology, we can reduce management costs and increase the transparency of the system." Ye Shu said.


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