Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 150 Selecting the person in charge of the subsidiary (1/4)

After talking with Wu Chaoqiang, Ye Zishu went directly to the R\u0026D center to see how their research work in all aspects of the semiconductor industry chain was doing.

In fact, these equipment materials, production process data and raw material production materials are provided by Ye Zishu almost at the same time as the relevant materials of ordinary electronic manufacturing industry.

But the semiconductor chip is the crown of the modern electronics industry after all, and the requirements in all aspects are much higher than those of ordinary electronic manufacturing.

It can be said that almost all links require the R\u0026D center to start research and development from scratch, starting from the research and development of materials, including the equipment for producing these materials.

In addition, the R\u0026D personnel recruited by Xuanwu Technology Company are not the top talents in the country, and the top talents are not something he can easily recruit.

So the entire R\u0026D center is basically in a state of learning while developing. He came here last time and helped them solve many problems.

This time I plan to stay a little longer, and plan to conduct more comprehensive training for the people in the R\u0026D center to improve their R\u0026D capabilities.

Now because he has nothing, he has to come up with all the information, but in the future he hopes that the people in the R\u0026D center can develop more advanced technologies on this basis.

He doesn't want to have to provide technical information all the time. With the continuous increase of his industrial group, it will become more and more difficult for him to focus on a certain thing.

And the knowledge he has acquired now is all from the virtual library when he sorted out these materials before, because sorting out the materials does not mean taking them directly.

Instead, we need to read more information and books to find out technical information that suits the current needs and capabilities, and it is more advanced than the current world level.

This needs to be compared and analyzed. In this process, he actually learned a lot of knowledge in this area, and of course it is inseparable from his high IQ, otherwise he would not be able to understand these things.

After the employees in the R\u0026D center got off work, he began to design enterprise management software systems, which involved many types, including all aspects of enterprise management.

After the system architecture design and function design are completed, he still needs to provide technical information, because a programming language alone is not enough to solve the underlying support of the application.

Like many programming languages ​​​​in the previous life, they need to be used with various application frameworks, which can greatly reduce the development difficulty of programmers and improve the development efficiency of application software.

And these application frameworks,

Not only Honghu Software Company can use it, but other software companies and Internet companies under him can also use it.

After these frameworks are developed, ordinary programmers only need to focus on actual business and do not need to solve these underlying technical problems.

I slept in the office for a few hours at night, and after all the employees came to work in the company in the morning, Ye Zishu asked Wu Chaoqiang to issue a notice that the company's top management and middle management will come to hold a general meeting tomorrow.

And he read the personal data and business performance evaluation reports of these middle and high-level managers since the establishment of Xuanwu Technology Company, so as to know what they were doing.

The establishment of a large number of branch companies this time will inevitably lead to the birth of a large number of branch company leaders, which is a happy event for many middle-level leaders.

This means that they have more opportunities for promotion, and at the same time, they have the opportunity to be independent and have greater control, so there will definitely be people who will be active for this.

Although he does not reject human relations, after all, if you want to be a leader in a place, you must have your own team at least, otherwise many tasks will not be able to be carried out, and you will not know that the subordinates are fooling you.

But what he hopes is to take care of people when he is capable. He didn't pay much attention to these middle and high-level leaders before. This time, facing major organizational reforms, some information must be understood.

After reading the information, it is necessary to analyze the entire industry chain, which industries have great development potential and are necessary to establish a separate company.

Some industries will not have a big market in the future, and related industries can be put together to form a company, so that the initial scale of the company will not be too small, making it difficult to grow.

Of course, at the meeting, he will not first present these industrial decomposition plans, but first let the leadership below analyze each industry in the industrial chain.

If the leadership analysis is more comprehensive, it means that the cognition of the industry is clearer, and the enterprise is easier to develop and grow if it is entrusted with their management. This is a test of the leadership ability.

After dinner, he still came to the R\u0026D center and worked overtime with the researchers in the R\u0026D center until 11:00 pm. After the R\u0026D personnel got off work, he was busy with his personal affairs.

"Today's meeting is very important. In view of the fact that Xuanwu Technology's industrial scale is getting bigger and bigger, and crowded together, many industries have greater constraints, which is not conducive to the spread of operations.

So I discussed with Mr. Wu and decided to split the current industry of Xuanwu Technology Company and set up various subsidiaries. After meeting the needs of the headquarters, each subsidiary can develop their own market, organize their own research and development, and be responsible for their own profits and losses.

In the future, Xuanwu Technology Company will exist as the head office. In addition to being responsible for the responsibilities of the head office, it will also be responsible for industrial terminal business, such as electronic product manufacturing, semiconductor product manufacturing, and so on.

The upstream industrial chain will be handed over to each subsidiary for operation, and the headquarters will conduct regular and irregular assessments of each subsidiary.

You are all the initial team members of Xuanwu Technology Company, and have accompanied Xuanwu Technology Company to the present, and there must be some achievements. It is still unclear whether you have the ability to lead an independent subsidiary company.

Therefore, our meeting this time still upholds the principle of fairness and the principle of prioritizing ability. Later, we will discuss all aspects of the industrial chain.

At that time, everyone should speak up actively. Those who have a clearer understanding of a certain industry will have more possibilities to serve as the person in charge of this subsidiary.

If there are people who are evenly matched, then it will be decided according to their usual assessment situation. I think everyone has no objections, right? "Leaf Book asked.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, some people at the scene were shocked, while others looked calm. It can be seen that some people had already obtained the news in advance, while some people just found out.

Ye Zishu sees everyone's expressions, but this is also a normal thing. As the president, Wu Chaoqiang, there must be people close to him in the company.

If they don't know, or if they all know, then there is a problem. The former means that Wu Chaoqiang is a loner, and the latter means that the management of the entire company is Wu Chaoqiang.

Wu Chaoqiang becoming a loner is not conducive to his management of the company. It is very likely that many tasks cannot be carried out. If they are all his people, it means that they are probably already in the iron bucket, which is not good for him as the boss.

Seeing that everyone was silent, he expressed that he had no opinion. Ye Zishu continued: "Everyone has limited time, and there are still many things to do in the company. Let's start now."

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu asked the staff of the administrative department to send out a copy of the information, which included all the industrial links involved in Xuanwu Technology Company.

Next, Ye Zishu started from the most basic part, and discussed each item, mainly to see the performance of these leaders, but he would not express his opinion too much.

So there was a strange scene at the meeting. The company leaders sitting below began to express their views one after another, and some even had public debates to prove that their views were correct.

Ye Zishu, on the other hand, writes and draws in his own small notebook, and Wu Chaoqiang is responsible for the ceremony process. Whether it is a calm discussion or a tit-for-tat debate, he always has the same expression.

Such a meeting lasted for 4 days, and discussed more than 500 major links involved in the industrial chain. In the end, Yepshu did not announce the results on the spot.

Instead, after the meeting ended, He Wu Chaoqiang held a closed-door meeting on the performance of all the management, and issued the appointment document shortly thereafter.

Some people got what they wanted and got the results they wanted, while some still held positions in the head office and didn't get the chance to be delegated.

In fact, among these subsidiaries, there are still some that need to recruit additional managers, because some subsidiaries do not have a satisfactory manager, so they can only find them from outside.

Of course, this is also to avoid that the heads of all subsidiaries are from the headquarters. He told Guo Dongsheng before how to manage a company, and balance is the key.

Some people are not suitable to be the top leader, but they are more qualified as the deputy. In short, after the new appointment document is issued, some people are happy, some are worried, and some don't care.

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