Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-One Avoiding Difficulties of Advancing and Retreating in the Future (2

Although the enterprise structure reform has been carried out, what is currently being carried out is only the management reform, and the R\u0026D center has not been moved at all, mainly because it is afraid of affecting the R\u0026D progress of the R\u0026D center.

And for these R\u0026D personnel, there is actually no big difference whether they work in the head office or in a branch company, and their salaries will not fluctuate too much.

During this period of time, Xuanwu Technology Company followed Phoenix Technology Company to recruit a lot of talents. Ye Zishu had time to read the basic information of these new recruits.

See if there are any talents who are more suitable to be the heads of subsidiaries that have not yet found a person in charge. These new employees are not all fresh graduates from college, and there are also employees who have left state-owned enterprises.

And those managers who have obtained the position of the subsidiary company are starting to prepare for the establishment of the subsidiary company, and even recruit some people in the company as their own team.

Ye Zishu did not stop this, but asked not to recruit too many old employees, so that the work of the head office should not be affected by this, and he encouraged the subsidiaries to hire more new colleagues.

Building a new company from scratch is the most training, and most of these new colleagues are young people who have just graduated, and they are motivated and can learn a lot from them.

Although the current Xuanwu Technology Company has not officially started production, it is not unknown. After all, such a large investment is placed here, and it has entered the final stage.

This has naturally attracted the attention of other local governments. Now that so many subsidiaries have been established, many local governments feel that it is an opportunity.

Ye Zishu has no clear instructions on these, as long as he follows the selection criteria he mentioned earlier, it doesn't make much difference where the industry is placed.

However, he still asked the person in charge of the subsidiary company not to trust the words of the local government, but to do a good job in the investigation of the government's wind assessment and the investigation of the local cultural environment.

As for other objective factors, the person in charge of the subsidiary company can figure it out without him having to say it. The company can't be built in a place with no traffic. Materials can't get in and products can't get out. That's really stupid.

Ye Zishu stayed here until all the directors of the subsidiaries were found, and when he was no longer particularly needed for the work of the R\u0026D center, he left Shenzhen.

It was already September, and Xuanwu Technology Company was about to start production, so he had to return to the capital ahead of schedule to start busy with Lingtong Technology Company.

Originally, he wanted to go to Huawei Technologies to take a look, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

Lao Ren has bet all his wealth on new product research and development, and it is impossible to convince him with a few words.

It would be more appropriate to wait until the products of Lingtong Technology Company came out and he felt that he was unable to compete, and then buy his Huawei Technologies Company, at least it would not cause him to be heavily in debt.

To be honest, he is very optimistic about Lao Ren's ability to manage enterprises. If Lao Ren can be used by him, he can completely hand over Qinglong Technology Company to him.

In this way, he can reduce his huge workload. If you have any new ideas and products, hand them over to him, and you will arrange them for yourself. You don’t need to work hard for everything like you are now.

The last time he invited the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to inspect Lingtong Technology Company, the atmosphere was good at that time, and he felt that there should be a reply soon, but it has been more than two months, and he has not received any news.

This made him a little anxious. The first thing he did when he returned to the capital was to call the leader of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications who came to inspect the previous time to ask about the situation.

In the end, what he replied was that the department was still researching, and the main issue was still on the PHS. There was a fierce debate in the bureau about the PHS and the introduction of GSM.

The main reason is that building a micro-cellular communication network will seriously affect the development of the GSM network, but the advantages of micro-cellular communication technology are also very obvious, at least in line with the current national conditions.

In China, cheap is king. The expensive GSM communication technology will keep many people out of the door, and the fewer users, the more time it takes to charge costs, and it is difficult to reduce the tariff.

As for Lingtong Technology's digital program-controlled switchboard, there is no controversy within the department, because at present, they are either purchasing products from foreign communication giants, or domestic products of poor quality.

However, Lingtong Technology's digital switch products are much more advanced than theirs, but the price is the domestic price. It makes no sense not to purchase Lingtong Technology's products and choose products from other companies.

Hearing what the leader said, Ye Zishu felt that if the debate continued like this, it would definitely be endless, because it was difficult to convince each other, after all, everyone felt that they were right.

Both technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages, and neither of them can overwhelm the other with an absolute advantage. This is the fundamental reason why the debate continues until now.

Ye Zishu thought for a while, and said to the leader over the phone: "Can you let us participate in your discussion meeting, I will provide you with more information, so as to provide you with a more accurate basis for judgment."

Hearing what he said, the leader immediately became interested, and couldn't help asking: "Is there any news about Mr. Ye that we don't know?"

Since the leader asked, Ye Zishu didn't hold back, and said directly: "The leader knows that we have decided to study digital program-controlled switches and a full set of technical equipment.

Even including microcellular communication technology and PHS, the R\u0026D has been basically completed, how much time has it spent in total? "

Hearing what he said, the leader was silent for a moment, and then said from the other end of the phone: "Judging from the registration time of your company, it shouldn't be long."

"The leader is right. Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully registered in March last year, and its research and development began in February. It is still more than five months away from two years.

In less than two years, we have completed a complete set of world-leading Internet solutions, and incidentally solved the problem of insufficient telephone exchange technology in our country, and even completed the cable TV technology incidentally.

In order to allow urban residents to freely enjoy the convenience brought by the mobile network in the city at a relatively low price, we have even developed micro-system communication technology and PHS terminals.

I said this to let the leaders understand our research and development capabilities. The reason why we launched micro-cellular communication technology and PHS is not because we only know this, but because this technology is most in line with our current national conditions.

Moreover, we are unwilling to develop 2G technology behind others, because after our research and development is completed, there will be nothing for us in the world market.

So we put the next-generation mobile communication technology on 3G, a mobile communication technology more advanced than 2G mobile communication technology, to achieve overtaking in curves.

If the leaders trust us, our Lingtong Technology Company will be able to develop a complete set of mature 3G communication technology solutions within two years.

So instead of arguing about 2G communication technology now, it is better to use micro-cellular communication technology as a transition and wait until 3G communication technology comes out.

Once we take the lead in completing the 3G communication technology, not only the domestic market can be completely decided by ourselves, but also the world market will be ours. What a huge industrial chain is this?

And now the country is rushing to start the construction of 2G communication network. After 3G comes out, should it be changed or not?

If it is changed, the previous investment will not be recovered, resulting in serious losses. If it is not changed, our 3G communication technology will be shelved.

The impression left to other countries in the world is that even our own country does not use our 3G communication technology, and it is even more difficult for other countries to use it.

At that time, I will be in a dilemma. If I am allowed to participate in the discussion meeting, what I will say is basically the same as these.

The only addition is that I will provide you with an overview of some 3G technologies that are already under development, to prove that our completion of 3G research and development within two years is not aimless or groundless. "Leaf Book said.

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