Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 152 Key Points of Controversy (3/4)

If it was in the past, no one would believe what Ye Zishu said. After all, in the eyes of others at that time, he was just a slightly famous singer.

But too many things happened during this period. The Phoenix operating system was born, which broke the monopoly of the operating system by the United States and was loved by consumers all over the world.

The Phoenix Software Company was established only about two years ago, and Lingtong Technology Company's advanced communication technology and products were also completed in less than two years.

And they also know that Xuanwu technology company established by Ye Zishu in Shenzhen, after all, with such a large investment, the country must have enough information.

Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. has been established for less than a year, and the entire electronic industry chain they have built is about to be put into the actual production stage.

All these things are in front of them, even if everyone thinks it is magical, but the facts are the facts, and such advanced technology cannot be faked.

Therefore, the leaders of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications did not question the self-confidence revealed in Ye Zishu's words, but thought for a while before agreeing to Ye Zishu's request.

They will organize another seminar tomorrow morning, just ask Ye Zishu to come over directly, and invite him to give a report at the meeting.

Hearing that the leader agreed, Ye Zishu hung up the phone, and then returned to Phoenix Software Company to prepare some materials to be used in the meeting tomorrow.

After sorting out some convincing 3G communication technology materials, although they are all general, but from these materials, you can understand the whole context of Lingtong Technology's 3G research and development.

The real technical details will definitely not be disclosed to the outside world casually, and can only be shown to the outside world after internal research and development and application for global patents.

For patents, the companies under Ye Zishu attach great importance to it, and will arrange people to specialize in patent-related work. For example, the number of patents applied by Phoenix Software Company is as high as tens of thousands.

There are both very heavyweight patented technologies and marginal patented technologies. Anyone who can apply for a patent will apply for a patent. I don't know when it will be used.

After writing the "Report on the Research and Development of Next-Generation Mobile Communication Technology", he thought about it and wrote a discussion article "Research on the Importance of Infrastructure Construction to National Economic Development".

In it, he elaborated in detail the important role that infrastructure plays in the rapid development of the national economy, which is mainly divided into two categories,

One is the construction of communication infrastructure, and the other is the construction of transportation infrastructure.

In fact, everyone has a consensus on the driving role of transportation infrastructure construction, but he feels that the country's current transportation infrastructure construction is not fast enough.

The construction of transportation infrastructure needs to be ahead of economic development in order to play a leading role in economic development, but he did not focus much on this aspect, after all, there are not many new ideas he can propose.

It just focuses on the country's specific impact on the country through the acceleration of transportation infrastructure construction, which is much more detailed than the previous ones.

His article mainly expounds on the field of communication infrastructure, including fixed telephone, mobile communication, Internet communication, etc., because he has clearly felt that the communication industry has restricted the development of the domestic economy.

It’s fine in the previous life. After all, it takes a long time for other domestic economies to develop, but now with him, many advanced technologies will come out ahead of time, and the requirements for communication infrastructure are much higher.

In it, he also explained the main areas of domestic advanced technology development in the future, described the requirements for communication infrastructure in these areas, and the scale of the industry that can be spawned.

Because the parameter requirements alone cannot immediately stimulate everyone's adrenaline, only by clearly explaining the benefits brought by doing so can people agree and invest in it without hesitation.

I handed over the architectural design and functional design materials related to the enterprise management system that I wrote in Xuanwu Technology Company to Honghu Technology Company, and asked them to write related enterprise management system software based on these materials.

And he himself did not immediately devote himself to the previously unfinished tasks, but began to sort out the technical information related to the game engine and carry out related designs.

To make game development relatively easy, the game engine will be an essential existence, and the Phoenix operating system wants to stay ahead, not only in the field of work, but also in the field of entertainment.

Therefore, Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment should carry out its own work as soon as possible. If it achieves good results on the Phoenix OS platform, more game developers will be encouraged to enter the Phoenix OS platform.

In the evening, I went to Tsinghua University to meet Ye Zihua. He had just been admitted to university. Ye Zishu was in Shenzhen at the time, so I didn’t have time to pick him up. I took Ye Zihua to dinner. They were still in the military training stage, so they went back to school after dinner. .

Early the next morning, Ye Zishu had breakfast and headed to the work place of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Today will be a tough battle, which will determine the general direction of my country's future communication technology development and national communication infrastructure construction.

When he arrived, the meeting hadn't started yet. Ye Zishu found the leader's office and sat by his side for a while. When the meeting started, he followed the leader to the conference room.

He basically didn't know many leaders sitting there, mainly because he didn't pay much attention to this information, regardless of his previous life or this life.

The leader introduced Ye Zishu to everyone here. In fact, many of them still recognize Ye Zishu. Anyway, he also showed his face twice in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and the impression was still very deep.

"You may know that this is the big star Ye Shu, but I want to introduce his other identity to everyone. The Phoenix Software Company, which is very popular these days, is his company.

We discussed the Lingtong Technology Company before, this company is also his company, and the electronics industry base that is being established in Shenzhen, the affiliated company Xuanwu Technology Company is also his company. " said the leader.

"No wonder Mr. Ye said he was short of money on the Spring Festival Gala!" A leader joked.

Last Spring Festival Gala, he told audiences all over the country that he was short of money, which made people all over the country know that he was short of money. As for how much money he was short of, everyone didn’t know.

The leader's words aroused good-natured smiles from the other leaders in the conference room. Anyone who invests in so many industries at once will say that the money is not enough.

"How can you dislike having enough money in business, but the most difficult time has finally passed!" Ye Shu also said with emotion.

"Okay, let's stop gossip, let's start today's meeting." The leader patted the table and said.

When the leader spoke, the meeting suddenly fell silent, and everyone began to wait for the leader to continue speaking, but the leader said directly: "We have been arguing for a long time about whether to promote micro-cellular communication technology or introduce GSM communication technology.

We must form a consensus as soon as possible, and time waits for no one. This time I also invited the owner of Lingtong Technology to give us his insights on future communication development.

We must not only base ourselves on the present, but also focus on the future. Only by understanding the development trend of world communication technology can we make more accurate decisions and avoid major losses caused by insufficient information. "

"In terms of the advanced nature of communication technology, there is no doubt that GSM technology has entered the actual deployment stage in Europe. We all know the importance of communication infrastructure to national economic development.

So I think that the sooner the GSM communication technology is introduced, the more beneficial it will be to the country's economic development, and it will also improve the happiness of the people.

Although Lingtong Technology's micro-cellular communication technology has a cost advantage, we are not only looking at the present, but also in a few years, or even ten years later.

The low income of the people now does not mean that the income will not be high in the future. The tariffs that are considered expensive now will not be considered particularly expensive by the people. "A leader at the meeting directly clarified his attitude.

According to the normal development law, there is nothing wrong with this statement. The introduction will not be spread across the country immediately, and the establishment of a communication network covering the whole country on such a large land cannot be completed in a day or two.

What's more, my country's annual economic growth rate is not low, and people's income is also increasing at a visible rate. From the perspective of development, the disadvantage of expensive GSM communication fees is not very important.

Hearing the leader's words, Ye Zishu also knew why he couldn't stand the stalemate, because this argument was not too problematic, and it could even be said to be very correct.

In the previous life, China Mobile's GSM network was used until the construction of the 4G network, and then it began to slowly withdraw from the network, which lasted for nearly 20 years.

At that time, most of them used mobile phones. Although the tariffs were not cheap, the proportion of income was not very large for people's daily use.

But in the current period of time, micro-cellular technology and PHS are still of great help to the common people, and still have great construction value.

In fact, with the rapid development of the Internet, the 2G network is obviously outdated, but it is not very convincing, so we can only strive for more policy support from the perspective of the needs of the people.

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