Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 153: National Security and Industrial Upgrading (4/4)

"It just so happens that Boss Ye is also here. I don't know what opinion Boss Ye has on what he said just now?" The leader looked at Ye Zishu and said.

The opinions of both of them have been fully expressed before, and the side that supports the micro-cellular communication technology does not need to explain its views again.

Next, leave it to Ye Zishu to refute the point of view that does not support one side, so the leader directly called Ye Zishu to answer this question.

"The point of view just now is generally not a problem, because 2G networks are still in the early stages of development, and only a few countries in Europe have started 2G network construction.

What's more, in a country as big as ours, if we want to build a 2G network covering the whole country, we need massive financial support and a long period of continuous investment.

By the time the 2G mobile communication network in our country has been perfected, it may have been several years, not to mention the introduction, we still need to conduct internal testing for a period of time.

A few years later, or even more than ten years later, the income of ordinary people will definitely not be as low as it is now, and the number of users who can afford 2G network charges will increase rapidly.

This is a developmental perspective, and if I were an outsider, I would also support this view. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, the leader who explained this point of view just now showed a smile on his face, because in the eyes of many people, this in itself is not wrong, and now even Ye Zishu has publicly admitted the correctness of this point of view.

But when the topic changed, Ye Zishu said: "However, things cannot be viewed from our current perspective, and we need to consider the emergence of new technologies in a short period of time, breaking the implementation of the original plan.

First of all, it must be clear that for at least 10 years, the tariffs of 2G mobile communication networks must exceed the affordability of most people, and they can clearly feel the pain.

The second is that all 2G mobile communication technologies are in the hands of foreign companies, which means that my country's network communications are completely handed over to foreign manufacturers, which has certain harm to national security.

In the past, national security was mainly concentrated in the field of homeland security, but with the emergence of new technologies, especially the emergence of Internet and mobile communication technologies, information security must be an important part of national security.

Therefore, when building our own communication network, communication security must also be considered. Once a problem occurs, it will bring huge losses to the country's politics and economy.

Finally, the domestic mobile phone market will be completely occupied by foreign manufacturers.

Even if the agreement stipulates the authorization of some technologies, my country's mobile phone manufacturers can only produce low-end products, and foreign manufacturers will use their patents to cut leeks.

This will bring about two problems. The first is that the price of imported mobile phones must be very high. A mobile phone costs several thousand yuan, which will seriously hinder people's enthusiasm for accessing the Internet.

The second is that my country's mobile phone manufacturers have been in the low-end industrial chain for a long time, and they don't have much funds to upgrade their industries. Even if it doesn't lock our road to industrial upgrading, it will take a long time to complete.

As a large country with a vast territory and a large population, it is impossible for us to keep our industry in a low-end position all the time. You must know that 800 million shirts can only be exchanged for one plane of others.

If we don't think about developing our own technology industry from the beginning, then our country will only be able to do some low-end work of clothing OEM for a long time, and it will be even more difficult for the people to become rich.

And these low-end industries are often accompanied by serious environmental pollution and serious energy consumption. All the negative impacts are borne by us, while other developed countries can sit in a coffee shop and drink tea and take away high profits. up.

Therefore, thinking about problems is not only from the perspective of the industry, but also from the overall development goals and needs of the country. If we do this, will the country's development become better? "

There are three points of view mentioned in the leaf book, the second point of which is about national information security, which made everyone present shine brightly.

There was no choice before, but now there is at least a micro-cellular communication technology in front of us. Although it seems to be a little behind GSM, at least this is our completely independent communication technology, and information security can be guaranteed.

There is also the third point of view mentioned by Ye Zishu. If what is advanced from abroad is imported, how will the domestic technological development that has just sprouted be handled? Even if the government of your own country does not support it, can you count on the support of foreign governments?

Although their current technical level is a bit low, everything has a process. It is unrealistic to require domestic companies to develop world-leading technologies at once.

The development of domestic technology is an important prerequisite for us to get rid of the low-end processing industry. If the government does not provide proper support, domestic technology companies can only survive in a narrower space. Whether they can survive is still a matter of debate.

These two points of view touched the hearts of many people, and they were also very powerful counterattacks against those who supported GSM. Some leaders even applauded, making the atmosphere in the conference room instantly weird.

"It's not that we don't support domestic technology, it's just that given the current situation in our country, it's difficult to take on a powerful technology for a while, and it's impossible to wait forever.

A country always needs to develop, and infrastructure is related to the speed of a country's development. We need to think about this issue in a smarter way, rather than domestic theory. "The leader who raised his point of view just now retorted.

Ye Zishu nodded, agreeing with his words. After all, sometimes the development of a country cannot wait for others, and it is not even known when it will be. It cannot wait for a certain domestic industry to develop before starting related construction.

"I also agree with this. Infrastructure construction has a powerful role in promoting domestic economic development. As one of the infrastructure constructions, the communication network should be built as soon as possible." Ye Zishu said.

Seeing that Ye Zishu also agrees with his point of view, the leader who expressed his point of view just now finally looks much better, and finally gained the upper hand in the tit-for-tat confrontation.

But Ye Zishu did not pause for a long time, and immediately said: "But before that, should we understand the technological development plans of domestic technology companies and evaluate the strength of domestic technology companies.

It is not that Lingtong Technology does not have the strength to develop its own 2G communication technology, but that it is completely unnecessary to do so. We are confident that we will be able to come up with 3G communication technology within two years at the latest.

The reason why we launched the micro-cellular communication technology is just to consider the current income level of the common people and feel that the micro-cellular technology is more practical for them.

As a transitional product, the investment in micro-cellular communication technology is not very large, the coverage area is basically located in the city, the density of access users is high, and the time to pay back the cost is relatively short.

Wait for about two years. After our 3G technology comes out, it will take at least five years to build and improve the 3G communication network. By then, the income level of the people will definitely increase a lot.

What's more, our own 3G communication technology is our completely independent intellectual property rights, which is definitely much cheaper than imported technology, allowing domestic people to enjoy more advanced communication technology than foreign countries at a relatively low cost.

What's more, we are the first to launch 3G communication technology, which not only meets the needs of the domestic communication market, but also can be exported to foreign countries and compete with other national communication giants in the international communication market.

This will bring huge benefits to our country, and the enterprises and employees in this industrial chain will gain tangible benefits.

I know that everyone has doubts about what I said, and I just brought some materials, and now I will show you that what I said just now is not aimless, but has a strong execution ability. "

After speaking, Ye Shu will distribute the materials brought over to all the participants at the scene. The file is not thick, and they should be able to read the above content soon.

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