Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 154 Breaking Ten Thousand Laws With Power (1/4)

After Ye Zishu sent the document, he sat in his seat and drank tea for a while, waiting until everyone else had read it.

He put down his teacup and said with a smile: "Everyone should have finished reading, I have a solid grasp of what I just said about 3G communication technology.

You should know that it took more than half a year for our micro-cellular communication technology from project approval to mature products.

During this period, we have also completed the research and development of a full set of network communication technology and mature products. All technical patents are developed by ourselves.

So everyone, don’t doubt the R\u0026D strength of my company. The two years I just said is even a conservative statement. If there are enough people, you can even promise here that you can come up with a mature solution in about a year. . "

In his words, the self-confidence was gushing out, and the people present looked sideways after hearing it. What an arrogant statement, but they had to admit that he did have this self-confidence.

Although the micro-cellular communication technology is not as good as the European GSM communication technology, the research and development of micro-cellular communication technology is not so easy, and the technical content is also very high.

In fact, the micro-cellular communication technology provided by Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. has no difference from GSM in other aspects except that the signal is slightly unstable in high-speed state.

This provides the possibility to deploy micro-cellular communication technology in the wild, but Ye Zishu thinks it is unnecessary to do so, anyway, 3G technology will be available soon, so why invest so much money in transitional technology.

This is also why he positioned the micro-cellular communication technology to be used in cities from the very beginning, because it is only deployed in cities, the investment cost is low, and the investment recovery is fast. When the 3G network is replaced in the future, it can also be easily turned around.

"Although the information given in this document has mentioned your plan for 3G communication technology research and development, the plan is a plan, and whether it can be realized is another matter. No advertising network am~w~w.

After all, GSM communication technology has just been developed abroad, and it was completed only after concentrating so many countries and communication giants in the European Union.

How can you ensure that Lingtong Technology Company can rely on its own strength to come up with a more advanced next-generation mobile communication technology within two years? ’ asked one attendee.

This is so right that Ye Shu doesn't know how to refute it, because no matter what happened, no matter how it is proved, people have reasons to refute it.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "I really want to sign a gambling agreement with you here.

It's just that I know it's impossible, so I can't prove it to you yet.

But I started from the strength of my company and explained why we have the confidence and ability to accomplish this feat.

You should be familiar with my Phoenix software company. You should have used the Phoenix operating system and office software of this company. Is it very useful?

And this operating system and office software started planning when I entered Tsinghua University. At that time, I was the only one who slowly wrote it from the underlying basic language.

After all, I didn’t have the money to hire employees at that time. This is also my original intention to become a singer and set up Shengshi Records, hoping to earn the first pot of gold in my life from the record industry.

Even if I entered Tsinghua University and the Phoenix operating system came out, it took only two years for us to realize the research and development from the underlying technology to the operating system and own all intellectual property rights.

If this example is not clear enough, let me give another example, which is the electronics manufacturing base under construction in Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

This is an industry belonging to my subsidiary Xuanwu Technology Company. The reason for establishing this company is to solve the problem that Lingtong Technology Company's communication products have higher requirements for the electronics manufacturing industry.

At that time, the domestic electronics manufacturing industry was unsatisfactory, and the slightly advanced ones were invested and established by enterprises from the other side and Hong Kong, but our own electronics manufacturing industry was not a big responsibility.

Therefore, on the premise of meeting the requirements of Lingtong Technology, we want to build our own electronic manufacturing technology and equipment for the entire industrial chain. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

Now the electronic manufacturing industry of Xuanwu Technology has basically completed the research and development of the technical part, and is deploying trial production. By the end of September and early October this year, the trial production test will be completed and enter the formal production link.

In the process of building the entire industrial chain of electronic manufacturing, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. has developed more than 50,000 pieces of patented technology, becoming a veritable enterprise with the most advanced electronic manufacturing technology in the world.

The purpose of my saying this is to explain that since we can build a whole industrial chain from scratch, we have the ability to complete any technology research and development we want to complete.

What's more, Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. didn't start from a poor and blank. They have already accumulated quite strong communication technology research and development strength and technical strength.

In less than a year since their establishment, the number of patents related to communication technology has exceeded 20,000, and the number of patents will be accumulated at a faster rate in the future.

If none of these can prove our strength, then I have nothing to say, and we can only see whether we have the ability to complete the research and development of 3G communication technology in a year or two. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu spread out his hands, then sat in his seat without saying a word, leaving enough time for the participants to think about this issue.

The people at the scene were very shocked when they heard what Ye Zishu said. Many people knew about the companies he mentioned, but most people would not pay attention to the number of patent applications of these companies.

When Ye Zishu disclosed the number of patents of these companies, the effect was very explosive. An ordinary company can have a few hundred patents and it is already a very technologically powerful enterprise.

If there are thousands of patents, it can already be said to be a high-tech enterprise, but these companies under him all apply for patents in units of thousands, which is a bit exaggerated.

The reason why he has so many patents is mainly because they all built the industrial chain from the basics, because he came from later generations and knows very well that when the competition between countries is the fiercest, his high-tech enterprises will be the first to suffer.

He doesn't want to be stuck by other people's patented technology, so unless it is an unavoidable technology, they generally build up the entire building slowly from the basic technology, and absolutely do not leave any ability for others to sanction themselves.

The technologies that cannot be bypassed are generally like the Internet's TCP/IP protocol. If you can't get a completely different one, it will be incompatible with the Internet in other countries.

But even so, he also created a more advanced extension protocol, turning the TCP/IP protocol into a sub-protocol to bypass possible restrictions.

It's not that he is incapable of designing a brand new communication protocol, but that he can't do it, and such a basic protocol, no matter how crazy some countries are, will not use it as a means of sanctions.

Because once this is done, it will attract pressure from various countries around the world, because if this basic technology and standards are used to sanction others, then the aspirations of the global village will collapse in an instant.

Everyone develops their own technical standards, and then establishes a set in their own country, then the modern trade system and technical standard system will not be able to continue, and everyone will play their own way.

With such a strong research and development capability on the table, if they question the strength of the enterprises under Ye Zishu, they will become nonsense. Everyone is a person with status, so it is impossible to do such a thing.

The scene suddenly fell into silence, and the leader saw this situation and said: "Although so many technologies have been developed in such a short period of time, it is a bit unbelievable.

But we are all materialists, the facts are in front of us, so we should have confidence in the strength of Mr. Ye's companies. "

Although there are not many words, but the tone has been basically set, there is no need to continue discussing this issue. After all, it is only a year or two, and they are fully capable of tracking the development progress of Lingtong Technology Company.

However, the introduction of GSM technology will take one or two years just for domestic testing. You can still wait for this time.

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