Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 155 House-to-house plan (2/4)

Seeing that this matter was over, Ye Zishu showed a satisfied smile. Although the meeting did not say that micro-cellular communication technology must be deployed, he was basically sure that Lingtong Technology Company won the victory.

As someone said just now, it is impossible not to build a mobile communication network. Since the possibility of fully building GSM is denied, we can only choose the solution of Lingtong Technology Company.

At this time, Ye Zishu took out another large stack of documents and began to distribute them to everyone present. After distributing all the documents, he said: "This is my humble opinion on the construction of domestic communication infrastructure."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, everyone unconsciously turned their attention to this document. The title of "Discussion on the Importance of Infrastructure Construction to National Economic Development" was quite big.

This time, even the leader followed suit. Ye Zishu was the only one present, drinking tea leisurely, waiting for everyone to briefly read the article.

When everyone had finished reading, Ye Zishu said, "The reason why I established Lingtong Technology, a company that focuses on technological development in the communication field, is because I always feel inconvenient to contact.

Everyone knows that I have a lot of business under my umbrella. When I lived in the dormitory of Tsinghua University, if I wanted to contact me, I always had to come to the dormitory to find me. Someone must be found.

It took a lot of time to go back and forth, which gave me the idea to create a communication technology company that can solve the problem of domestic communication difficulties as soon as possible.

The leader inspected Lingtong Technology Company in the past, and we developed a very high-tech three-in-one digital switching system and various supporting equipment for this purpose.

The so-called three networks are the Internet, telephone network and cable TV network. At present, our telephone network is still dominated by traditional coaxial cables, and cable TV network is even more out of the question.

But we must see the important position of the Internet in the development of the information industry in the future, because relying on the Internet can create an output value of several trillion yuan, and it is the next important industry for economic development.

Our country has lagged behind too much in the field of traditional industries, and it will not be possible to catch up in a short time. However, we cannot miss this opportunity for the next information industry.

Because we are not so far behind the world's major developed countries in this respect, we can definitely gain a leading edge in the development of this information industry by virtue of better planning.

Like the Phoenix operating system, it looks like a graphics operating system, but it is actually an operating system born for the Internet age.

previous operating system,

It is operated by professionals, and the threshold for ordinary people to use it is too high, so it is difficult to expand the number of computer users.

The number of computer end users is the basis for the development of the Internet industry. Without computer users, there will be no soil for the development of the Internet.

Therefore, Phoenix Software Company launched the Phoenix operating system, which can quickly reduce the threshold for ordinary people to use computers. Now, as long as they can read characters, they can easily carry out daily use.

However, my country's Internet infrastructure construction is not optimistic, while Europe and the United States are in full swing. In the initial stage, we have fallen behind a lot. Genius remembered it in a second :(

In addition, my country's telecommunications network layout is not perfect, and cable TV is out of the question. Therefore, in order to reduce the cost of triple network construction and complete the network infrastructure in one step, a triple play communication network system was developed.

As mentioned earlier, Xuanwu Technology will start trial production this month, and then Lingtong Technology will be able to launch a mature network communication solution to the market.

This has laid the foundation for promoting my country's network communication into thousands of households. Now the decision is in your hands. Whether to promote the communication network plan will determine the direction of our future development of the information industry. "

People nowadays don’t have a clear view of the Internet. They just think that the Internet is conducive to freer communication, and the application is only for sending and receiving emails, and at most it is for viewing static web pages.

In the past, if our country wanted to establish a complete communication network, it needed to import a large amount of equipment from abroad, and it needed huge foreign exchange support, but now its own domestic company has provided a complete solution.

Even the triple play plan has been prepared, in order to reduce the overall cost of the communication network infrastructure, thereby reducing the cost of using the client.

As he said, whether the information industry develops well depends on the number of users connected to the Internet. If there are not enough users, the development of the information industry is a castle in the air. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

In fact, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has no opinion on the procurement of Lingtong Technology's solution. After all, the advanced technology lies there, and it is still a domestic company, so there is no reason not to use it.

It's just that they are not as radical as Ye Zishu said. According to Ye Zishu, this is to quickly promote the Internet to enter thousands of households and realize the situation of every household connecting the Internet.

Not to mention how much the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications needs to spend to build a communication network covering all households across the country, even the cost of using the network is not something that all households can afford.

"We express our gratitude to Mr. Ye for doing such a thing that benefits the country and the people, but your idea is too radical. At present, most families simply cannot afford the Internet usage fee.

If advanced communication infrastructure is built, but there are not enough users to access the network, huge resources will be idle and will depreciate over time.

Therefore, our plan here is to proceed step by step according to actual needs, instead of implementing it directly and comprehensively as Mr. Ye said. ’ said one participant.

"If the cost is affordable, is the government going to implement telephone-to-household access?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing his words, everyone nodded. In fact, everyone knows the role of communication in improving people's livelihood. Telephone communication is the top priority of the government at present.

It's just that the implementation of this plan was greatly restricted due to the need for a large amount of foreign exchange to import equipment, but if there is ready-made technology in the country, the situation will naturally be different.

What the government lacks is foreign exchange, but it does not say that it lacks RMB. Even if it does not issue excessive currency, banks can easily lend funds to support the implementation of this plan.

"Since it is necessary to carry out telephone-to-household communication, isn't it the same as direct fiber-optic household-to-household communication? The telephone network backbone network can take the same route as the Internet backbone network, and even the cable TV network can also run in this network.

This is the significance of triple play. Using the same communication network can meet the three needs of consumers, but for the government, the cost does not increase much.

This is much more cost-effective than building a communication network separately, and it can also provide a solid foundation for the development of my country's information industry.

With the huge population of our country, even if not every household is connected to the Internet, as long as a small proportion, it will be able to have a larger user group than other countries. "Leaf Book said.

"Then have you ever considered that you need to use a computer after accessing the Internet, but you should be very clear about the price of the computer, and not many people in China can afford it." Someone said.

"This is correct, but as far as the communication network built by the government is concerned, the cost will not increase much, and it is still highly feasible to implement this plan from the government level.

As for domestic people being unable to afford the cost of using the Internet, we need to look at it from the perspective of development. There may be a lot of pressure in the past two years, but it may not be so in the next few years.

Moreover, my Xuanwu Technology Company not only focuses on the electronics manufacturing industry, but will immediately start the research and development of the entire industry chain of the semiconductor manufacturing industry after the electronics manufacturing industry is officially put into production.

The purpose of doing this is that, on the one hand, as a big country, we must master the manufacturing capabilities of the advanced semiconductor industry, and on the other hand, it is to enable the people of our country to use cheaper computers and other electronic products.

If there are no conditions, we will create conditions. If the people are not rich, we will make the people rich. This is the way to solve the problem, instead of passively waiting for the right time, which will miss many opportunities.

Only by being proactive can we better grasp the opportunities for future industrial development. What do you think? "Leaf Book said.

When you hear these words from Ye Zishu, you don’t know what to say. Ye Zishu’s approach is to "open roads when encountering mountains, and build bridges when encountering waters". When encountering problems, you can directly use methods to solve them.

This is probably only him who can do this, everyone couldn't help thinking.

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