Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 156 Arrange to participate in the Canton Fair (3/4)

Although Ye Shu didn't get a definite conclusion on the spot in the end, saying that he would conduct an internal demonstration and notify him of the result, but he was still relatively optimistic about it.

After leaving, he went directly to Lingtong Technology Company and began to make arrangements for 3G research and development, and at the same time arranged for the personnel department to speed up the recruitment of personnel.

Although the current Lingtong Technology Company has a lot of R\u0026D personnel, they are all radishes and pitfalls. It does not mean that the existing products are developed and ignored, and people are drawn into the 3G research and development project.

Existing products also need to organize a certain number of R\u0026D personnel to upgrade and develop, otherwise, it is very likely that they will fall behind the world's mainstream technology in a short time.

In addition, it is necessary to establish the marketing department of Lingtong Technology Company. Previously, the main energy was spent on research and development. Now that the research and development results have been released, it will soon enter the actual production stage, and the marketing department will come in handy.

The last thing is to arrange to participate in the Canton Fair. It is already the beginning of September, and the first autumn exhibition of the Canton Fair will be in mid-October, which is only one month.

The Canton Fair is the first time for Lingtong Technology to display its network communication products to the outside world. He hopes that Lingtong Technology can do a good job in this matter.

This is very important to obtain foreign orders. He does not want the company's mobile communication technology to have the opportunity to export, but the entire set of Internet solutions is definitely ahead of the current world level.

He believes that Lingtong Technology's Internet products are absolutely capable of winning orders from Internet-developing countries in the world, so he has high expectations for this one.

As for telephone digital program-controlled switches, although their products are also very advanced, after all, many developed countries have basically completed the infrastructure construction in this area.

As for developing countries, even if there are orders, it is unlikely that there will be too many orders, but he will not give up his efforts in these markets. After all, Huawei's products in his previous life were slowly developed from these developing countries. Genius remembered it in a second :(

As a qualified businessman, you must uphold the mentality of "no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat", and you cannot give up just because of low profits, because the popularization of global telephone communication is the general trend, and the markets in these developing countries still have great potential in the future.

Not only Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd., but also some companies with products under Phoenix Technology Co., Ltd. will go to the Canton Fair this time to set up their own platforms.

Phoenix Software Company's Phoenix operating system and office software will not be mentioned. After all, these two products are selling well all over the world. Although the current sales volume has declined compared to the beginning, they are still considered hot sellers.

As for the database software being developed by Phoenix Software,

It is currently in the final stage. As for whether they can catch up with the time of the Canton Fair, it is not very sure.

Ye Zishu also asked them to speed up the progress and catch up with the best. If they really can't catch up, then forget it, because the R\u0026D department personnel already belong to the department with serious overtime, so they can't be rushed too hard.

The main one is Jiufeng Software Company. Their image processing software and video processing software have completed research and development, and they are definitely in the ranks of the world's advanced level in this era.

At present, Jiufeng Software Company has started to develop animation production software, which is not too difficult for the R\u0026D personnel from the technical department of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

Because the film and television special effects software system used by Phoenix Special Effects Company has such technology, it only needs to downgrade the relevant technology of the special effects software system appropriately.

There is also the search engine of Kunpeng Information Technology Company. Although the search engine has been launched and provides external services, the search engine is not only used for searching web content.

It also has a wide range of uses in the field of site search or vertical search, and even has broad application prospects in enterprise information management software systems.

Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. can provide technical service support for these customers in need and help them build better information systems and websites.

The largest company in the Canton Fair belongs to Xuanwu Technology, and their various electronic manufacturing equipment will be displayed at the Canton Fair.

He has always opposed the closed business model, at least in the manufacturing field, because you can't seal it at all, and if you don't sell it to others, someone will naturally provide products that meet the requirements for the market.

Moreover, relying on Xuanwu Technology's own manufacturing business, it is difficult to support a huge basic industrial chain. If this industrial chain wants to develop sustainably and healthily, it must obtain the support of other electronics manufacturers. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

However, it is still hard to say whether he can get foreign orders at present, but he believes that there is still a high possibility of winning domestic orders.

On the one hand, domestic electronics manufacturing companies need to obtain foreign exchange quotas if they want to import foreign equipment, but it is not so easy to obtain foreign exchange now, especially for private enterprises, it is more difficult.

If you can buy the equipment you need with RMB, no one will go to great lengths to import other people's equipment, and the number of domestic electronics manufacturing companies is gradually increasing, and the domestic market is naturally growing.

On the other hand, these products and equipment of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. are in a leading position for the current world electronics manufacturing technology, which is very attractive to all electronics manufacturing companies.

Of course, whether to buy more advanced equipment depends entirely on the types of products they produce. For products with low profits, there is no need to use more expensive advanced equipment.

During this period of time, preparing for the Canton Fair is an important task for many companies. After arranging this matter, Ye Zishu began to pay attention to the companies under Shengshi Culture Company.

During this period of time, he was busy with technology work, and he didn't pay enough attention to his own cultural industry. What he had to pay attention to was also the financial situation, to see if he could use the money to rescue the emergency.

When he came to Shengshi Records, Guo Dongmei said with a smile: "Boss Ye is a rare customer, why come here today when you have time."

Guo Dongmei is sitting in her office, the desk is full of books, and usually spends less time at school except for class, so she has to study in the office in her free time.

Hearing Guo Dongmei's words, Ye Zishu wondered if he was too familiar with her, so that he made a joke when he saw the boss.

"It just so happened that the matter came to an end, so I came here to see you, how is the situation of Shengshi Records during this time?" Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

When it came to business, Guo Dongmei restrained her joking smile just now, and said calmly: "During this period, the record company has not had any major incidents, and everything is developing step by step."

After finishing speaking, Guo Dongmei took out a document from the table and handed it to Ye Zishu, saying, "This is the company's business report for last month, which records in detail the company's business operations and the company's management."

No matter how well this report is done, at least it is much more professional than her brother Guo Dongsheng. Guo Dongsheng would never have thought that every month he would analyze and count the performance and development of the previous month, making judgments based on his feelings.

Sure enough, people who have read books are much better at thinking about problems than those who are stupid. Ye Zishu opened the report while thinking, and began to read it.

Guo Dongmei wanted to report in person, but Ye Zishu remembered that the speed of reporting was too slow, so he might as well scan it by himself.

It took ten minutes to finish reading the thick report. Guo Dongmei saw that he read the report as fast as turning the pages of a book, and she was a little suspicious of whether he had read it seriously or whether he was just pretending.

"Sure enough, the record company is managed by you, which is much more standardized than your brother. You can summarize some of your experience in management practice and learn from the management of other companies." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"No matter how the record company is doing, you are still the pillar of the record company. Your previous record sales have been weak. Do you want to release a new record?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"Although my English album has sold 30 million copies, I think there is still a certain potential and I will not release an English music album for the time being.

As for the Chinese music album, I released three albums in a row last time, and I’m still digesting it, so there’s no need for it. Maybe one or two albums will be released before the end of the year. After all, now that the financial crisis is over, there’s no need to spend too much time on it.

You have made other businesses of the company develop very well during this period. The record company should get rid of the dependence on a single artist as soon as possible and open up more commercial income channels.

I see that your income from commercial performances has increased significantly during this period, and your copyright income has also shown a rapid increase. This is a good start and will continue to be strengthened in the future. "Leaf Book said.

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