Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 157: The Crisis Behind the Prosperity (4/4)

"The increase in income from commercial performances is the dividend brought about by the company's organizational structure reform, and it is not my credit. If you want to count it, it should be that you have the foresight.

Since each artist is equipped with a management team and given them more autonomy, both the artist and the team members seem to have been beaten.

In the beginning, they were relatively dependent on the company's resources, but the company's resources were limited after all. Now more and more teams are starting to find resources by themselves, and there are fewer and fewer things for the company to worry about. " Guo Dongmei said.

Ye Shu had already foreseen this situation when they reformed Shengshi Records. This is the same as the responsibility for household production in rural areas. The more they do, the higher their own income.

It's just that he is not as optimistic as Guo Dongmei. Although it seems to be thriving now, it will also lead to the company's lack of control over the artist resources below.

If things go on like this, it is very likely that there will be a collective exodus of Huayi Brothers artists. When the economic team controls too many resources, they don't need to rely on the company. Wouldn't it be more profitable to work alone.

Even if they don't do it alone, as long as other companies offer better conditions, they will not be able to resist the temptation. It is not impossible for the agent to bring the artist to find another job.

However, such a model can reduce management costs for the company and bring out the enthusiasm of the economic team. It is an effective method.

What he is thinking now is how to avoid the crisis of Huayi Brothers under the existing company management framework, instead of using strong control methods to avoid problems.

Guo Dongmei saw that Ye Zishu was not happy because of this, but was thinking, and her expression became more serious. Since the boss has such an expression, he must be aware of the problem.

"Although the current results are very gratifying, we have to take the potential crisis seriously. If the brokerage teams under the company have enough resources, will the company still have to share their profits?"

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Guo Dongmei also realized the problem, thought about it, and asked carefully: "How about keeping the current organizational structure unchanged, but taking back the resources they control?"

After Ye Zishu heard this, he shook his head and said: "These resources are all obtained through their hard work, let alone whether they can be taken back to the company intact, even if they are capable, they can't do so.

The original intention of our reform is to stimulate the enthusiasm of these brokerage teams. Only by working harder can they be willing to pay more. If we do this, their enthusiasm will be severely hit.

Even more seriously, they leave directly and set up a company to operate it. Even if we have relevant contracts in our hands, it may become less important.

Moreover, during this period of time, the great development of Shengshi Records Company, other capitals are also in their eyes, don't they want to come in and get a share?

We must be clear that capital is sometimes a scarce resource, but sometimes it becomes less important, so don't blindly believe in the control of capital, especially in our country. "

Guo Dongmei heard Ye Zishu's words, thought for a while, then nodded, expressing that she understood what he meant, but said helplessly: "Then what should we do to avoid problems?"

Faced with her question, Ye Zishu decided to give her a good lesson, so he said: "Our ancestors have a good saying, 'Fortune and misfortune depend on each other'.

No matter whether the business operation is triumphant or full of crises, we need to keep calm enough at all times and analyze things carefully, so as to detect crises in advance or find opportunities from crises.

Take this matter as an example, if we don't find out in advance, then when it happens, we will become helpless and can only bear the loss by ourselves.

So how to analyze and solve this problem? "

Hearing this, Guo Dongmei looked at him with wide-eyed eyes, her meaning was obvious, that is, hurry up and say, Ye Zishu is no longer a joke, and said directly: "Then I will analyze it for you.

It's true that many employees gather together for the benefit, and then the key point comes out.

As long as we can make employees feel that relying on the company can get more benefits than they can get by themselves, naturally there will be no problems.

The only reliance of the management team is resources, which include commercial resources and soft resources brought by artist popularity.

Among them, it is difficult for Shengshi Records to fully control commercial resources. After all, you are just a record company, and your main business is also related to records.

However, Shengshi Records can completely rely on its huge brother companies to control more commercial resources. For example, Shengshi Film and Television Company has film and television shooting resources, which is fatal to artists.

Another example is the advertising resources owned by Shengshi Advertising Company, and the income from shooting advertisements is a lot of money for artists, and it is difficult for them to give up such resources and platforms.

There are many others. You have artist resources, while the brother company has business resources. You can have closer cooperation.

Then you create your own resources. Although you are a record company, you can't just treat yourself as a record company, because record companies don't have much good life with their records.

You can definitely open up new businesses, such as the variety show business. We have so many singers in our hands. Could it be possible to hold audition singer competitions, combining entertainment and talent selection, which will definitely have high commercial value.

This can not only bring considerable income to the company, but also arrange for the company's artists to participate, which is of great benefit to enhancing the artist's popularity.

Moreover, such a variety show is also a good advertising platform, which can cooperate with Shengshi Advertising Company to bring more advertising resources to Shengshi Advertising Company.

Even after such a variety show audition, you can sign a management contract with a new singer, which can bring fresh blood to the company, and this new blood also comes with a high degree of attention, saving the company a lot of resources for promotion.

The above is just a very simple example. There are various forms of variety shows. A good variety show is a rare resource for any artist.

And if you do a good job in this part, it can also benefit Shengshi Film and Television Company, and when they promote their artists, they will have more resources.

In this way, you can achieve mutual benefit with your brother companies, and everyone can benefit from it, so that this kind of cooperation can be more long-lasting. "

After Ye Zishu's analysis, Guo Dongmei suddenly became enlightened. She didn't expect that doing so would solve the possible crisis in the future.

But it's not so easy to do a good job in variety shows. Ye Zishu can't participate in the production of variety shows for Shengshi Records. He doesn't have so much free time.

"Can you tell me more about the production of variety shows?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"There are too many forms of variety shows, too many to describe in one sentence, so I won't give you any advice. There is still a gap in domestic cultural TV programs compared to foreign ones.

We can learn from foreign variety shows and adapt them to avoid copyright disputes, and we can even directly import their programs and obtain their authorization.

Doing so will benefit the company's variety show business development in the early stage. After all, no one knows how to do it, so they can only learn from others, so as to avoid detours.

When you have almost imitated and borrowed, you need to innovate independently. You are not afraid of failure. If one of the few succeeds, it can bring good benefits to the company.

In fact, many things can be learned from the successful experience of others. What you need is a pair of eyes of discovery. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu made no secret of the matter of learning from other people's successful experience. Any latecomer will go through this process. In the future, there may be others who will learn from the successful experience of Shengshi Records, and it is unknown.

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