Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 158 Can't always count on me (1/4)

Afterwards, Ye Zishu asked Shengshi Records to set up a variety show department. In the early stage, it could cooperate with Shengshi Film and Television Company. After all, in terms of shooting experience, Shengshi Film and Television Company is undoubtedly more experienced.

Then he introduced the general knowledge about variety shows and the classification of variety shows, and even how to create different effects for the same type of variety shows, as well as the cognition of the target audience and other issues.

In the end, Ye Zishu agreed to build a data analysis system for Shengshi Advertising Company. Anyway, he also mentioned similar problems before. It may not be very effective at the beginning, but the accumulation of many data will play a very important role.

Of course, Ye Zishu is not the only theory of big data. If we blindly rely on big data, it will limit people's creative ability and limit the company's development.

Big data is only used as a basis for company decision-making. In the end, company employees need to rely on numerous big data analysis results to jump out of the limitations of big data itself and make innovations at a higher level.

As for the funds, Shengshi Records Company is not short of them. Individual copyrights for Ye Zishu's albums are still relatively small, and most of the profits are left to the company.

Because he found that he didn't need to take so much profit, and he didn't have time to take care of his personal assets, most of which were stored in the bank for interest.

As for whether there will be problems in the company's operation in the future, which will cause difficulties in his personal life, this situation will not happen. The courtyard house he bought in the capital alone will be a huge asset in the future.

After leaving Golden Age Records, Ye Zishu came to Golden Age Film and Television Company. Their second animated film "Kung Fu Panda" this year is being released globally, and the current box office results are still very good.

This year's first animated film "Toy Story" has been released, and it has grossed a total of 350 million US dollars at the box office worldwide, which is 20 million US dollars lower than the box office in the previous life.

Although it can't be compared with "The Lion King", he is still quite satisfied with such a result. Shengshi Film and Television Company can get about 130 million US dollars in pure box office revenue.

It stands to reason that the income of 140 million U.S. dollars should be obtained, but it needs to take out 10 million U.S. dollars to the Phoenix Special Effects Company as the production cost.

And "Kung Fu Panda", which is currently in theaters, undoubtedly has much stronger global box office results. Not to mention the plot of the animation itself, the combination of Kung Fu and Panda has a large number of fans.

It has been released for nearly a month, and has already won a global box office of 550 million U.S. dollars. It is expected that this animated film will break the box office of 600 million U.S. dollars.

Thanks to the stellar performance of the first two animated films,

Shengshi Film and Television Company has already gained a reputation in the field of animation film production. Although it is not as good as the century-old Disney, a large number of audiences have recognized this company.

This brings a benefit, that is, when Shengshi Film and Television Company releases animated films, it starts to bring its own traffic, which can reduce the distribution cost of many films.

In North America, Shengshi Film and Television Company can get about 45% of the box office. Other countries have highs and lows, but overall, Shengshi Film and Television Company can get 40% of the global box office, which is already a very remarkable achievement.

Calculated according to this share ratio, "Kung Fu Panda" can bring more than 240 million US dollars in revenue to Shengshi Film and Television Company, which is another huge revenue.

Now that "Kung Fu Panda" is coming to an end, Shengshi Film and Television Company has started to promote this year's last animated film "Crazy Alien".

In his previous life, the global box office of this animated film was only a little over 380 million US dollars. In this era, he can get 300 million US dollars at the box office, and he is already very satisfied.

Originally, he took out this movie because he didn't want it to be too popular and affect the "Titanic", which was released at the same time, as long as the box office was about the same.

Through several animated films, Shengshi Film and Television Company's production capabilities in the field of animated films have been recognized, and he hopes that through a "Titanic", Shengshi Film and Television Company's live-action films will also be recognized.

This is not to say that it can effectively improve the production capabilities of Shengshi Film and Television Company, but that the popularity has increased, and the distribution and resource scheduling will be much easier.

"Glory World Film and Television Company is not short of money now, but you know best whether your production ability matches your income." Ye Zishu said to everyone in the conference room.

At the time of the report just now, Shengshi Film and Television Company was still very proud. Several animation films brought them more than 2 billion yuan in revenue, and it is a leading large company in China.

There will be two more movies coming out soon. If "Titanic" can win the annual box office champion as the boss said, it is possible to double the income.

In such an atmosphere, Ye Zishu felt that it was necessary to pour cold water on these people, because the current achievements were the result of Ye Zishu's promotion, and did not represent their actual ability.

He doesn't want to be the nanny of Shengshi Film and Television Company all the time. In the future, they still need to come out on their own instead of relying on him. Then he still has time to do other things?

"In order to strengthen your ability to produce animated films and TV series, you must personally produce at least one animated film and one animated series every year, and I will not provide any suggestions and opinions during this process.

In addition, your live-action film production capabilities must also be strengthened, so you must personally produce at least one Hollywood-style blockbuster every year, and I will not provide suggestions and opinions.

While I still have time to pay attention to Shengshi Film and Television Company, you need to grow up as soon as possible. When I have no time to pay attention, you will not be able to produce good works yourself, and the prosperity of the film and television company will be short-lived. "Leaf Book said.

It was embarrassing to hear Ye Zishu say this, but he was telling the truth. At present, all blockbuster movies, no matter the script or the production process, are personally responsible and directed by the boss, and have little to do with them.

Therefore, everyone in the conference room has no objection to the suggestion made by the boss, and Shengshi Film and Television Company now has enough capital to try and make mistakes.

What's more, with the existence of Phoenix Special Effects Company, their trial and error costs have been reduced to a minimum. Under such conditions, it is a bit unreasonable to back down.

"In addition to strengthening your self-creative ability, you also need to do the following things well. The first thing is to enrich the director department. With the capital of Shengshi Film and Television Company, only so few works are produced every year, which is a bit too little.

We can produce only a few films for the global market each year, but the number of TV series produced for the domestic market should be increased as soon as possible.

This is also an important task for the prosperity of my country's film and television development. If there are not enough shooting opportunities, how to train domestic film and television practitioners will naturally be difficult to improve the overall level.

Don't look at our prosperity abroad, but our soil is still in China. The level of domestic film and television production is closely related to the level of our company's development prospects.

The second thing is to enrich the company's screenwriting department. We can recruit full-time screenwriters, and we can also reach cooperation agreements with outsiders. In short, we need enough people who can tell stories.

We must not only be able to tell global stories, but also our own stories. If we can vividly tell our own stories to the world, then you will have met my expectations.

The third thing is to establish our own technical department. At present, all our special effects are produced by Phoenix Special Effects Company, but as an independent film and television company, some necessary shooting technologies are still needed.

Moreover, the technical department is not limited to the shooting content of film and television special effects. All technical research and development work that can help improve the efficiency of film and television shooting and reduce the cost and difficulty of film and television shooting are all within their research scope.

The fourth thing is that we need to establish our own agency department for film and television actors and artists. Artists are an important resource no matter what period they are in. Mastering this resource is of great benefit to our film and television production.

Although our main business is film and television production and distribution, it is not limited to business development in this area. It is very necessary for us to properly develop other businesses while consolidating our main business.

Before coming here, I went to Shengshi Record Company and mentioned this issue. The record industry has only a few years of prosperity, and no one can tell what will happen next.

I also have the same request for you. Doing so can improve the company's ability to exploit risks. If the market changes, we will not just close down.

Of course, to expand other businesses, it is best to have a business that has a strong relationship with the main business.

If it is a completely unrelated business, the probability of failure is too high, which may affect the normal development of the company and be dragged down by these side businesses. "Leaf Book said.

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