Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 159 The Possibility of Establishing an Independent Cinema (2/4)

Affiliated operations are easy to understand. The Shengshi Toys Company proposed by Ye Zishu is an affiliated operation, but this company has become independent.

How to carry out the business, Ye Zishu does not intend to intervene, let the company play its own initiative, no matter how smart he is, it is impossible to even consider these details clearly.

"How is the company's copyright management?" Ye Zishu asked.

This can also be regarded as one of the important sources of income for Shengshi Film and Television Company. If it is managed well, the income will not be lower than the box office income.

"The income from domestic copyright operations is very limited. First, they cannot be sold at a high price. Second, everyone has not realized the business opportunities here and is unwilling to pay more.

At present, the company's main copyright management market is abroad, including copyright authorization and video tape and other film and television content authorization. So far, it has obtained a total income of 1 billion yuan. " said the person in charge of the copyright operation department.

"It's not bad. It seems that you have really put in a lot of effort, but you can't be complacent. Judging from the few movies currently released, there is still a lot of potential to be tapped." Ye Shu said.

The person in charge of the copyright operation department nodded and agreed. In fact, most of the income comes from video tapes. As for other copyright authorizations and content authorizations from other channels, the income is limited.

Among the income mentioned by Ye Zishu, the amount of income from copyright authorization is the test of the ability of the copyright operation department, because as long as the movie is good, the income from video tapes can basically be determined.

Moreover, this part of the content is handled by a dedicated video management company, and does not require too much effort from the copyright operation department, so it is not a manifestation of ability, but the result of the quality of the film itself.

"This year's films for the overseas market have basically been produced, except for two films that need you to follow up on the distribution work, there are no major issues.

So next, we need to make plans for next year's production content. You need to prepare for the production content that is completed by the company itself.

There are three fixed animation movies and two live-action movies. Considering your actual ability, I will still provide the script and related guidance, but I will no longer act as the director, which is too time-consuming. "Leaf Book said.

When he said that considering the company's poor production capabilities, all the participants were embarrassed. They were all managers, but they couldn't meet the boss's requirements. Naturally, it was their ability.

Leaf Book does not care whether they are embarrassed or not,

This is what he wanted. He hoped that these people would be brave enough to make up for the company's shortcomings.

"Okay, let's end this collective meeting here, Mr. Zhang, I'll come to your office!" Ye Zishu said to Zhang Guoli.

Following Zhang Guoli to his office, after the two sat down, Zhang Guoli's secretary made a pot of tea for them, and they drank it.

After taking a sip of tea, Ye Zishu said: "Boss Zhang is not bad, he also knows how to avoid danger, and he used a male secretary."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli just smiled awkwardly.

Ye Zishu didn't say much about this. There are too many beautiful girls in the film and television industry, and it's hard to control those who are not firm-willed. Although it is difficult for him to prevent this situation, he hopes that his company will not make a mess.

In this matter, Ye Zishu is a pure businessman, business is business, and too many other things should not be mixed in, which will make the company difficult to manage.

"Our films are selling well in overseas markets, how does the domestic film industry react?" Ye Zishu asked.

He hopes to force the domestic film market to reform, at least the distribution market needs reform, by selling his films overseas.

The current distribution market will seriously hinder the development of the domestic film market, because the producers will not get much profit, so naturally they will have no incentive to produce more film content.

His plan to promote the industrialization of domestic films is impossible to implement, because everyone shoots films according to the plan, and everything they shoot is a task assigned by the superiors.

Anyway, everyone shoots more and less, and they all get about the same salary. Whether the film makes money or not has nothing to do with the production team. There is no motivation to try more. Ad-free network am~w~w.

Hearing Ye Zishu's question, Zhang Guoli shook his head, and said, "Although the radio and television side thinks that reforms are needed, the resistance they encounter is still very large, and the effect is not very good.

According to this progress, it is estimated that it will take several years to truly realize market-oriented issuance, and there is no hope in the short term.

Moreover, the theater chains are currently in the hands of state-owned assets. Even if it is marketized, the proportion of domestic theater chains will be very high, and the producers will only get about 30% at most.

In view of the limited scale of the domestic film market itself, with a share ratio of about 30%, if you want to support the industrialization of the film, you don't have to think about it in the short term, and there is not so much profit support. "

Shengshi Film and Television Company can get at least 40% of the box office revenue when it is distributed overseas. This is still on other people's land. In fact, the operation of the theater chain does not rely entirely on box office revenue, and basically realizes diversified operations.

In the previous life, the domestic theater chains would take 55% to 60% of the box office, and the rest would be distributed to the distributors. The film development fund would also take 5% and 3.3% business tax.

The rest is the money that the producer gets, and it would be good to leave 30% of the box office to the producer. Moreover, there is no domestic video market to support it, and the income from movie peripherals is limited.

And within this 30%, production costs need to be borne, and the profit margin is very limited. If there is a slight failure, it will lose money, and even the previous profits will be lost.

Not to mention other film companies, even Shengshi Film and Television Company can only focus on low-cost films for the domestic market, because the investment is large, and it will inevitably lose money.

"You said that there is a lot of pressure to reform now, mainly from the lower theaters. If we build our own theaters, will we be able to bypass the current distribution system?" Ye Zishu asked.

Since the country's distribution system is so difficult to break through, they simply don't use their distribution channels, build their own theaters, and release their own movies. The two sides have formed a two-line development pattern.

Zhang Guoli was surprised at Ye Zishu's words at first, but later he looked calm, because it is not impossible to implement such a plan, Shengshi Film and Television Company has the ability to build its own theater chain.

"It's not impossible to do this, it just needs the approval of the radio and television. After all, the release of the movie requires their approval. Of course, there is no problem for us to establish a theater chain, but it is useless without the release of the movie.

If films from domestic film studios are screened, not to mention whether they can get the expected box office revenue, it is very difficult to obtain the screening rights. After all, this has formed an intersection with the old system. "Zhang Guoli said.

"Go and find out what the high-level officials are saying. If they have no objection to this, you can start preparing for this matter. However, to actually implement it, you need to wait until they have a clear document." Ye Zishu said.

Although there is a high probability that verbal promises will be realized, you can't rely on verbal promises when doing business. You must have a solid basis, so that you can have evidence to follow.

Seeing that Zhang Guoli agreed, Ye Zishu smiled and said: "It seems that animation movies are still difficult to touch the old system. I hope that the next "Titanic" will bring a greater impact."

"The boss is very confident in "Titanic"!" Zhang Guoli said.

"You have seen the finished movie, how do you feel?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The special effects are very good, the storyline is also very touching, the box office is sure, but whether it can reach the height you expect is hard to say." Zhang Guoli said with a smile.

"How about we make a bet?" Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

"Forget it, I have seniors and juniors, and I have a daughter-in-law to take care of, so I don't dare to bet with anyone casually." Zhang Guoli quickly refused.

The boss has an "evil nature", and there has been no failure so far. Even if he expressed doubts, he would not bet with the boss, because he felt that the probability of losing was higher.

"By the way, when the cinema is being built, don't rush to build it. I'll let the companies under it research more advanced projection systems, including film and television shooting systems." Ye Zishu suddenly remembered something, and said to Zhang Guoli.

"How long will it take to develop it?" Zhang Guoli asked curiously.

"If it is early, it can be completed within a year, and if it is late, it will not exceed one and a half years." Ye Zishu said.

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