Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 163 The Greatest Injustice (2/4)

Hearing Pei Qing's resentful words, Ye Zishu rubbed his chin in embarrassment, and then said: "It can't be said that I don't care about it at all, it's just management matters, you are enough.

In addition to asking about the development of the company this time, I also brought you a new formula. With the new formula, it will definitely make the company's development even more powerful! "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing immediately put on a smile and said, "I knew the boss must still be thinking about us, I don't know what health care formula it is!"

In fact, what he said just now was a temporary thought, and there was no preparation at all before he came. Fortunately, the dozen or so formulas he had prepared before were all recorded in his mind.

"The harmonious relationship between men and women is related to the harmony of the family, and in the relationship between men and women, the most important thing besides mutual support is nothing more than the matter of husband and wife.

This time I brought two formulas of health care products, one is for women, women take it for a long time, it can delay aging, maintain a youthful mind, and make women more attractive.

The other is for men. Long-term use will make men more masculine, and it will also hide some unspeakable things. For men, it is definitely very attractive. "Leaf Book said.

"Is the effect obvious?" Pei Qing asked.

Domestic consumers also know to take supplements slowly. If supplementation is too intense, the body may be overwhelmed. However, foreign consumers do not have this concept, and the sooner the effect, the better.

"I haven't used it before, so I don't know the actual effect, but based on my reasoning about the properties of the medicine, the effect should be good. Specifically, your R\u0026D center needs to conduct experiments to obtain accurate data." Ye Shu said angrily. Said.

Immediate results are impossible. After all, this is a health product, not a medicine. It cannot be like the Blue Xiaoyao Pill, which can immediately restore a man's glory after taking it.

However, according to the data, as long as it is taken continuously for 10 days, there will be obvious changes. As long as it continues, the effect will get better and better. The things produced by the system should be true.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing pursed her lips and smiled. He knew what she was laughing at, so he pretended he didn't see it, and drank tea on his own.

After Pei Qing finally cleared up her expression, Ye Zishu said: "These two health care products will definitely be welcomed by men and women all over the world. The market prospect is even bigger than what I gave you before."

"If the performance is as good as the previous health care products, there will indeed be a lot of markets. I take back what I said before. Mr. Ye is still very concerned about this company." Pei Qing said,

Laughed again.

Ever since she took charge of a company independently, she has become a lot more courageous, plus she is older than Ye Zishu, making jokes seems to have become commonplace.

Ye Zishu didn't think it was inappropriate to make some jokes, as long as he could manage the company well, he didn't mind it, and since everyone was young, there was no need to be so serious.

"Just kidding, let's talk about the company's situation. How did you develop the market during this period of time?" Ye Zishu asked.

Not to mention the foreign market, even the domestic market, it is quite a remarkable achievement to be able to sell 2 billion yuan in just over two months.

As mentioned earlier, the national health care product market is only a little over 10 billion yuan. Even if it will expand during this period, the increase will not be so exaggerated.

According to this sales performance, in the whole year, the market share obtained by Tai Chi Health Care Company alone may reach 10 billion yuan, almost doubling the market size.

"Actually, there is no special market management method. We have opened 1,000 direct-sale stores of health care products across the country according to your instructions.

Then do activities to attract the elderly to come to participate in the activities, and then start to promote our health care products. At first, everyone just came to take advantage of it, but not many people were really willing to pay.

It's just that our products are very effective. After the first batch of people who bought them took it for a period of time, they felt that their bodies had improved significantly.

Now basically we don't need to spend our energy to do activities. These 1,000 stores are crowded with people who come to buy every day, and even young people join the buying team. "Pei Qing said.

Young people generally do not believe in the miraculous effects of these health care products. The elderly face a sudden decline in physical function and feel very anxious. They will self-hypnotically believe in any product that can improve their physical condition.

Now that these young people have joined, it means that young people are also aware that this health care product for the elderly does have the effect of its promotion, and they come to buy it for their parents and elders.

He emphasized before that Tai Chi Health Care Company should not exaggerate the efficacy of health care products when promoting its products, and only need to promote it realistically, because there is no need to deliberately exaggerate at all.

This is due to his confidence in the formula of the health care products he came up with, and the actual effect is even more miraculous than the exaggerated claims of other health care products.

"Will the 1,000 directly-operated stores currently open be a little less?" Ye Zishu asked.

Before, they didn't have the money to open so many directly-operated stores, but now Tai Chi Health Care Company is not short of money, so it stands to reason that they can continue to open stores, but it seems that Pei Qing has no intention of doing so.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Pei Qing shook her head and said, "Although opening a store will certainly increase the market, the market should be relatively limited.

You are also aware of the income of the domestic people. These 1,000 directly-operated stores are basically opened in cities and regions with relatively developed domestic economies.

If we open in other economically backward areas, our management costs will increase a lot, but the sales performance may not increase sharply, so I think it is not appropriate to expand too fast, adding 500 directly-operated stores next year is almost the same. "

According to Ye Zishu's personality, it will certainly not be slow in this way according to the market reaction, just like Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd., it is the whole industry chain of electronic manufacturing from the beginning, instead of thinking about slow development.

This kind of personality comes from his confidence in his skills, but he didn't object to what Pei Qing said. After all, she is the one who manages Tai Chi Health Care Company, and her judgment may be more accurate than his own.

"The second health product we have prepared for children is not on the market yet?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Not yet. Our R\u0026D center has been collecting experimental data during this period, but the data collection is coming to an end. There are 10,000 experimental subjects, and so far there has been no adverse reaction." Pei Qing said.

Regardless of the 10,000 test subjects, there is very little data, but in the field of health care products, it is already considered a particularly large amount of data. It is unclear whether other health care product companies have such experiments.

However, their health products are different from those of other companies. The health products of other companies have little effect, and the gimmicks are bigger than reality, while their health products are actually close to the effect of drugs.

This is also the reason why the R\u0026D Center is so cautious. If there is a slight problem with the 10,000 realized objects, more rigorous experimental tests will be carried out to ensure accurate data and clinical responses.

"What is the actual effect?" Ye Zishu asked.

"After experiments, children and teenagers who take our health care products have a significant improvement in memory and a significant increase in their ability to understand things.

Compared with their previous academic performance, they have improved to varying degrees. Excluding other factors, the average improvement rate is about 20%. "Pei Qing said.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, although Ye Zishu had known this data for a long time, the fact that he got this data from the actual experiment still made him feel unbelievable.

This is not a health product, it is simply a smart medicine. The experiment time is only four or five months. If it takes a long time, the effect will be more obvious.

"You said, if the effect is so good, will it cause serious injustice? Rich people can buy it for their children to make them smarter, while poor families can only rely on their own talent and hard work.

In the long run, families with good economic conditions will be better for generations, but poor families can hardly rely on learning to turn around. This should be the biggest injustice in the world, right? "Leaf Book asked.

Pei Qing hadn't thought about this issue before, she just knew that with such a good effect, the market size would definitely be very large, that's all.

But after what Ye Zishu said, she also had to think about this issue. Pei Qing's parents were just ordinary workers. They could not be called poor, but they had nothing to do with being rich.

As long as you think about it, you will know that if this development continues, people will be stratified, which is much more terrifying than natural selection.

Genius remembered it in a second :(

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