Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 164 Attack on the Health Products Industry (3/4)

Ye Zishu's family is in the countryside, and his parents have exhausted all their energy in order to allow their brothers and sisters to study. It is impossible for him to forget these difficulties after a few days of good life.

People are stratified because of money, and now because of this health product, children who study are stratified. Children from poor families have no chance of turning over.

This is not the scariest thing. Our country has a fine tradition of "princes and generals would rather have a family". Even the poor are unwilling to be poor all their lives. Even if they cannot turn over in this life, they hope their children can turn over.

If because of this health care product, the vast number of people at the bottom who had hope completely lose hope, he doesn't know what will happen next.

Even if there are no major problems, he doesn't want to see this happen, because it means that the whole society will gradually lose its vitality, and finally decay and die.

Like other countries, they can implement the "pacifier plan" in order to ensure that their families will enjoy prosperity and wealth for generations, but he doesn't want to do this.

As a person in the system, he does not think about the country and the nation, but only cares about his own interests. Let alone whether he will be punished by God, even if he himself may become a sinner of the nation, he dare not do so.

"Self-cultivation, governing the country, regulating the family and bringing peace to the world", this is the gene that has been deeply rooted in the blood of our nation for thousands of years, he naturally has this ideal, otherwise why is he working so hard now.

Just because of money, not to mention relying on the system, even with his decades of extra knowledge, he can become a rich man, and there is no need to work so hard.

"Then what to do?" Pei Qing asked.

"Not on the market for the time being, hand over the experimental data of this health product to the relevant state departments, and state the interests involved.

If they don't allow me to go public, we won't go public. If they allow us to go public but don't give subsidies to poor children, then we won't go public either, and it's as if this product doesn't exist. "Ye Zishu said. A genius can remember it in a second: (

He hopes that this product will be subsidized by the government, so that he can make money and take care of students from poor families, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

This is also of great benefit to the country. In this case, the probability of students becoming talents will be much higher, which is very beneficial to the country's technological and economic development.

Of course, this health product is not a fairy drug. It can indeed improve students' learning ability, but it cannot improve students' innate ability, and it will not turn ordinary talents into geniuses.

To become a top scientist,

In addition to hard work, you also need the talent bestowed by God. If you have talent, you can get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't have talent, you can only bleed and sweat.

Pei Qing didn't expect Ye Zishu to say that. This is putting aside the gold and silver mountains, and must ensure the natural fairness. How big is the situation to make such a decision.

Seeing Pei Qing's surprised expression, Ye Zishu said: "Money can't be earned, and we can't do things that we regret for money."

"If it is not listed in China, it will definitely not be listed abroad." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu nodded and said: "That's for sure. If you can't enjoy it in the country, how can you sell it to foreign countries? Isn't this further weakening the competitiveness of our country's children?"

"If you don't go public, don't go public. You're right. There are some things that need to be considered carefully, not just money." Pei Qing finally said firmly.

It's just that after she finished speaking, she was actually a little discouraged. After all, for this health product, they spent several months to experiment, and a lot of money was spent in it.

"Still a bit reluctant?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

Pei Qing nodded and said, "It's a little bit, after all, our contribution is not too little."

"In order to comfort your wounded hearts, I decided to give you another health product. Long-term use will increase the effect, and the effect will be better for children." Ye Shu said.

Pei Qing originally felt a little regretful, but after hearing what Ye Zishu said, she opened her eyes and asked, "Are you a formula wholesaler? There are so many formulas!"

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu himself laughed and said, "It can also be said that the so-called know-it-all is like writing songs. As long as you master the core skills, it doesn't seem to be very difficult."

These words completely made Pei Qing speechless, she was silent for a moment, and then said: "Then can others also master this skill?"

"Why, do you want to give away a gift?"

Before Pei Qing could speak, Ye Zishu said self-consciously: "Don't think too much about it, you can't teach others anything, let alone the saying that 'teach the apprentice, starve the master to death'."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing no longer struggled with this issue. Just thinking about it, she knew that even if she could teach others, she would not be able to teach it. After all, this is the skill of the boss.

Skipping this topic, Ye Zishu asked: "How do you develop overseas markets? Are you also building your own direct-sale stores?"

After hearing this, Pei Qing nodded and said, "Even domestic agents need to prevent accidents, and foreign agents are even more worried.

After Phoenix Software made money, it repaid the loans it had owed to Shengshi Culture and Shengshi Film and Television. We borrowed some money, plus some money we had earned in China.

Then it started to set up its own directly-operated stores in big cities in major countries around the world, using a set of domestic marketing methods.

There is no one in the world who does not like to take advantage of small advantages. Many elderly people come here. After our publicity, some try to buy, and the final development is the same as in China. "

"How many directly-operated stores have been opened abroad?" Ye Zishu asked.

"There are only 100 stores, and the cost of opening a store abroad is much higher than that in China, and the cost of personnel is also high, but we have plans to continue to increase direct stores.

It's just that you said that you are very short of money before, we dare not invest too much money in this area, we need to ensure that there are enough funds in the account to support your business. After Pei Qing finished speaking, she glanced at Ye Zishu.

If it wasn't for Pei Qing not being his wife, he would definitely say that she is a good wife. The company under him doesn't have a company leader who is as understanding as Pei Qing.

He actually kept what Ye Zishu said before firmly in his heart, and was always ready to supplement his funding gap, so there were not many subordinates who thought about him.

Although the enterprises under the Shengshi Culture Company have large-scale support funds, they are all requested by him deliberately, but Tai Chi Health Care Company does not specifically request such a special request.

Because he thought before that it might take some time for Tai Chi Health Care Company to acquire a large amount of funds, but he did not expect to accumulate such a huge amount of funds so quickly.

"You only need to leave me 5 billion yuan, and you can use the rest to expand your business. There are more than 200 million elderly people in developed countries around the world, and they are all our markets.

Elderly health care products, which are relatively expensive for our people, do not pose much pressure on them. This is a market worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and early occupation and early harvest. "Leaf Book said.

According to Pei Qing, it only took about a month to open up foreign markets, and it earned 8 billion yuan in revenue. According to this level of popularity, it does not seem difficult to reach 100 billion U.S. dollars in annual revenue in the future.

This sales revenue can be achieved only by obtaining a market of less than 30 million elderly people. Even if it is used according to the method of using one bottle for three days, it only covers less than 100 million elderly people.

However, this health care product for the elderly can save these countries a lot of medical investment, and even personal medical insurance can save a lot of money.

If possible, he would like to charge those medical insurance companies extra fees. This health care product can save these insurance companies a lot of money.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu say this, not only was she not disappointed because the account would lose 5 billion yuan, but she was very happy. It seemed that being able to share the pressure for Ye Zishu was a very pleasant thing for her.

As for the remaining money, even if the overseas operating costs are not low, it is still enough to meet their capital needs. The profit of health care products is very high, and the net profit can reach 70%.

The formulas he took out were all carefully selected, and no particularly expensive Chinese medicinal materials were used. They were all relatively common Chinese medicinal materials, but some medicinal materials had stricter requirements on the age.

That's why he asked Taiji Health Care Company to build its own medicinal material planting base when it has enough money, because only in this way can it ensure that the medicinal materials have enough years and can supply the company's production needs on a large scale.

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