Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 165 Cultivation of Chinese Medicinal Materials (4/4)

"You are about to start to set up your own medicinal material cultivation base now." Ye Zishu said.

Although Chinese herbal medicines also have annual medicinal materials, there are also many medicinal materials that need to be perennial, and the quality of medicinal materials in different growth environments is also different.

In the previous life, many Chinese herbal medicines looked the same because of the different growth environments, but their medicinal effects were different. This made many people feel that the prescriptions prescribed by doctors had no effect.

In addition to the possibility that the prescription may not be right for the symptoms, there is also the problem of the medicinal materials. Only one or two pairs of good medicinal materials can cure the disease, while the medicinal materials with poor efficacy may still have no effect after taking a lot.

Taiji Health Care Company established its own planting base of medicinal materials, not only for health care products, but may involve the research and development and production of pharmaceuticals in the future, of which Chinese patent medicines will occupy a large proportion.

"We have enough funds, but we need to use a lot of land to build a Chinese herbal medicine planting base, which is more difficult for us." Pei Qing said.

The current land is basically divided up, and it will be very troublesome to reconcentrate, and if the local people see great benefits, they are likely to make trouble.

The best way is to find unclaimed land, but with such a large population in the country, how could there be so many unowned land, unless it is desert and land where no crops can be grown.

However, it is even more impossible to grow Chinese medicinal materials on such land. Chinese medicinal materials have very complex and demanding environmental requirements, and it is impossible to plant medicinal materials on a random piece of land.

"Furthermore, Chinese medicinal materials have been developed for thousands of years in our country. Those places in the country that are suitable for growing certain Chinese medicinal materials have long been occupied by others, and even if they were not occupied, they were planted by local farmers.

Because any place that is suitable for growing medicinal materials has a long history of medicinal materials planting, and the locals have more or less experience in growing medicinal materials. It is impossible for them to rent us a place to eat. "Pei Qing continued.

After what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu also realized that this matter is more difficult to handle. As a private company, it is impossible to expropriate land like the government, and the local people will not agree. Genius remembered it in a second :(

If the compensation given is too high, you will be at a disadvantage, and the cost will increase a lot. At that time, when it is reflected in the terminal price, the terminal consumers will not be able to afford it, and the market will shrink a lot.

"With such a large country, there must be some land that has not been divided." Ye Zishu said.

"Definitely not all the land is divided, but have you ever thought about it,

If the requirements for the geographical environment are too high for the cultivation of medicinal materials, it will make us very passive in the future.

Once the local government wants to operate by itself, what should we do? We can only accept it passively, and then purchase Chinese herbal medicines from them at high prices. "Pei Qing said.

Although the probability of this happening as Pei Qing said is very low, the possibility cannot be ruled out. Once someone sees the benefits and the resources are scarce, there is a way to deal with them.

They can't be discouraged and refuse to purchase their Chinese medicinal materials, because the quality may not be up to standard when purchased from other places, which is still considered good.

I am afraid that everyone's quality is very average, which will cause Tai Chi Health to reduce production capacity due to the shortage of qualified Chinese medicinal materials, and will suffer huge losses.

Ye Zishu leaned on the back of the chair, tapped his fingers on the armrest, thought for a long time, and said, "According to what you said, if you want to not be restricted by geographical resources, you must get rid of the scarce resources of geographical resources.

So if we directly use technology to simulate the most suitable environment for the growth of Chinese herbal medicines anywhere, then we don’t have to worry so much.

On such a large land in China, one can establish a base of Chinese herbal medicines in any place, so there is no need to be restrained. "

"Don't tell me, you have such a technology?" Pei Qing looked at Ye Zishu with a strange look and asked.

Seeing Pei Qing's expression, Ye Zishu hecked twice, and said with a smile: "You guessed it right, although I haven't conducted such research, but I believe that it will not be long before I can come up with mature Chinese medicinal materials Cultivate technology."

"Rely on the world in your brain?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

He felt a little embarrassed when Pei Qing said that. Last time, he just pretended and gave him a reason for taking out the formula of health care products. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

Unexpectedly, Pei Qing took it seriously, and could only say: "Your statement is wrong, it should be because of my superhuman IQ, and this kind of technology can't be said to be too complicated.

The planting environment of medicinal materials is nothing more than those aspects, such as soil, air humidity, temperature, and light. As long as these factors are controlled from a technical level, the problem can be solved.

In the final analysis, the soil provides nutrients for Chinese herbal medicines. We only need to study the causes of the medicinal effects of Chinese herbal medicines, and then we can use technology to achieve independent nutrition ratios, which are more reasonable than the nutrients provided by soil.

As for air humidity and temperature, it is easier to control with modern technology, and there are many ready-made technologies that can meet the requirements.

As for the light, we use the method of combining natural light source and artificial light source. When the natural light source meets the conditions, controlling the light intensity of the natural light source can simulate the light environment required by Chinese medicinal plants.

If natural light sources cannot meet the conditions, we can use artificial light sources to enhance the light, so as to simulate the light conditions required by Chinese medicinal materials.

If these technologies can be realized, the growth environment of Chinese herbal medicines can reach an ideal state, and even Chinese herbal medicines can be grown at night, and the planting cycle can be shortened when the medicinal effects meet the requirements. "

Listening to Ye Zishu's words, it seems that there is no difficulty, but there are many technical details in order to realize such a complex system.

The most important thing is that it is necessary to analyze the causes of the medicinal effects of each Chinese herbal medicine. If this is not analyzed clearly, then it is tantamount to "a blind man lighting a lamp, wasting wax".

The most difficult thing is the analysis of the causes of the medicinal effects of Chinese medicinal materials. Even after the analysis, experiments are still needed to achieve the best ideal state, so that the effect of the cultivated Chinese medicinal materials can be more ideal.

But Pei Qing listened to his words, thought for a while, and then asked: "Tell me, if we know the active ingredients in the medicinal materials and then synthesize them artificially, will it be simpler and more effective?"

This is to use modern chemical synthesis to solve the traditional way of relying on plant extraction. It is not impossible, but more difficult.

Of course, this is not easy for other people, but for Ye Zishu, because he needs to find relevant knowledge from the vast sea of ​​books.

In addition, the way of chemical synthesis is not necessarily to save money. Sometimes biosynthesis is more effective and convenient than chemical synthesis, and the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials is actually the process of biosynthesis.

"What you said is theoretically possible, but with the current technical capabilities, it is more difficult to achieve this than planting medicinal materials, and the cost is not necessarily low.

Moreover, planting Chinese medicinal materials requires a lot of labor. There are not enough jobs in the country. Creating more jobs is a serious matter. The profits must be distributed to others, not all of them in their own hands. "Leaf Book said.

The easiest and most effective way to become safe with huge wealth is to let more people rely on their own property to survive. If you are rich and not many people are attached to you, then you are very dangerous.

Most of the industries he established are high-tech industries, and the difficulty of duplication is very high. Even if the duplication is successful, the price will be extremely high.

This is different from those Internet platforms in the previous life. The Internet platform seems to have a huge user resource, but the Internet platform itself does not have unique technology.

The country really wants to build a platform by itself, and then introduce more favorable measures. Users and merchants on the original platform will definitely change their doors one after another.

So those Internet platforms in the previous life have never been too big to fail. As long as the government really does it, it is not difficult to replace them. Can private companies still compete with the state?

Many of his industries, even health care products, can be said to be high-tech among health care products, and others cannot copy them.

If there are a lot of people in these industries relying on you to survive, no matter who wants to make an idea, you have to think twice and think about the consequences of doing so.

The biggest reliance of a country's government is the trust of the people, and the biggest weakness is also here. As long as the industries under its banner bring benefits to more people, the safer it will be.

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