Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 166 Confidentiality Management (1/4)

Afterwards, Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing to accompany him to inspect the production base of health care products. As the company aspires to become the largest health care product company in the world, the construction of the production base is no different from that of a pharmaceutical company.

When Ye Zishu inspected the production workshop, he also needed to wear protective clothing. He had to go through three disinfection gates before entering the production workshop. The inside was also spotless.

This kind of production environment is definitely the most advanced in the country, and it looks like a big company at first glance. When Ye Zishu inspected it, the employees were all focused on their work.

In addition to observing the sanitation and management of the production line, Ye Zishu also pays special attention to the confidentiality of the formula during the production process. After all, the formula is the core secret of health care products.

The entire production process is divided into 108 procedures, which actually don’t need to be so troublesome. This is done by Tai Chi Health Care Company.

In addition to adding a lot of useless processes for no reason, there is also the addition of a lot of useless medicinal materials. Adding these medicinal materials actually has no effect, and of course it is harmless.

This is a useless formula that was deliberately added when Ye Zishu gave the formula. Putting it together can confuse the public, mainly to prevent others from analyzing the formula from the finished product.

Even the procurement of medicinal raw materials has been kept confidential. For example, the procurement will not be strictly in accordance with the demand of the prescription, so that it is easy for people to know the medicinal materials required for the formula and the proportion of various medicinal materials in the formula.

Of course, relying solely on such means can only play a certain role. The most important thing is to keep strict confidentiality in management. For this reason, all processes could have been completed in one production workshop, but the company divided it into several workshops.

There is not much connection between workers and managers in each workshop. In addition to keeping confidentiality in the management and production links, Tai Chi Health has actually applied for a patent on the formula.

However, this patent is relatively vague. If you really want to manufacture health care products according to the patent, the effect of the manufactured health care products will be greatly reduced. If the ratio or production process is wrong, it will not even have any effect.

The reason for applying for a patent is mainly to be able to sell it abroad, because many countries require the formula to be provided, but according to the published formula, it is actually difficult to develop the same product.

Just like the previous Yunnan Baiyao, it is classified as a national secret in China, but the effect is surprisingly good. It has not been exported before because many countries require the release of the formula.

The result of the final compromise was that Yunnan Baiyao casually announced a formula to the public. In fact, it was impossible to develop an identical medicine based on this formula.

It's just that he did it on his own initiative.

Because it is a health product, it doesn't matter whether the formula itself is effective or not. Anyway, if you can't kill people, it's enough for someone to pay for it.

As for the discrepancy between the effect of the formula and the actual situation, it can only be attributed to a problem in the production process. If the drug is ineffective, it will be a serious problem, and the health care product is not so strict.

In addition to the factories currently in production, there are many factories under construction here. One is to expand the production of existing products. The foreign market is so good that the supply has already exceeded the demand.

The second is to prepare for the children's mental health products that were originally planned to be launched. Now this health care product cannot be launched for the time being. Whether it can be launched or not depends on the follow-up situation.

Then I went to inspect the R\u0026D center with Pei Qing. The R\u0026D center is divided into several places. During the research and development process of the formula, each R\u0026D center completes different parts of the work.

After the finished product comes out, there will be a dedicated experimental center to conduct clinical trials. The R\u0026D centers are not affiliated with each other, and a very strict confidentiality system has also been established for the communication between the R\u0026D centers.

Of course, the salaries of employees in these R\u0026D centers are also very high, with an average salary of 15,000 yuan per month, which is hundreds of times higher than the current domestic average salary.

Ye Zishu looked at it. Each researcher only focuses on the task assigned to him, and cannot inquire about any research task or information like any other researcher. Once reported, the whistleblower can get a high bonus.

Once the whistleblower confirms that the whistleblowing is true, he will face high liquidated damages. Pei Qing has done a lot of work to prevent the leakage of the formula.

Even when selecting researchers, almost everyone's information has been checked up to the sky. Talent is not the first consideration option, but character and morality are the first selection factors.

Because they don't need to develop innovative formulas by themselves, they only need to complete the assigned tasks on time and with high quality. Anyone who has experience in pharmaceutical research and development can basically be competent.

These R\u0026D personnel signed lifelong contracts. Even if they retire in the future, the company will also pay them high pensions, and even their children will be arranged by the company for suitable positions.

It can be said that signing a lifelong contract with Tai Chi Health Care Company means that unless the company goes bankrupt, they will have no worries for the rest of their lives, and even arrange for their children's future. Under normal circumstances, there is no reason to sell the company's secrets.

Pei Qing has kept the recipe secret from the two aspects of confidentiality system management and welfare benefits. For a private company, it has done quite well.

After reading these, Ye Zishu said: "We still need to establish our own research and development center, so that the confidentiality measures can be more in place.

Confidentiality work will be a long-term work of the company, and it must not be slackened. The company should not be reluctant to spend money, and should provide high benefits to everyone who has access to the formula.

Anyway, compared with the money we can earn, the cost of confidentiality work is not worth mentioning. You can decide how to do it according to the actual situation. "

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu say this, she nodded and wrote down the matter. Now their health care products have opened up the international market and proved to be warmly welcomed by the market.

In the future, it will continue to bring benefits to Tai Chi Health Care Company. It is not difficult to establish a headquarters of its own and a research and development center with high confidentiality standards.

The headquarters of Tai Chi Health Care Company does not have many staff, most of them are sales personnel, and sales personnel do not need their own workstations in the headquarters, so the headquarters is destined not to be very large.

As for the research and development center, Ye Zishu emphasized that although it is only involved in health care products at present, it will definitely involve the research and development of biomedicine in the future.

Therefore, the R\u0026D center needs to be built according to high standards to prepare for the future research and development of biomedicine. As for when to enter, it depends on whether Yeshu has the energy and time.

Before they separated from Pei Qing, Ye Zishu invited Pei Qing to dinner, and they didn't go to any high-end places, so the two had a barbecue at a roadside stall.

Pei Qing is the most important person in Taiji Health Care Company. Only she knows the complete formula given by Ye Zishu. She decomposes the formula and assigns research and development and experiment tasks.

It can be said that if Pei Qing sells Ye Zishu, Ye Zishu will suffer a huge loss. In order to avoid this situation, he needs to establish a certain personal friendship with Pei Qing.

Pei Qing will definitely not be short of money, she can get an annual salary of one million now, and when the company makes more money in the future, it will not be a problem for her annual salary to be hundreds of millions.

The reason why he chose Pei Qing was that besides Pei Qing graduated from medicine and knew management, the most important thing was that he thought Pei Qing was a more suitable person.

Through various temptations, he felt that Pei Qing was a person with a bottom line, at least there was no major problem in character and morality, such a person would not sell herself for a little profit.

There is also Pei Qing's family background. Although her family is a worker's family, her parents are employees of state-owned enterprises. Although she is not very rich, she has enough food and clothing since she was a child, and she has no strong desire for money.

If you are a wealthy family, you have been exposed to the field of interests since childhood, and you will inevitably consider issues from the perspective of interests.

If you are from a poor family and grew up in an environment that lacks food and clothing, your desire for money will be very strong, and you may even sell yourself for a little profit.

Although it is not absolute, it has a high probability of happening to these two types of people, and there is no need for him to take the risk, so Pei Qing is the most suitable candidate in his opinion.

Establishing more personal friendships with Pei Qing is only to strengthen Pei Qing's bond, but he also feels more comfortable chatting with Pei Qing, because there seems to be no major obstacle in the communication between the two parties.

Managing an enterprise is actually much more complicated than pure technical research. Even a person like him has to consider many factors in management.

As long as there are things that are beneficial to management, even if he himself is not very willing, he has to do it. He is still good, and some people are much more tired than him.

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