Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 167 Going to Lujiazui to Acquire Land (2/4)

The next morning, Ye Zishu called Guo Dongsheng to his office and asked about the construction of Phoenix Software's headquarters. It was only two months before the end of the year.

"At present, the main work of the building has been completed, and the interior decoration and the construction of the external environment are in progress. It will be completed before the end of the year." Guo Dongsheng said.

Hearing what Guo Dongsheng said, Ye Zishu nodded and said, "You have also followed this project from the beginning, how much have you learned?"

When Guo Dongsheng heard Ye Zishu say this, he didn't know how to answer. He couldn't tell all the things he had learned, and he couldn't tell too many things temporarily. Human memory is sometimes intermittent.

Guo Dongsheng rolled his eyes, handed the back of his hand to Ye Zishu's eyes, and said, "This can always prove it?"

Ye Zishu glanced at it, and the back of Guo Dongsheng's hands were as dark as those of farmers who have been farming all year round, and there were obvious signs of peeling.

This shows that Guo Dong spends all his time growing up on the construction site. No matter how much he can learn from it, this effort makes Ye Zishu a little surprised.

He hopes that through this project, Guo Dongsheng can understand all links in the construction process, have a very clear understanding of building materials and construction standards, and have a clear understanding of project cost and project evaluation.

Although he doesn't know how well he has learned in these aspects, he really feels this hard work. How much he learns has a lot to do with talent, but hard work always pays off, which is definitely true.

"Okay, I know you've worked hard these days, okay!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Guo Dongsheng laughed. It is always a pleasant thing to be recognized by others.

"I called you here this time because the establishment of a real estate company that I mentioned to you before is about to start, and there are some things that I need to explain to you," Ye Zishu said.

"Before, I might have a drum in my heart. After this period of practice, I feel that I can complete the task of a real estate company." Guo Dongsheng said confidently.

Seeing his confidence, Ye Zishu said: "It's a good thing that you are so confident, but don't be too confident. The task I entrusted to you is not as simple as acquiring land and building a house."

Guo Dongsheng was taken aback by Ye Zishu's words. Isn't that what real estate companies do? The boss is going to mess with it again.

"Our country's previous economic level was limited,

The living conditions of the people are generally not good, and living conditions are naturally one of them.

However, with the improvement of our country's economic conditions, the people will have a strong demand for the improvement of living conditions, and the development of industry and commerce will require a lot of business premises.

It is foreseeable that the real estate development in the future will usher in a period of prosperity for quite a long time, and the market size will exceed the imagination of many people.

But you have followed the project for so long, how much do you know about the sources of these building materials? Is it true that many building materials are imported, because many domestic building materials do not meet the standards, or even do not exist in China.

I hope that the buildings we build will not only have a lifespan of several decades. We will have to invest in these reinforced concrete every few decades. This is a serious waste of resources and a great damage to the environment.

So we need to start with construction raw materials and establish a set of high-standard construction material industry chains. I mentioned this to you before, but this work was not listed as a priority at the time.

The reason why I raised the priority of construction raw materials is that, in addition to the above reasons, there is also a great potential for development in this field and a large market size.

In addition, we now have relatively sufficient funds, as well as my other thinking about real estate management, which contributed to the change in business thinking. "Leaf Book said.

"Will the stall be too large at once, and the capital consumption will be very large. Although it seems that the technical content of these building materials is not very high, the investment scale is not small.

Moreover, there are so many projects at once, which is also a severe test for management. Although I have made progress during this period, I am not sure that I can manage such a large stall all at once. " Guo Dongsheng said.

Guo Dongsheng still has self-knowledge and knows that his ability is limited. If he just takes land and finds a construction company for construction, he can still handle it. Now starting with raw materials, it involves too much work.

"What you said is true, but I told you a long time ago that the most important ability for a business manager is to learn to know and employ people. If you are not capable enough, you can find someone with strong ability to help you manage it.

You can make a list of all aspects of construction, and then set up a subsidiary company with a strong correlation industry, and hand it over to someone with strong ability to manage it.

In this way, all the fields related to construction are allocated to the subsidiary, and the headquarters is left to acquire land and build houses. This should not be too difficult for you. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although things are definitely not as simple as Ye Zishu said, but after sorting it out like this, it seems that it is not as complicated as imagined, and the thinking becomes clear all of a sudden.

Seeing that Guo Dongsheng regained confidence, Ye Zishu continued: "The subsidiary belongs to the field of raw materials and key construction equipment. Although it is under the jurisdiction of the head office in terms of operation, it has a certain degree of independence and is not completely a vassal of the head office.

The head office only needs to evaluate their performance, and deal with and hold accountable for the problems reported below. There is no need to interfere too much with their daily operations. "

The reason why he wants to do this is that besides solving the funding problem, the most important thing is to be stimulated. The construction of the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company requires importing too many things.

Buildings are not only steel bars and cement, but also many ancillary facilities and other parts. The most typical one is the elevator. There are no products available in our country, and they all need to be imported.

One or two items need to be imported, but when many things need to be imported, and they are still high-value parts, the construction cost is virtually raised, and even the glass of the building's exterior walls must be imported.

Not to mention those construction machinery, although they are also available in China, advanced construction equipment and machinery still have to rely on imports, which is very detrimental to the development of my country's infrastructure.

If his plan is not big, it's fine, importing is more cost-effective, but now he has changed his previous business thinking, and these basic industries are closely related to his interests.

"You should know about the state's establishment of a financial center in Lujiazui. In the future, most of the domestic financial companies and enterprises will gather here, and it will become one of the most prosperous places.

I think it is more appropriate for our first step to start here. This time I have prepared 5 billion yuan for you, which is enough for you to make some moves there, and I will continue to provide you with funds in the future.

Therefore, our business idea is no longer just to build residential buildings, but to develop into urban complexes, build the center of the city center, and become a comprehensive building complex integrating business, office, entertainment, leisure and living. "

Guo Dongsheng did not expect that Yepshu raised the fund to 5 billion yuan. Before that, he only promised 10 million yuan, which was a direct increase of 500 times, and he also promised to provide follow-up funds.

"Isn't it going to cost so much money?" Guo Dongsheng asked curiously.

"If it is just construction and then the property is sold, it is natural that the money can be collected continuously. Now the urban complex I plan to operate will be a self-holding property, relying on rent and surrounding value to obtain income.

In this way, what we get is long-term income, but it is difficult to pay back in the short term, so the demand for our own funds will increase significantly, and 5 billion yuan is just an appetizer. "Leaf Book said.

"In this way, our financial pressure will be very high!" Guo Dongsheng reminded.

"There is definitely a lot of financial pressure, but don't worry too much. Since I dare to do this, there must be a way to find money. You don't have to worry about it. Just do the things at hand well." Ye Zishu said.

Then Ye Zishu introduced to Guo Dongsheng in detail what urban complexes are, what types they are, and which places are suitable for building what type of urban complexes.

He even mentioned which cities and places in the country have development potential, because they must first invest in the places with the most investment value, so that the returns will be greater.

After making sure Guo Dongsheng understood, Ye Zishu said: "The first thing you need to do is go to Lujiazui, Shanghai to get enough land. As for the design of the complex complex, I will provide you with a design drawing for a sample."

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