Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 168 Need to establish vocational education institutions (3/4)

Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongsheng to register a Wancheng Foundation Company, whose main business is real estate development, property management, construction equipment research and development and production, and building material development and production.

In order to reflect the strength of the company and enable the company to cooperate better, 5 billion yuan was directly used as the company's registered capital.

If you want to get a project from the land planned and developed by the government, strength is very important, and the best embodiment of strength is the registered capital.

Wancheng Foundation has a registered capital of 5 billion yuan, which is absolutely achievable in this era, even central enterprises do not necessarily have such a large amount of registered capital.

And the first project of this company is aimed at Lujiazui, Shanghai. After all, this place has proved to be extremely valuable in previous lives, and self-owned property can also bring huge benefits to the company.

Ye Zishu also let Guo Dongsheng communicate more with his sister Guo Dongmei in terms of company management. Although Guo Dongmei is a student at school, judging from her management of Shengshi Records, the effect is still very good.

In fact, the management complexity of Shengshi Records Company is not very high. Compared with the management of real estate companies, it is not in the same order of magnitude. Guo Dongmei's proper participation in the management of Wancheng Foundation Company will improve her ability even more.

As for Ye Zishu himself, taking advantage of the time before the Canton Fair, he needs to prepare some of the promised technologies so that some projects can start as soon as possible.

The first is to provide Tai Chi Health Company with a fully automatic environmental control system for Chinese herbal medicines, which requires not only the support of various advanced electronic equipment, but also the ability to control sunlight infinitely.

He is going to come up with a special glass. Through the control system setting, this glass can automatically change the transparency of the glass according to the intensity of the outside sunlight, and even filter special light waves.

Moreover, the application range of glass is very wide. All kinds of glass can be seen everywhere in our daily life. Even the building materials business of Wancheng Jiye Company should also have business related to glass.

So what he brought out this time is not just a product, but a set of products, trying to cover a wider range of uses, and sorting out some technical principle information so that the company's R\u0026D department has the ability to continue research and development.

And such a set of fully automatic Chinese herbal medicine environmental control system can also be used in the planting of any plant, and its application range is very wide.

Before, he promised Yuko Ogura, the catering director of "China Little Master", that he would provide a set of high-tech crop planting technology, and this system was just right for them.

The crops grown by this system,

It can be said that it is completely organic food. While ensuring the original taste of the ingredients, there is no need to use any pesticide products.

This system is matched with the nutrient preparation technology required by plants, so that plants can be freed from the shackles of the land and can be produced directly in the factory.

The second is to design an urban complex for Wancheng Jiye. This work can be delayed. After all, the land has not been obtained, and it will not be too late to design after the land is obtained.

It's just that he feels that Wancheng Foundation will do a lot of work on urban architectural design in the future, so what he thought of was to use software technology to speed up the efficiency of architectural design.

Therefore, he needs to design a special architectural design software system and give it to Wancheng Jiye Company to use, so that he can get rid of the work of architectural design.

In addition to these two recently added tasks, there are many tasks that have been planned before that need to be completed by him, such as sorting out 3G technical materials, software systems required for chip design and manufacturing, and so on.

Some only require him to provide technical data support, and some require his moderate participation, such as chip-related software. There are very few talents in this area in China.

Most of the programmers in his company are not from this industry. Even if they are given technical information, they may not be able to understand it thoroughly.

After he needs to give the technical information, he also needs to conduct certain training to explain the basic knowledge of chip design and manufacturing, so that they can understand the whole process, so that they can write software better.

The reason why industrial software is difficult is that it is not only a software problem, but also needs to understand relevant industry knowledge, even better than professionals who have been engaged in this industry for a long time.

Because when industrial software is designed, it needs to be advanced to a certain extent, instead of waiting until the industrial industry needs it, industrial software development will follow up.

Under normal circumstances, the design of industrial software needs to go beyond the industrial industry itself and is a forward-looking thinking about the development of the next generation of industrial industries.

He does not require industrial software developers to have such abilities now, but they must have a full understanding of various industries and be familiar with every detail.

As for the future development of the industrial industry, it is not necessary for ordinary industrial software developers to understand it, but only for those who do industrial software architecture design.

At present, many companies under the Phoenix Technology Company have greatly expanded their staff size, and the total number has reached 20,000. This is the result of frenzied recruitment during this period.

Among them, the number of personnel assigned to Suzaku Software Company is not small, and the number has reached 3,000, because they have too many industrial software projects to develop.

In addition to these recruits, there are not many graduates with pure software and computer majors. Most of them are majors in other majors. They come here to work on software. Many employees who have learned well in this major are assigned to industrial software R\u0026D companies.

Of course, the company with the largest increase in number is Jiufeng Software Company. This company focuses on business software and tool software, and is an important part of building the Phoenix operating system. It is not surprising that the number of people is large.

Leaf Book listed a long list of application software development before, basically this company is in charge, so this software company has more than 5,000 employees.

On the contrary, the two Internet companies under him have the smallest staff size. After all, their current business is relatively simple, and the research and development tasks are not too heavy, so there is no need to use so many research and development personnel.

On September 20, news came from Xuanwu Technology Company that their electronic product production line had started trial production. Due to the limited training time for employees, the good product rate was only 80%.

This yield rate may not be low in chip manufacturing, but in the general electronics manufacturing industry, it is indeed not up to standard, because the added value of chips is high and can withstand a low yield rate.

In the ordinary electronics manufacturing industry, the profit itself is not very high, and the yield rate is too low, which virtually eats up the meager profit margin.

According to the requirements of Ye Zishu, Xuanwu Technology Company must increase the yield rate to above 98% before it can be regarded as meeting the requirements of the formal production stage.

He hopes that by the end of September, the good product rate will reach at least 95%, so that he can get the order from Lingtong Technology Company and enter the formal production stage.

The reason why it is required to be at the end of September is because in mid-October, Lingtong Technology needs to take its own products to participate in the Canton Fair, and needs to provide a batch of displayed products before that.

It's just that this situation also reminded Ye Zishu that it was necessary to set up a special vocational training organization to train domestic industrial workers.

It is not like the current situation where the enterprise itself undertakes the training work, because in doing so, there will be a lag in talent training, and generally wait until the time of employment before starting to train workers in a hurry.

Moreover, the demand for this kind of professional workers is not only needed by the companies under Ye Zishu, but also by other domestic companies. The market size should be very large.

As far as vocational education is concerned, Ye Zishu needs a good person in charge, which reminds him of Yu Minhong in his previous life, although in his previous life he was mainly engaged in work related to academic education.

But it also proved that he is still very talented in education, it's just a change of education content, the most important thing is that he thinks Yu Minhong is not bad.

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