Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 169 Interview with Yu Minhong (4/4)

Now Yu Minhong has left Peking University and is working as a teacher in other training schools outside. The establishment of New Oriental School will have to wait until next year.

Although he himself does not fully agree with New Oriental's teaching philosophy, there is nothing wrong with them doing so in a market-oriented environment.

Ye Zishu asked the HR department to find Yu Minhong, if he is willing to come and talk, then talk, if the educational philosophy of the two is similar, let him be the person in charge of the company.

If there is too much difference in ideas, then forget it. After all, people have their own ambitions, and he will not become angry because of different ideas. It can only be said that the world is diverse.

After letting go of this matter, Ye Zishu continued to work on his own affairs. These tasks at hand were just a few things to talk about, but there were many details involved in doing them.

Three days later, the personnel department told him that they had contacted Yu Minhong, who agreed to meet him and asked Ye Zishu how to arrange it.

Originally, he wanted to arrange a meeting in a cafe or teahouse, so that the other party's mentality could be calmed down, but after thinking about it, he decided to change the meeting place to his office.

His investment in education is not just for profit, he has always been more serious about education, so when they meet, he wants to be appropriately strong.

In the afternoon and evening, Yu Minhong came to Phoenix Software Company in a hurry, and was brought to Ye Zishu's office by the personnel of the personnel department.

Seeing Yu Minhong coming in, Ye Zishu raised his head from his busy work, then stood up, shook hands with Yu Minhong, and the two sat down at the nearby teahouse.

Ye Zishu personally poured Yu Minhong a cup of tea, then poured himself a cup, and said, "I don't know how the colleagues from the personnel department told Mr. Yu.

I have also heard about Mr. Yu holding a training class at Peking University before. This time we plan to enter the field of education, and the first thought is to think of Mr. Yu. "

"It is my honor, Yu Minhong, to hear Mr. Ye!" Yu Minhong said with a serious expression.

Seeing Yu Minhong's expression, Ye Zishu obviously didn't completely let go of his guard. In terms of age, Yu Minhong was 10 years older than Ye Zishu, but there was a huge gap in their status.

Coupled with Ye Zishu's self-confidence that cannot be ignored, Yu Minhong felt even more pressure. Even if Ye Zishu's words were nice, it was still difficult for him to adapt.

Seeing that Yu Minhong didn't answer his words,

Ye Zishu took a sip of tea, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu seems to be very wary of me.

You may be in contact with me for the first time. In fact, apart from being a little stronger at work, I am not that particular about other aspects. People under my command often make jokes about me in front of my face. "

"I'm your fan, so I'm a little nervous when I see you for the first time." Yu Minhong said with a smile.

I don't know if what he said is true, but judging from his expression, he is much better than before, and he also laughed and said: "Actually, my purpose of singing an album and holding a training class with you is to support my family. "

"Then your family is a bit big, and you need so much money to support it!" Yu Minhong said jokingly.

Hearing what Yu Minhong said, Ye Zishu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Mr. Yu is also a wonderful person. I think the bigger the family, the bigger the better, but the relationship between funds and talents can only be slowly eliminated." The home expanded.

I don't know if Mr. Yu is willing to join our big family. This is much better than you fighting alone in society. What do you think? "

Yu Minhong didn't speak immediately, but thought for a moment and asked, "I don't know Mr. Ye, what kind of education are you going to do?"

"Vocational education!" Ye Zishu said.

"Mr. Ye was joking. I have never engaged in such a job. Isn't it a mistake to ask me to run vocational education?" Yu Minhong said.

"I invited Mr. Yu to come here, and I didn't ask Mr. Yu to stand on the podium to give lectures. These tasks can be done by hiring people. Mr. Yu only needs to do a good job in company management." Ye Zishu said.

After speaking, seeing that Yu Minhong was still full of doubts, Ye Zishu continued: "Mr. Yu is from the countryside, and I, Ye Zishu, are also from the countryside.

We should have a good understanding of the situation in the countryside. Do you think it is possible to lift the rural people out of poverty with one mu of land in the countryside? "

When Yu Minhong heard this, he shook his head and said, "The little land at home can only guarantee that people will not starve to death. It is impossible to get rid of poverty."

"That's right, I feel a little capable now, and I just think about how to get rid of the rural population's dependence on land and live a relatively prosperous life.

And Mr. Yu's current training and education work is just to provide icing on the cake for people with good family conditions. Between the two, which one is bigger? "Leaf Book asked.

Seeing that Yu Minhong didn't answer, Ye Zishu continued: "The ancients said well, 'If you are poor, you will benefit yourself alone, if you are rich, you will benefit the world'. I was also poor in the past, so naturally I couldn't do much.

However, although my funds are still tight due to the expansion of the industry, I think it is time to start helping more people to get rid of the current poverty.

At present, the poorest places are the vast rural areas. They have neither high education nor the skills to survive in the city, and they cannot enter the industrial industry in a short time.

However, if the labor force in rural areas wants to get rid of the current state of poverty, they can only leave the land, enter the city, and participate in the industrial division of labor.

Most of their skills are agricultural skills. The shortage of skills means that it is difficult for them to get job opportunities in cities. Even if they get job opportunities, they are just doing coolies.

It's all hard and dirty work that the urban population is unwilling to do. If you want to rely on this kind of work, it is impossible to have a significant improvement. At best, it can only be better than digging the soil in the field.

This is also my original intention of setting up a vocational school. If they can learn a skill from the school, they can adapt to more technical jobs, get more salary, and support their families. "

"Mr. Ye's ideals are so lofty, I, Yu Minhong, still admire them, but you also said that the countryside itself is relatively poor, what do they use to pay for tuition?" Yu Minhong asked.

Yu Minhong grasped the key point of the question, Ye Zishu smiled and said: "Mr. Yu asked the key point, this is also the difference of our vocational education.

There will be two types of students. One type pays the tuition fees by themselves. After they graduate, they have the right to choose independently. They can work in any company they want, and the school cannot interfere.

The other type is tuition-free. The school and the employment company have reached a cooperation. After graduation, these students will be recruited by the cooperative company. They need to work for the company for 3 to 5 years before they have the full right to choose a job.

The tuition fees for these students are provided by the company, which means that we have accepted the training from the company. However, the salary of these students cannot be lower than the average salary of the industry, otherwise the students have the right to refuse. "

Yu Hongmin didn't expect Ye Zishu to solve the problem of rural children's inability to pay school fees in this way, after thinking about it, he said: "Mr. Ye's arrangement looks very good.

But I think that if we are divorced from reality, the state-owned enterprises cannot take care of their own employees, and it is impossible for our school to help them train employees.

Private companies value the most interests, and they are generally small in size, so it is impossible to spend more costs to train employees, and naturally they will not let our school help them train employees. "

Ye Zishu nodded. Yu Minhong still has some understanding of the current domestic economic status and corporate status, otherwise he would not have thought about it.

"If it is said that all the students trained in the early school will be accepted by my company, does Mr. Yu have any questions?" Ye Zishu asked.

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