Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 170 How much training is needed (1/4)

"Can Mr. Ye's property accept so many people?" Yu Minhong asked curiously.

Not to mention the number of schools to be built, even a vocational training school with a yearly enrollment of 1,000 people is not a small number over the years.

What's more, Yu Minhong believes that the industry of Yezishu is only the software industry, and he doesn't know other industries under Yemenshu, so he is quite curious about this question.

"Mr. Yu may not know much about the industries under my umbrella. In addition to the software industry, I also own the cultural industry, electronic semiconductor industry, medical and health care industry, and the real estate industry that I will soon enter.

If related industries are added, there are building materials industry, machinery manufacturing industry, precision instrument industry, chemical industry and so on.

Although some of these industries are currently small in scale and some have begun to take shape, I believe that the development speed of these industries will show a trend of rapid increase in the near future.

And many industries here require higher professional knowledge. If the students from the training school do jobs that can be done without training, I am willing to pay for their knowledge. "Leaf Book said.

Don't tell me, I don't know, Yu Minhong was taken aback when he said that, he didn't expect this young man in front of him to develop so many industries quietly.

He also knew that Ye Zishu went to university in 1990, less than three years ago, how he managed to develop so fast in such a short period of time.

And although he is ten years older, he is still a teacher in other people's training classes. Compared with others, he is not bad, but compared with the young man in front of him, he is a world of difference.

"Mr. Ye, how many people can your industry absorb every year?" Yu Minhong asked.

"It's hard to say, because my industry is constantly changing, but I can be sure that as long as you can train enough talents, we will have enough industries to accommodate these students."

Ye Zishu's words are very domineering, even domineering enough to make people suspect that they are bragging. The rural population of our country, not counting the old and the young, should be 500 million.

Although not everyone can receive vocational education, it is not impossible to train millions of people every year. Could it be that the young people in front of them have the ability to create millions more jobs in their industries?

Sure enough, when Yu Minhong heard Ye Zishu's words, he didn't make any comments, but just laughed a few times. Obviously, he didn't quite believe Ye Zishu's words.

don't say it's him

Even other people who know Ye Zishu a little bit will not believe his words, because the tone is so loud that even the country dare not say that.

However, Ye Zishu thinks differently. As long as he has enough skilled industrial workers, he can actually enter any industry at any time. Except for the difficulty in management, technical problems are not a problem at all.

Of course, if you are so domineering, your confidence comes from the strong revenue capability of Taiji Health Care Company. Although the current revenue is only 10 billion yuan, the prospect is extremely broad.

According to the current development of Tai Chi Health, the annual revenue may reach more than 100 billion US dollars in a short period of time, which is a huge number for China.

Of course, this is a case of smooth development. If his health care products industry is attacked by other capital, or the local government intervenes, the situation will be different.

But this probability is still very low, because health care products will definitely not involve sensitive issues, and human beings' desire for life and attachment to youth and strength cannot be easily erased.

But anyone with a little ability will not reject the products of Tai Chi Health Company, and even after a long time, they will become the necessities of life for many people, and the lack of them will have a serious impact on their quality of life.

"How much is Mr. Ye planning to invest in vocational education?" Yu Minhong asked.

Although he wanted to know how true what Ye Zishu said. After all, anyone can say bold words, but when he really puts his heart into it, he will stop.

But Ye Zishu showed a smile on his face when he heard it. Being able to say this shows that Yu Minhong has already begun to think about this issue, instead of being a little perfunctory like before.

"If Mr. Yu agrees to be the person in charge, I can immediately take out 100 million yuan as the start-up capital of the company. In the future, the annual investment will not be less than 1 billion yuan, at least until the school can produce blood by itself." Ye Zishu Said.

The previous investment is mainly used for hardware investment, and professional teachers are invited to teach, and the later training costs of students will be borne by the enterprise itself.

When Ye Zishu said this, Yu Minhong was really surprised. Although he probably thought that Ye Zishu's investment should not be only a few million, after all, he is such a big boss that he can't afford to lose such a person.

But what I didn't expect was that the unit of one shot was 100 million. The initial 100 million yuan was enough. Even if there were not enough students or the management was not doing enough, it would not be possible to spend so much money.

Ye Zishu also took this problem into consideration. In the first year, many things were complicated, and it was impossible to expand so fast. It would be good to be able to establish a few experimental schools. Genius remembered it in a second :(

When the construction of the experimental school is almost completed, the management has summed up a set of effective management models, so that the expansion will not be in a hurry, and the management will be smoother.

Before Yu Minhong could speak, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "I never speak falsely, and every word I said before is my true thought.

From the scale of our investment, Mr. Yu should feel my determination. The right to choose is now up to Mr. Yu. If you agree, you will be the person in charge of this company whose assets may exceed 10 billion yuan.

This opportunity is rare in life. To be honest, the training work you are doing now will not be able to survive after my vocational training school is established. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu stopped talking and drank his tea alone, leaving time for Yu Minhong to think. After all, this is a major event in life, and it is very necessary to think clearly.

While sipping tea, Yu Minhong was thinking about this question. Earlier, he admired Ye Zishu's courage. He took out hundreds of millions of funds as soon as he said they would, as if hundreds of millions of dollars were not money.

As for whether he has this ability, Yu Minhong will not doubt it, because the operating system software under the Phoenix Software Company is very popular abroad, and the domestic news has reported it, so it must not be fake.

But what he said later smacked of threats. Yu Minhong is working in another training institution now, but he is not happy with what he is doing. He already has the idea of ​​setting up his own training school.

If there is no such thing as Ye Zishu, Yu Minhong will establish New Oriental School next year according to the historical track, so now Ye Zishu's invitation actually disrupts the rhythm of his plan.

If there is no such sentence at the end of Ye Zishu, he may still feel that it is more comfortable to run his own training school, and the money he earns is his own, which is better than working for others.

But the words behind Ye Zishu forced him to think about this question. Under the impact of big capital like Ye Zishu, did the start-up training school still have the capital to survive.

Although it seems that the training content between the two is different at present, one is to provide opportunities for career advancement to poor children in China, and the other is to train foreign personnel to take exams, and there is no conflict between the two.

But he had to consider that Ye Shu would temporarily change his mind and add competitive content, which would make his school unsustainable.

As for Ye Zishu's claim that he is not that narrow-minded, he just listened to it. Any narrow-minded person would never say that he is narrow-minded in front of others.

Seeing that Yu Minhong was unable to make a decision for a long time, Ye Zishu said: "Mr. Yu can go back and think about it clearly, and ask his family members or people around him for advice, as long as he gives an answer within three days."

He heard that Yu Minhong still has a girlfriend. He is already thirty, and his girlfriend can't wait for him to become rich and rich while he is on the move. Once he knows that he has such a good opportunity, his girlfriend will definitely support him to come here. while working.

Women are different from men. Men actually have a certain degree of romanticism in their careers, but women are more concerned about stability, especially when they endure an unstable life for a long time, and they have a strong desire for stability.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Yu Minhong said apologetically: "I'm sorry to interrupt Mr. Ye's work. I'll go back and discuss it with my girlfriend, and I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

Watching Yu Minhong leave, Ye Zishu sighed, shook his head, went back to his desk and sat down, continuing to deal with the work at hand.

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