Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 171: Returning to the banner (2/4)

"Why are you back so late today?" A woman sat at the dining table with two dishes on it and asked the man who opened the door.

"I went to meet a friend after get off work." The man closed the door and said.

"Have you eaten yet?" The woman asked with a slightly relaxed tone.

"Not yet." The man put down the bag in his hand, sat down at the table, and said while opening the plate that covered the dish.

"My friend, why don't you invite you to dinner when it's dinner time?" asked the girlfriend incredulously.

Hearing what the woman said, the man did not reply immediately, but filled a bowl of rice, sat down at the dining table again, took two bites, glanced at the woman, and asked, "You have worked hard with me!"

"Why did you say this suddenly? Did something happen to you?" Not only was the woman not moved, but she asked anxiously.

After hearing this, the man put the chopsticks in his hand on the table and said, "The person I'm going to meet after get off work is Ye Zishu."

"Which leaf book?"

"Which one else is Ye Zishu, the singer's one that you like to listen to his songs!" the man said.

"Why is he looking for you?"

"What else can he do? He wants to enter the vocational education industry, and he wants to find a person in charge. I don't know where I heard my name, and someone found me." The man said.

"How much salary?" The woman asked curiously.

"No!" The man said shyly.

"You didn't ask such an important question. Even if you didn't ask, he wouldn't say it?" The woman was obviously not satisfied with this situation.

"It shouldn't be less, the investment scale is quite large!" said the man.

"How big is the investment?" The woman put away her anxious tone and asked curiously.

"It is said that if I was in charge in the past, the first investment would be 100 million yuan."

Before the man finished speaking, the woman screamed suddenly. The impact of 100 million yuan is unimaginable for ordinary people in this era.

"He said that if the later stage goes well, the annual investment will not be less than 1 billion yuan.

"The man didn't wait for the woman to be surprised, and then told even more shocking news.

"Where did he get so much money?" The woman didn't believe it after hearing the following information.

My boyfriend has been in the training industry for several years, and I also tutor the landlord's children. This industry does not need so much money at all, and it spends 1 billion yuan every year, which is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

Hearing his daughter's question, the man thought for a while and said, "We don't know much about his property, but he said he has many properties.

However, I can be sure of his Phoenix Software Company. With this company alone, he has firmly secured the throne of the richest man in China.

He should have no shortage of money. The current Phoenix Software Company is a gold mine, which brings him a lot of wealth every year. "

"Phoenix Software Company is his? Why haven't you heard the news?" the woman said.

"Who would talk about being rich every day?" the man said.

"That's right, then why did he still say he was short of money?" the woman asked.

"Maybe he was really short of money at that time, because their products hadn't been developed yet, and if they wanted to develop software such as an operating system, the number of workers would not be small, and the salaries for employees would not be low," the man said.

After listening to the man's explanation, the woman finally stopped talking. The news was still a bit shocking to her, and it took some time to digest it.

"Do you think I should agree?" The man asked when he saw that the woman was silent.

"There is no hesitation here. As long as you agree, we will be able to get rid of the current living situation immediately." The woman looked at the man like a fool.

"I originally planned to come out and work alone after a while. If I agree, I can only work for others." The man said.

"Part-time jobs and part-time jobs are still very different. Can working for a small training institution be the same as working for a billionaire?" The woman patted the table and said.

Before the man could speak, the woman said again: "We are not too young, if you can have a stable job with good income, we can get married right away!"

The man who was still a little hesitant at first changed his expression immediately when he heard this. No matter what age he was in, getting married was a top priority in life and required a certain amount of financial support.

He and his girlfriend are both North drifters, their jobs are unstable, and they don't have their own housing. They rent someone else's house, so it will be difficult for them to get married.

If he agrees to Ye Zishu, he may be able to buy a house with a few months of salary, and he doesn't even need to prepare the house himself. He knows that the huge software park of Phoenix Software Company is in the final stage.

Due to the large scale of the Phoenix Software Park, there should be very few people in the capital who do not know about it. It is difficult not to know about such a huge infrastructure project.

Why did he set up training courses while he was teaching at Peking University? Isn't the purpose just to make money? Because the salary of the school teachers makes it difficult for him to gain a foothold in the capital in a short period of time.

"Then I'll give him an answer the day after tomorrow?" the man asked.

"What are you waiting for the day after tomorrow? Just give me an answer tomorrow. You think that people can't see through your little thoughts. There are no fools who can do such a big business.

Just be sincere, people will not underestimate you, and such a big rich man, the employer must like a real person, not a narrow-minded person, don't you think? " said the woman.

When a man hears a woman's words, it seems that the same thing is true. It is not good for him to be more reserved for a day, but it is just taking care of his poor dignity.

On the contrary, if you agree as soon as possible, you can still get a bright and aboveboard impression. After all, you will work under the hands of others in the future, and the first impression is very important.

Even the man began to think about whether he was rude when we met just now. After thinking about it, although he was not very enthusiastic at the time, it was all excusable, so he was relieved a lot. Genius remembered it in a second :(

The next day the man went to work. During his lunch break, he used his free time to call the personnel from the personnel department who contacted him and agreed.

After Ye Zishu heard it, he was still very happy. No matter what the purpose of agreeing, for him, being able to put this mess to rest was better than anything else.

So he asked him to come over after get off work to discuss the specific contract. It was just a general discussion between the two of them before. Now that he agreed, after signing the contract, he needs to explain the detailed plan in advance.

In the evening, Yu Minhong really came over, and Ye Zishu received him in the office, and after the two sat down, he said with a smile: "I am very happy that you can agree.

Although this is vocational education, it is still of great significance to many people, and it will certainly change the dilemma of domestic vocational education and provide new impetus for national development.

Academic education is important and is the engine of the country's technological development, but vocational education is equally important and is the cornerstone of the country's industrial development and service industry development.

So I think this matter should be done sooner rather than later. If you don't agree, I don't know how much time it will take to find other candidates. You have helped me a lot. "

When Yu Minhong heard Ye Zishu's words, he didn't take everything seriously. He didn't think he was so important. He didn't know how much he weighed?

However, from Ye Zishu's words, he understood why he insisted on investing so much in vocational education, because Ye Zishu's structure is very large.

Although vocational education must be profitable if it wants to run for a long time, no matter how rich Ye Zishu is, he will not always invest for free, which is unrealistic.

But being able to make money while also being able to do things that benefit the people and the country immediately improved his life pattern a lot. At least he heard it and felt that it was a great thing to engage in vocational education.

"This is the contract we prepared. You can take a look at it. If you think there is anything to be discussed, you can speak up and we can discuss it." Ye Zishu handed the prepared contract to Yu Minhong.

Yu Minhong looked at it, the contract was very thick, he couldn't read all of it in a short while, but in the salary column, the annual salary was written in capital letters of 100,000 yuan.

Although it is incomparable with Ye Zishu's investment of hundreds of millions of yuan, the annual salary of 100,000 yuan is very high in this era. Many bosses are working hard, and they may not be able to earn this figure.

And there is a supplementary clause below, as long as the work meets the requirements of Ye Zishu, the annual salary increase will not be less than 20%, which is even more exaggerated.

According to this increase, it only takes 13 years to reach an annual salary of one million. This is the most basic salary increase regulation, and there is another one behind.

If the annual supply of qualified trainees reaches 1 million within 5 years, his annual salary will directly increase from the current 100,000 yuan to 1 million yuan.

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