Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 172 Earnestly exhort (3/4)

The reason why Ye Shu offered such a high salary was mainly because he didn't have much to contribute to this matter, so he could only give financial support.

Although the amount of money determines the speed of career development, it is not the decisive factor, especially in the field of education, the technology he has mastered is not very useful.

Therefore, entrusting this matter to Yu Minhong is actually not much different from starting a business by himself. It takes a lot of effort to do this well.

This is different from the research and development of technology products. As long as technology products hit the key points of consumers and the price is right, few consumers can refuse, and market development is actually not difficult.

Just like the Phoenix operating system, with its world-leading technology and fool-like user experience, it is only natural that it will quickly become popular in the world.

However, such a high salary still has a great impact on Yu Minhong. Even if he starts his own business, it will take a long time to achieve an income of one million yuan.

After all, starting a business by yourself requires a lot of money to expand production, and the money that can be used for enjoyment is not a lot, but for Ye Zishu, the money is completely at his disposal.

Yu Minhong was already determined to sign the contract when he came here this time, not to mention the treatment was good in all aspects. After reading the contract, he immediately signed his name on the contract.

After Ye Zishu also signed his name, he handed over a contract to Yu Minhong, and handed over the other contract to the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company for his safekeeping.

"I am very glad that we have become colleagues. The next vocational education institution will trouble you. Now this company has not yet been established. You need to start from scratch, and the decision on the name of the school is left to you.

Next, I want to talk to you in detail about my idea of ​​running a school. I hope you can carry it out when you run this vocational education institution. "Leaf Book said.

"Boss, please tell me!" Yu Minhong said.

Ye Zishu was a little surprised when he heard Yu Minhong's words. Before signing the contract, he called himself Mr. Ye, and immediately after signing the contract, he started calling himself the boss. He thought it would take some time to get used to this change of address.

"Last time we also said that the reason why I set up this vocational education institution is that my biggest wish is to enable the rural labor force to master more vocational skills and have the ability to settle down in the city.

Therefore, the schools of this educational institution cannot just be established in big cities, because people in big cities,

Most of them work in state-owned enterprises, and there are not many free individuals.

Unless we run the same training as you did before, to enable children to get higher scores, or to make it easier for people who want to go abroad to take IELTS and TOEFL.

I'm not saying that you can't do this kind of education, you can also do this kind of business to increase the income of vocational education institutions, but I don't want to forget the original intention of running this institution.

So I think that the rural labor force is the largest, and our schools should be closest to them. First, it can reduce the living cost of the rural labor force, and second, it can facilitate us to recruit enough students.

Therefore, I think our schools should sink to the county towns, instead of only establishing schools in medium and large cities. As for the school premises, you can rent the space first, and we will build our own schools later.

Secondly, the teaching content or courses require you to pay more attention. First, you must closely follow the market demand. You can make survey reports on social employment needs to grasp the market employment changes in real time.

The purpose of our training students is to make them better employed. When students come to choose courses, we can provide reliable relevant data reports and provide relevant consultation to students.

If vocational education wants to run well, it is necessary to solve the contradiction between supply and demand, and how to solve it naturally needs to do sufficient market demand research and adjust training courses at any time.

The second point is the teaching content of the course, which is mainly based on practical operation ability, and also has a certain amount of theoretical common sense learning, so that students can quickly adapt to the work content when they arrive at the job.

This is to take care of their actual work needs and take into account their future development, so that they have a certain degree of self-growth, instead of learning something and using it for a lifetime. In this rapidly changing world, this is impossible did it. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

Therefore, you need to spend a lot of thought on the course content. You must understand the actual work requirements of various industries, and organize them into practical course education content, and such content needs to be revised and revised every year according to the actual situation.

You can also invite experts from various industries to participate in the compilation of relevant courses, and try to pass on knowledge to students in an easy-to-understand way, and the content should not be too profound.

The third point needs to be based on the actual situation of the students, to recommend courses that are not only in line with the students’ learning, but also have a relatively broad career prospect, so that each student can make the best use of his talents, which is of great benefit to the country and individuals, and it is also a reflection of the school’s own reputation .

For example, if a student has a high school degree, it is impossible for him to learn the work of building walls. It is entirely possible to recommend courses and majors with certain knowledge requirements such as software programming, industrial design, and fashion design.

You also know that the number of college graduates in our country is limited every year, and most of them are assigned to state-owned enterprises, public institutions and administrative units by the state. The number and proportion of talents remaining in society are very small.

This is actually not very beneficial to my country's economic development, because enterprises are places where social wealth is created, and what is most needed is the gathering of talents. The desire and demand for talents is very strong.

Not to mention other companies, but my company has a great demand for talents, but it is difficult to obtain talents, which seriously slows down the pace of enterprise development.

So you need to recommend relevant courses according to the actual situation of the students. Of course, if the students insist on learning courses that do not match their actual situation, we have two options.

One is that we will not sign a tuition-free agreement with students, and self-supporting students can learn whatever they want, as long as they can afford it.

The other is to give a certain period of probation. If they choose a course that does not meet their actual situation, but work very hard, it may be difficult to learn at the beginning, but they will catch up slowly.

For such students, we can re-sign relevant agreements with them. As long as they work hard and meet our requirements, they are treated the same as normal students. Everyone's efforts should be respected to a certain extent.

The fourth point is to do a good job in the commissioned training market, taking into account the interests of schools, students and enterprises, and strive to find a balance in the middle so that all parties can benefit from it.

It may be difficult to do work in this area in the early stage. After all, the level of the trainees you have trained has not formed a social consensus. It is normal for companies to have concerns.

For the initial students, as long as they are qualified, all my companies will want them. I will give you a list later, listing the job requirements and skills to be mastered by my companies, so that you can carry out teaching work purposefully in the early stage.

But in the long run, you have to develop more markets on your own, and reach cooperation agreements with more companies, so that graduates can be employed in a timely manner, and the salary is worthy of the efforts of the students.

The fifth point is to do a good job in school management. Although we are an enterprise, we are also an educational institution, a place for teaching and educating people. In the school, I don't want to see social chaos.

You can be expelled for seriously disrupting the normal order of school teaching. If you violate the law, you don't have to choose to cover up for the reputation of the school, and actively cooperate with the judicial authorities to deal with it.

Those who can come to our school to study are all adults, and they should be responsible for their actions. I hope that when the students enroll, they will be informed of the school management system in detail, so as to avoid unpleasant things happening due to their ignorance. Genius remembered it in a second :(

Of course, we also have strict requirements for school teachers. When recruiting teachers, we need to control the profession and character of the teachers, and do a good job of investigating the relevant information of the teachers.

The above is what I can think of for the time being. More details need to be strengthened in your work and practice. In short, we are not a purely profit-making organization, but a place for teaching and educating people.

Only with the original intention of education in mind can this vocational education institution be run well. I hope you can keep this sentence in mind. "

Yu Minhong will be in charge of the rest of the matter, and then he will contact the heads of other companies under him to sort out the talents and requirements that their companies need, get in touch with Yu Minhong, and the two parties will reach a relevant cooperation.

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