Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 173 Communication Development Five-Year Plan (4/4)

To be honest, Ye Zishu really wants this educational institution to get the support of the state. If the state can recognize the training diploma, it can greatly increase the gold content of the graduates of this educational institution. Ad-free network am~w~w.

If the state can provide appropriate subsidies, it can also reduce the investment of enterprises and students, and allow this institution to deliver talents to the society more quickly.

It's just such an idea, and now I can only think about it. Although doing so is of great benefit to the country, it does not mean that it will be supported if it is good for the country. This requires them to realize this.

But he can't wait for others to realize the importance before doing it, and the country can't afford so much money at present, and even many people don't understand, so he doesn't need to ask for trouble.

Regardless of what other business operators think, anyway, he hopes that his employees are all highly professional employees, instead of just finding someone to do it.

He invested so much in this vocational education institution, mainly in infrastructure construction, such as school construction, equipment procurement and so on.

He needs to wait until they have the ability to produce blood before he can reduce his investment. It is estimated that he will need to invest about 10 billion yuan in it, which is a huge amount for others.

But for him, the money in the future is not particularly large. If he can meet his goals and requirements, he is still willing to pay this amount of money. As for whether it can bring him a huge financial return, he does not expect it for the time being.

After Yu Minhong returned home with the signed contract, he showed it to his girlfriend, which made his girlfriend very excited.

Most importantly, in order to prevent the other party from being distracted by life matters, Ye Zishu paid the other party half of the annual salary in advance, and 50,000 yuan in cash was directly let Yu Minhong take it home.

On the second day, Yu Minhong resigned just like the unit he was working at now, and then started to register the company, and called some colleagues and friends who were doing training before to work on the company's construction together.

The so-called three heroes and one gang, one person doing things and multiple people doing things, the effect is different. The company was registered in just one week, and the name was still the New Oriental Education Company from the previous life.

The registered capital of the company is 100 million yuan. As soon as it was registered here, Ye Zishu asked Shengshi Film and Television Company to lend 100 million yuan to New Oriental Education Company as the company's start-up capital.

As for Ye Zishu, in addition to continuing to be busy with the work at hand, another thing also affected his heart, and that was the news from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Last time he went to their meeting,

At the meeting, he thought he performed very well, and he resolved all the issues that had been debated before.

He originally thought that relevant documents would come down soon, but it has been half a month and there is still no movement, which made him wonder if there was another accident.

Just when he was a little impatient, he finally saw the outline of the communication development plan for the next 5 years issued by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, which emphasized that the annual investment in the next 5 years should not be less than 20 billion yuan.

The money is used to improve domestic telephone communication needs, so that every household can access the telephone. The document also emphasizes the acceleration of domestic Internet construction, striving to realize the integration of telecommunications, television broadcasting, and the Internet, and reduce the overall access cost of residents .

It is impossible to directly say which company to purchase equipment from in the documents issued by the government department. It needs to be completed in the form of bidding, which can give a better explanation to the outside world.

In the bidding meeting, all communication equipment companies can stand out from the competition only by offering better products and more affordable prices, and can also give an explanation to the losers of the competition.

Ye Zishu is well aware of this, and he is not afraid of such competition. With the advanced equipment of Lingtong Technology Company, he will definitely beat other communication equipment companies.

But this document didn't say anything about mobile communication, and the GSM communication technology that they were still in contact with before didn't mention any word, as if they had forgotten about it.

However, Ye Zishu saw the opportunity of Lingtong Technology's micro-cellular communication technology, and did not say that it was the best result for Lingtong Technology.

Because Lingtong Technology's micro-cellular communication technology can be deployed in major cities in the name of fixed-line extension, and it is not restricted by mobile communication-related documents at all.

After the publication of this document, it naturally attracted the attention of many communication equipment companies. 20 billion yuan per year is not a small number in this era. If it lasts for 5 years, it will have a market size of at least 100 billion yuan. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

And this time, the previous procurement model was changed. Previously, the various post offices below were responsible for the procurement of equipment. This time, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications directly took over this power.

The reason for this is that the previous procurement model has resulted in a wide variety of domestic communication equipment, and the equipment used by each post office is not the same.

It was all telephone communication equipment before, so there is no big problem in doing so, anyway, you can get through the phone, as long as the various systems can communicate with each other.

But it is different now. The communication network established now is a three-in-one communication network, which has high requirements for equipment, and the equipment of other equipment suppliers may not necessarily communicate with each other.

Therefore, it is very necessary to establish a unified procurement system with common standards and in line with construction requirements, especially when domestic enterprises can meet these requirements.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu thinks that this is a regulation specially customized for Lingtong Technology Company, which can save the cost of Lingtong Technology Company's market development.

If each post office purchases by itself, then the marketing department of Lingtong Technology Company needs to travel all over the country, large and small post offices, and the cost is very high, and there will inevitably be gray areas.

But now it is different, all the funds will be uniformly spent by the state, and the purchased equipment will be allocated to the post office below according to the plan, instead of being purchased by the post office itself at its own expense as it is now.

No matter what the occasion, whoever pays will have more power to speak, but this is also the realization of the previous chaotic procurement model, which must be improved to end the status quo of "seven countries and eight systems".

Ye Zishu asked the marketing staff of Lingtong Technology Company to not only be busy with the Canton Fair, but also pay close attention to the bidding meeting of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. They must be foolproof and not be careless.

What he wants is Lingtong Technology Company. With his absolute strength, he will make all competitors have nothing to say, and use his absolute strength to squeeze the other party out of the market.

Therefore, it is necessary to be perfect in every aspect, so that the other party can't find any faults. As for himself, he doesn't want to get too involved in the next thing.

Personally, he still likes to stand behind, watch his companies silently, participate in the competition in the market, and let competitors throw their hats and armors away, rather than charge forward by himself.

Before, Phoenix Software Company directly suppressed the operating system suppliers around the world to the point of trembling, and was silently licking its wounds, waiting for the opportunity for its own plot to succeed.

The leaf book is to let the employees of Phoenix Technology Company desperately develop various application software. Some application software has been developed, but it is not listed immediately.

Because he just wants to give the other party the illusion that the plan has succeeded. If he continues to launch application software in advance, it will arouse the vigilance of other operating system suppliers and application software suppliers.

Anyway, according to their research and development level, it will take about two years to launch an operating system similar to the Phoenix operating system, which still looks similar, and it will take longer to fully reach the same level.

And as long as the software companies under Phoenix Technology Company are given about a year, they can complete the writing of a large number of application software, because they only need to do programming work.

As for the software architecture, key technologies, functional design, etc., they are all provided and completed by Yeshu, which saves a lot of research and development time, and can ensure that these application software are still at an advanced level for a long time.

He wants to kill those software giants in one fell swoop. Even if he can't kill them, he still wants to hurt their vitality and give my country's software industry a head start.

As long as we make progress, relying on our country's huge and low-cost manpower, it will be difficult for them to catch up later, not to mention that there are "freaks" like him sitting behind.

He is now thinking of directly killing other communication equipment suppliers in the field of Internet communication. Even if he can't dominate the market, he will also hurt their vitality.

As mentioned earlier, an entrepreneur who does not want to be a monopoly is not considered a good entrepreneur, and he will also challenge in the field of general-purpose chips later.

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