Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 175: Ten Thousand Threads (2/4)

If Wancheng Jiye wants to quickly start work in many cities in China, it needs to create a successful case, so that it will be easier to acquire land in other cities and have more autonomy.

Therefore, the purchase of these lands requires careful planning and development, and strives to make these areas a model of urban complexes and set an example for the development of domestic urbanization.

Although it only costs 5 billion yuan to buy these lands, the investment required to develop these lands may reach hundreds of billions of yuan.

The former Jinmao Building cost 5.4 billion yuan. It took nearly 7 years from the approval of construction in December 1992 to the opening of business in March 1999, with an average cost of 20,000 yuan per square meter.

The reason why the cost is so high, he believes, is mainly due to the fact that my country has little experience in high-rise building construction, the relevant supporting industrial chain is not perfect, and it takes too long and the construction is too difficult.

This is also why he wants Wancheng Foundation to complete the construction of the entire industrial chain by itself, from building materials, architectural design to construction, all links must have strong strength.

If you want to become a world-renowned real estate construction company, you can't just buy land and sell houses. This is too simple, and it's not a routine that tech nerds like him like.

But only three days later, Guo Dongsheng called again, saying that these development companies were unwilling to sell such a large land area to Wancheng Foundation.

The reason is that they are worried that after they control a large area of ​​land, they will not develop it immediately, but hold it in their hands and wait for the land price to rise slowly. This is contrary to the goal of establishing a national financial center.

The reason for this worry is very reasonable. If only one or two parcels of land are not developed, it will not affect the construction of the entire financial center, but if a large area is not developed, it will have a great impact.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said to Guo Dongsheng on the other end of the phone: "If we agree to buy these lands and start construction within two years, will they agree?"

After hearing this, Guo Dongsheng replied: "I should agree, after all, their request is to develop this area, and then allow more financial companies to settle in.

At present, many domestic enterprises do not have much capital to develop these lands. If we can develop the land within two years after purchasing the land, it will be regarded as a very fast start. "

Like the Jinmao Tower mentioned above, the construction was approved in December 1992, but the actual construction started in May 1994, with a gap of one and a half years.

Hearing what Guo Dongsheng said, Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongsheng to communicate,

See if they can accept such a promise, if not, forget it, buy as much as they can.

Anyway, this is not the only place that can be developed. China is so big, even if each province has a big city, there are still many places that can be developed. There is no need to cling to one place.

After dismissing Guo Dongsheng, Ye Zishu himself felt that the next work made him a little bit burnt out. He already had a lot of work to do.

If Shanghai agrees, spending money will be a trivial matter, and the most important thing is whether the work can start on schedule. There is a lot of preparatory work to be done.

The first is the issue of architectural design and planning. At present, China is still relatively backward in this area. Many high-rise building designs are designed by inviting foreign architectural design firms to participate in the design.

Naturally, he doesn't want to rely on foreign architectural design companies, but hopes that he can cultivate a strong architectural design team, which will be very beneficial to the follow-up development of Wancheng Foundation.

In the future, Wancheng Foundation will definitely have many projects and high-rise buildings. Even if it is not a super high-rise building, he hopes that each building will have a unique design instead of a thousand changes.

In this case, the cost of the architectural design team trained by oneself will naturally be greatly reduced, and the design will be more autonomous.

So in order to make up for this shortcoming, he needs to learn the knowledge of architectural design, and then compile architectural design materials and teaching materials to train Wancheng Jiye's own design team.

At the same time, in order to simulate the whole process of architectural design in all aspects, improve the efficiency of architectural design, and reduce the hidden dangers of human negligence, he also needs to build a highly intelligent architectural design software system.

This is still architectural design work, and building materials will be needed later to meet the needs of architectural design. Before that, he planned to let Wancheng Foundation complete this work.

It's just that I didn't expect that the time would be so tight. These building materials related industries need to be put into production before the start of construction. During this process, he needs to provide relevant technologies and spend time building production enterprises.

In addition, a large number of advanced engineering equipment is required in the construction process. These engineering equipment determine the difficulty of construction and the efficiency of construction, which cannot be ignored.

As for the number of types of construction equipment, Ye Zishu himself has not thought about it carefully, but according to some impressions of his previous life, there are at least hundreds of types.

The service life of a building depends not only on the building materials but also on the structure of the building, especially for super-tall buildings, which require strong adaptability in terms of earthquake resistance and wind resistance.

Anti-typhoon Most high-rise buildings use dampers, which can be automatically adjusted according to the swing range of the building, and can stabilize the building.

But in terms of earthquake resistance, most buildings can't do much, basically relying on the building's own structure to resist earthquakes, which is obviously not what he is satisfied with.

In fact, not only super high-rise buildings, but also ordinary buildings, he also wants to design super earthquake-resistant technology, so that human beings can get rid of the fear of earthquakes.

With the continuous increase of human beings, it is an inevitable reality to live in high-rise buildings. If the buildings are tiled as in ancient times, the land will not be enough.

Therefore, it is a very important technology to solve the damage caused by earthquakes to buildings. If it can be solved, the scope of application will become very wide, and it will also bring huge market prospects to Wancheng Foundation.

In fact, the anti-seismic device is not too difficult. You only need to install a device on the foundation of the building, which can automatically adjust the swing range according to the magnitude and intensity of the earthquake, and shield the impact of the earthquake on the building.

The principle is not difficult, but in order to achieve this, one needs super high control ability, and it is automatic control, because no one can predict the occurrence of earthquakes, and super high passive sensing ability is required.

The second is materials. Construction of buildings on top of seismic devices, especially super high-rise buildings, requires strong unit bearing capacity, and special materials are required to meet the requirements.

In addition, many ancillary facilities are needed to ensure the stability of the building. It also has a high technical content, which cannot be finished in a few words. Genius remembered it in a second :(

Although it is very simple for him to sort out materials, in fact, in order to find the right technology, he needs to browse a lot of materials in the virtual library, which takes a lot of time.

And it's not enough just to find the information. Although he believes in the technology provided by these materials, he can't just copy them without thinking. He needs to analyze by himself and combine the scattered technologies into a set of solutions.

This is why although he has produced a lot of technical information, he still needs researchers to conduct experiments to verify whether the whole set of plans is feasible.

Although relying on his brain, his analytical ability is not bad, but after all, he has not conducted experiments, and there will inevitably be some errors in the middle, which will lead to a decrease in the feasibility of the whole plan.

This requires researchers to continuously adjust the original scheme, which takes a long time, especially the more complex structures, the more problems there are.

For so many electronic semiconductor manufacturing equipment and technologies he provided to Xuanwu Technology, their R\u0026D team is constantly adjusting on his plan to meet the design goals.

Like more complex semiconductor equipment, they have not yet completed all the experimental adjustment tasks, and are still working hard in the laboratory.

Of course, technologies such as building materials and mechanical equipment are not as complex and sophisticated as the technology for manufacturing semiconductor chips. This is also an important reason why he dared to promise to start construction within two years. Ad-free network am~w~w.

If it was as complicated as semiconductor equipment, and the research and development time alone would take more than a year, he would definitely not dare to agree. Even if he agreed, he would have to use existing foreign technology to build these buildings.

In order to be able to deal with the matter at hand as soon as possible, he decided to reduce his energy in other areas as much as possible in the following days, and let the people under him complete the work as much as possible.

For example, he originally planned to go to the equipment and solution bidding meeting of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, as well as the Canton Fair, but now he has decided to hand it over to his employees.

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