Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 176 Someone is Missing (3/4)

When Ye Zishu was busy, Pei Qing called and reported the health care products to improve children's brain power to the relevant departments, but the result was no result.

It means that the government will neither use money to subsidize poor students, because the government has no money to do this, let alone an investment that does not have any income in the short term.

At the same time, it does not prohibit Tai Chi Health Company from selling this health care product to the market. The government believes that this is a commercial act, and the consequences of this health care product are not fully understood.

Now the decision is in the hands of Pei Qing. Although Ye Zishu mentioned the solution before, Pei Qing is still a little bit reluctant to give up like this, and hopes to confirm again from Ye Zishu.

"I know you are reluctant, but let's pretend that this matter didn't happen, and seal up the formula and all experimental data, so that the research and development personnel are not allowed to disclose any information to the outside world.

It is still immature to launch this product. When the country becomes rich and the people can afford to consume this product, or the country can provide enough funds to subsidize it, it will not be too late for us to sell it.

Don't worry about this anymore, just pretend nothing happened, and just complete the health care product experiment I gave you last time. "Ye Zishuyu said earnestly.

Originally, he wanted to talk about this matter in a serious tone, after all, he had said it before, but when he got to his lips, he realized that Pei Qing's reluctance was not just for herself, but for him.

Pei Qing has no shares in Tai Chi Health Care Company. She is paid a fixed salary. The increase in the company's profits does not have much impact on her current salary. On the contrary, he has made a lot of profits.

"Oh, I see!" Pei Qing said on the other end of the phone.

Originally, he planned to hang up the phone directly. After all, there were many things at hand, but after thinking about it, he asked, "How is the progress of your plan to increase overseas direct sales stores?"

Pei Qing, who originally thought she was going to hang up the phone, immediately said happily: "We are already selecting locations. We have added 1,000 directly-operated stores in the first batch, and all of them may not open until November."

Directly-operated stores in foreign countries are all rented, which is different from that in China. If the location is better in China, they will choose to buy them. Only those with no appreciation value will choose to rent them.

It’s just that the urban construction in first- and second-tier cities in China is not very good, and most of the stores will face demolition in the future. In fact, they are mainly rented, and the proportion of purchased stores is very low. Ad-free network am~w~w.

"Is it expanding too fast,

Will there be trouble in management? "Leaf Book asked.

"Actually, we didn't start to decide to open more stores when you came here, but after we succeeded overseas, we started to prepare, but we didn't implement it.

So you don’t have to worry about management matters. There is absolutely no problem with the place we selected. As for personnel management, it is not a problem. The service personnel only need to work normally.

We must know that once our products are purchased, they will become a rigid need of life. There are no competitors, and the quality of service will be less or worse, which will not have a great impact on our sales.

But don't worry, even if there is chaos, it's only in the initial stage. We will strengthen management later, and there will be absolutely no problems. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Then I'm relieved. Don't be too tired. If you can hand over the work to your subordinates, you will leave it to your subordinates." Ye Zishu said.

"I know, by the way, the headquarters we chose is not far from the headquarters of your Phoenix software company. If you come to inspect it in the future, you can come here by walking." Pei Qing said.

I don't know why Pei Qing chose this place, but he still said, "That's pretty good, and it's much more convenient to walk around."

Then the two chatted about the experimental situation of the three health product formulas given by Ye Zishu last time. Although the experiment has just entered the experiment, the experimental data is quite good.

As for whether it is stable and effective, and has no side effects, more experimental data are needed. At present, no clinical trials have been conducted, only experiments on animals.

The two chatted for half an hour before hanging up the phone. Ye Zishu had just put the phone down, and before he could continue working, another call came in immediately.

He answered the phone, but his father's voice came from the other end of the phone. In order to make it easier for him to contact his family, Ye Zishu paid 50,000 yuan to set up a telephone line for his family alone.

It's just that the family rarely calls on the phone, so when he heard his father's voice, he felt a little bad, and he always felt that something was happening in his heart.

Sure enough, his father confirmed that it was Ye Zishu who answered the phone, and immediately said anxiously, "Zi Shu, do you still remember Huangtou Village?"

"Remember, what's wrong?" Ye Zishu asked strangely.

"The thing is like this, in August, didn't you arrange a few people to come to our village to recruit people to work in the electronics factory in Shenzhen.

At the beginning of September, news came from them that working in the electronics factory was very comfortable, the working environment was good, the wages were not low, and the factory even allocated dormitories.

So the news spread around our village. Many people wanted to work in this electronics factory. Some of them asked us to talk about it, while others quietly passed by themselves after inquiring about the address of the electronics factory.

As expected, something happened right now. There was a family in Huangtou Village with three daughters traveling together, but there was no news. Now it is very urgent, and our house has already been blocked. " Ye Zishu's father said.

When Ye Zishu heard this, his heart clicked, and he quickly asked, "Are they going to get off at Guangzhou Station or Shenzhen Station?"

When his father heard his words, he didn't reply immediately. He seemed to be asking about the situation, and then he said, "They got off at Guangzhou Railway Station, and they didn't get a ticket to Shenzhen Station."

Where is Guangzhou Railway Station, not to mention the three girls who have never traveled far, even Ye Zishu, at Guangzhou Railway Station, he has to leave as soon as possible, not daring to stay for long.

Robbery, theft, extortion, XIDU, and even the chaos over there, even the police station over there dare not control, and even some policemen were under the black hands.

Last time, he also told the people from Xuanwu Technology Company to bring them here in person, not to let them come alone, because he was afraid of accidents. After all, the villagers in the village would feel uneasy if accidents happened.

If you talk to Ye Zishu's father in advance, you can also contact Xuanwu Technology Company in time, and they can arrange someone to pick you up at the train station in advance according to the departure date and the arrival site of the purchase.

There are very few people who go by themselves like this without telling Ye Zishu's father. After all, many people are traveling far for the first time, and they feel uneasy in their hearts.

I don't know how these three girls' families had the courage to go there alone, and their family members were relieved, so they ran over to tell Ye Zishu's father when something happened.

"What are the names of the three girls, what clothes are they wearing, and what are their physical characteristics like the length of their hair?" Ye Zishu asked.

Huangtou Village is quite far from their village, and they are not in a village committee, and naturally they don't study in a school, so they don't know much about the situation there.

"The eldest is Huang Lianying, 20 years old, with braids; the second is Huang Yueying, 18 years old, with shoulder-length short hair; the third is Huang Qiuying, 16 years old, with hair just below the ears." Ye Zishu's father said.

With such a situation, it was still a bit difficult to find someone, and then Ye Zishu asked about their clothes, height and other information.

After writing down the information, Ye Zishu comforted him a bit, and immediately called Wu Chaoqiang from Xuanwu Technology Company to explain the matter here.

"Boss, it is very difficult for us to do this. We must cooperate with the police, but it is very difficult for us to ask the police in Guangzhou to help, and it takes time to report the case." Wu Chaoqiang said.

If it is in Shenzhen, relying on the investment scale of Xuanwu Technology Company, it can immediately ask the relevant departments of the Nanshan District government for help, but in Guangzhou, it is not so capable.

Ye Zishu heard the same reasoning, so he said: "In this way, you can communicate with the Nanshan District government and ask them to send some public security personnel to cooperate with us to find someone at the Guangzhou Railway Station.

At the same time, I personally donated 1 million yuan to the Nanshan District Public Security Bureau and the Public Security Bureau at the Guangzhou Railway Station, and I also donated 100,000 yuan to reward those who provided key clues. "

It doesn't matter if it's money or not, I just hope that the action can be carried out as soon as possible, and don't delay any more time. If there is no delay for a minute, it will be more dangerous.

When Wu Chaoqiang heard what the boss said, he quickly agreed, saying that they would organize relevant personnel to carry out search and rescue as soon as possible. Genius remembered it in a second :(

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zishu thought about it and decided that it would be better to go there in person. Although he couldn't help directly, the effect of supervision was much better than sitting here.

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