Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 177 Treating symptoms and root causes (4/4)

There was no air ticket that day, so Ye Zishu could only buy a flight ticket to Shenzhen the next day, then called Wu Chaoqiang and asked the company to send a car to pick him up.

Early the next morning, Ye Zishu packed his bags and got on the plane to Shenzhen. After getting off the plane, Wu Chaoqiang drove over to pick him up.

After getting in the car, Wu Chaoqiang said: "I received a call yesterday, and I immediately told the Nanshan District Government that the employees recruited by our company had problems at the Guangzhou Railway Station. I hope they can help."

After hearing this, Ye Zishu nodded. If it wasn't for the employees of Xuanwu Technology Company, it would not be convincing to ask the Nanshan District government to help. After all, there must be a reasonable reason for cross-city actions.

"We also told you about your donation, and the effect was much better, and we also told you about the reward clues, but there are no valuable clues yet." Wu Chaoqiang continued.

"Thank you for your hard work. You are at the busiest time, but something like this happened. They are really worrying." Ye Zishu said helplessly.

"There is not much we can do to help, we just used some connections, so it's hard work." Wu Chaoqiang said.

"Do any employees in the company know the three sisters?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I didn't dare to say it, because I was afraid that talking about it with these new employees would cause people's hearts to fluctuate, which is not conducive to management." Wu Chaoqiang said.

After hearing what Wu Chaoqiang said, Ye Zishu felt that he hadn't considered it enough. If it was a small factory, it would be fine, but for such a large factory, if the news spread, it would inevitably be affected.

"The information I told you before is still too general. You can pull out the employee files of Huangtou Village, or people from nearby villages, and ask them to describe the appearance and physical signs of the three sisters in detail.

Then use a sketch to draw the description, confirm that it is not much different from the person, and then hand it over to the police to look for it according to the picture, so that more people should know the clues. "Leaf Book said.

When Wu Chaoqiang heard what Ye Zishu said, he slapped his thigh and said, "Mr. Ye is still careful, why didn't I think of it, just relying on limited features, the identification efficiency is too low."

Back at the company, Wu Chaoqiang quickly explained the matter to his subordinates, and then asked Ye Zishu what to do next. To be honest, Ye Zishu didn't have a good solution.

He has never learned the knowledge of investigation, even if he has the knowledge but no practical experience, it is useless, he thought for a while and said: "You stay in the company to manage the work of the company, and I will take a few people to Guangzhou to have a look.

But before that,

I first went to visit the Nanshan District Government and the Nanshan District Public Security Bureau. I came here this time to supervise. If I don’t meet with relevant personnel, the effect will be lost. "

Wu Chaoqiang also smiled when he heard what Ye Zishu said, and said, "Then I will go to the district government with you, it's not far away anyway."

Ye Zishu agreed, and then followed Wu Chaoqiang in the car to the district government, where he met senior officials and the district chief, and thanked them for their support to Xuanwu Technology.

After visiting the district government, you went to the Public Security Bureau and met with the leaders here. In addition to expressing gratitude, you donated 500,000 yuan directly to buy police cars and other police equipment for them.

After returning, Wu Chaoqiang arranged 5 people for Ye Zishu, followed Ye Zishu to Shenzhen, and a group of two cars set off immediately.

When he came to Guangzhou, he paid a direct visit to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau. The Nanshan District side had already communicated with this side. Ye Zishu came over.

"This matter troubles you." Ye Zishu said.

"This is what it should be, and this is what we are supposed to do," said the police leader.

"Having said that, I hope that more forces can be dispatched to deal with this matter, because the longer it takes, the more danger they will have. For this reason, I plan to donate 1 million yuan for the purchase of police vehicles and other police equipment .” Ye Zishu said.

Although he planned to buy 500,000 from Guangzhou and Shenzhen before, he temporarily added 1 million to this side. Money is a trivial matter, and he hopes that more forces can be sent here to follow up on this matter. \u003cspanstyle\u003eValley\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

Hearing that Ye Zishu donated 1 million yuan, the atmosphere at the scene became more active. The leader said that they decided to transfer more manpower from several other police stations to support.

Now the police station in charge of public security near Guangzhou Railway Station is handling the matter. Hearing that the leader planned to transfer more people from other police stations, Ye Zishu expressed his gratitude on the spot.

After leaving the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Ye Zishu immediately rushed to the railway station police station to find out their current progress so that he could know what was going on.

According to the description of the personnel of the railway station police station, they have learned some clues from some people, but the clues are a bit vague at present, and it is not clear whether they are the three sisters.

The police station is sending people to investigate some clues and rule out some incorrect clues. If you want to find real clues, you must either provide more accurate information or screen them one by one.

Although Ye Zishu was anxious after hearing this, there was no good way. The current means of handling cases are very limited. He didn’t think that there were many high-tech technologies in his previous life, which could effectively increase the rate of solving cases.

After learning about the relevant news, Ye Zishu found a hotel with a decent environment to stay in, then called his family and explained the situation here.

At first he wanted to comfort him, but he decided to forget it. He didn't know how to comfort him. There was no clue about the matter now, and it didn't feel appropriate to talk about the bad or the good.

It can only be emphasized that more manpower is being sent here to investigate, and it will be investigated soon. As for more leaf books, there is no mention. Genius remembered it in a second :(

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zishu thought more. The reason why Guangzhou Railway Station is in such a mess is that there are too many people working here to make money.

However, there are not enough jobs here. The people who come to work here are told that it is easy to make money here, so they come here with their bags.

Since many people can't find a job, they can only stay near the train station. After a long time, they have no money in their pockets and have to survive, so it is normal to do sneaky things.

As some people hang around here for a long time, they become more courageous. Public robbery is not a new thing, and other messy things appear one after another.

It is very likely that the three sisters of the Huang family were deceived and abducted to an unknown place. If there were cameras here at the time, it would be much easier to investigate. As long as the clues have a head, they can follow the clues later.

This reminded him of the Skynet system in his previous life. It seems that he wants to find out such a whole set of technologies. Not to mention other places, it is very necessary to install such a system in places where there are dense traffic and problems are prone to occur. .

It’s just that this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The most important thing is to be able to solve the problem of surplus labor. The spillover of rural population is already inevitable.

After the land is contracted to households, although the enthusiasm for growing grain and the efficiency of grain production have been increased, more surplus labor has also been generated.

Most of the rural areas have less land and more people, and each person can only get a few points of land on his head. Women who are more diligent can finish the work, which saves male labor.

And these people always have to do something to subsidize their families. They either do odd jobs in their hometowns or travel far away to find work. The market for odd jobs in their hometowns is limited, and most of them still have to travel far away to work.

And Guangdong is just at the forefront of reform and opening up. Before that, a lot of foreign capital came in to set up factories here, which led to many people finding jobs here.

This created a cascading effect. People who wanted to travel far to find work would first think of Guangdong, because other places could not accommodate so many migrant workers.

Therefore, if we want to solve this problem, we still need to provide more labor positions. Otherwise, as time goes by, more and more people will go out to work, and more and more people will not be able to find jobs.

This is not something that can be governed by iron-fisted means alone. It is difficult to even survive when you are away from home, and the lower limit will be lowered infinitely. Compared with survival, the law is worthless.

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