Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 180: Acquaintance Society (3/4)

"I'll take you to have something to eat first, and then go to the hospital, okay?" Ye Zishu left the police station and turned to ask the three sisters of the Huang family.

The three sisters of the Huang family were a little depressed now, so they didn't answer Ye Zishu, but the eldest Huang Lianying nodded and made the decision for the two younger sisters.

Ye Zishu let the three of them get into his car, then drove the three of them to a restaurant with a tea restaurant, and ordered the typical Guangzhou morning tea.

They have been starved by criminals for a day and cannot eat too hard food immediately. Eating morning tea can not only relieve hunger, but also not cause a great impact on the stomach.

Ye Zishu himself and his colleagues who followed him from Shenzhen also had morning tea, and immediately took the three sisters to a nearby hospital to see their injuries after finishing the morning tea.

After the doctor's diagnosis, it was all skin trauma. The criminals wanted to make them make money for themselves, so naturally they would not attack too hard. The injuries were all on the body, but there were no obvious wounds on the face.

Treated the wound on the body in the hospital to avoid inflammation and pus, and then took a lot of medicine that I could apply to the wound, and returned to the hotel to let the three sisters rest for a night.

Ye Zishu, on the other hand, used the hotel phone to call home and told them the situation here, so that they don't have to worry at home.

"Daddy, the three girls of the Huang family have been found!" Ye Zishu said into the phone.

"That's good, that's good, what's wrong with them now." Father asked quickly.

"They were fine at first, but when they first came to Guangzhou, the money in their pockets was stolen, leaving them no money to take a bus to Shenzhen, so they found a job as a waiter in a restaurant in Guangzhou.

They thought about going to Shenzhen until they had saved enough travel expenses. Since they didn't have a phone, they didn't know how to contact home. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, his father immediately said happily: "These three girls are really scary. Their parents have been running around in a hurry these days. If they can't find them again, their hair will probably turn gray."

"You can tell their parents later, so that they don't have to worry. I will take her to work in Shenzhen after they finish today's shift. At that time, they can talk to their parents through our home phone." Ye Zi Book said with a smile.

"Zi Shu, did you go to Guangzhou yourself?" the father asked in surprise.

"Well, isn't this afraid of accidents, I can help more by coming here in person.

"Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Zi Shu, you're doing this perfectly. I have to explain this clearly to their parents." The father said in an exaggerated and proud tone.

"There's no need to talk about my coming to Guangzhou." Ye Zishu said.

"You, you are still too young. No matter what you do, you have to tell everyone about the good things you have done and the effort you put in. We don't ask others to be grateful, but we also want them to know the hard work we have put in." Father said.

Now that his father has said so, he will not say more about this matter. The older generation has the way of the older generation, so there is no need for him to impose his views on others.

And in the countryside, there is a big difference between not saying something and saying it. As long as it can be unanimously approved by everyone, it will be respected by many people.

Just like Ye Zishu's rescue of the three sisters of the Huang family, if he returned to his hometown and went to Huangtou Village, the people there, no matter what they thought in their hearts, at least they would show politeness and respect on the surface.

Because others have helped you, but you have completely ignored them. This is despised by others. No one will help them in the future, and they are morally wrong.

The father hung up the phone, presumably because he immediately told the parents of the three sisters of the Huang family about the situation. After Ye Zishu hung up the phone, he said to the few employees who came with him: "I called just now, and you heard it too. So, you know?"

Among them, the flexible employee immediately said: "We know what the boss means, and we will never say things that should not be said to the outside world."

After listening to what the employee said, he glanced at the other employees, and some of them didn't understand it very well. Ye Zishu said to the employee: "Please explain to them later, why you say that? .”

After Gu finished speaking, Ye Zishu ignored them, and went straight back to his room, and started busy with his study and data collection.

Now collect the technical information that needs to be used, and when you return to the capital, you can directly copy it, which can save a lot of time.

As for the matter of the three sisters of the Huang family, the reason why he said this was mainly to protect the reputation of the three sisters, which was very important in the countryside.

If a person has no reputation, it is difficult to gain the respect of others, and basically no one listens to what he says in the countryside. It is normal for a person with a bad reputation to be looked down upon.

What's more, if a big girl like the three sisters of the Huang family is known to have been abducted and sold to that kind of place by the people in her hometown, although she didn't do it, her reputation will be completely ruined.

At that time, I don't know how the rumors will spread. The three of them are not yet married. It is very important to protect their reputation. Ye Zishu knows the situation in the countryside very well.

There are some rumors that even men can't bear, let alone women. There are not a few rural women who commit suicide because of these rumors every year.

Especially in the current closed rural society, if you want to escape but can't escape, you can only be in the midst of gossip and slander all the time. Over time, your mental breakdown is very easy.

Unlike decades later, the big deal is to go far away, live and work in a place that no one knows, and start your life again. Now there is no such condition.

This is not to say which of the two societies is better and which is worse. The acquaintance society has high moral requirements for people. After all, everyone bows their heads and does not look up. After doing something bad, almost everyone around them knows it.

This has a strong binding force on people and can effectively reduce immoral behavior. This is different from the society of strangers. Anyway, everyone does not know each other, so they have no scruples about doing things.

It’s just that in this kind of society, personalization and private things are also involved, which makes people feel depressed. This is why many young people in previous lives always feel that they can’t stay in their hometown for a long time.

Even if you are not married in your 30s, you will be known by people from all over the world. If you don't like others to comment on your private affairs, in such an environment, you will easily suffer from depression, or simply bow your head to the society.

The next morning, after Ye Zishu got up and washed, he knocked on the door of the three sisters of the Huang family to see if they had woken up, and then stood waiting not far from the door.

Not long after, the door opened, and Huang Lianying came out. As the eldest sister among the three, she naturally had the responsibility to represent her younger sister in contacting the outside world.

Ye Zishu pulled Huang Lianying to the side of the aisle, and in his native dialect, he told his father what he said yesterday, and asked them to tell their family members the same way.

After hearing Ye Zishu's words, Huang Lianying said gratefully, "Thank you, Ye Zishu."

"As long as you have nothing to do, no one will fall down a few times on the road of life, but you have to be careful when you go out in the future. This society is getting more and more complicated." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Without waiting for Huang Lianying to speak, he changed his mouth and said, "Clean up, let's go down to have morning tea, and then go directly to Shenzhen, where the dormitory has been arranged for you. As for the work, we will wait until your injuries recover.

By the way, don't tell the people in your hometown over there about your injuries. Once you tell, the matter can't be hidden. "

Huang Lianying nodded and said, "I know, I will talk to my sisters."

"Okay, you go back and clean up, I'll wait for you in the lobby downstairs." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Huang Lianying to return to the room, and walked downstairs on his own, leaving Huang Lianying standing there silently, watching his back.

The group had breakfast, and then drove directly to Xuanwu Technology Company in Shenzhen, where they arrived in about two hours.


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