Ye Zishu asked Xuanwu Technology Company to allocate the three sisters to a house, and each of them could be allocated a room, so that they would not need to share with others, which could effectively protect their privacy.

In fact, in the employee dormitory built by Xuanwu Technology Company, basically every employee can be allocated a room. If they have worked for five years and performed well, they can be allocated a separate suite.

In this way, they can take the young and old of the family over to live, so that employees can work for the company with more peace of mind, and there is also an incentive mechanism that can encourage employees to abide by the company's rules and regulations.

Even in order to avoid being fired, or if the technology cannot keep up with the company's requirements, they will desperately learn new technologies, which are very beneficial to the company's development.

Anyway, the land used by these buildings is half sold and half given away, and the construction cost is not high. This kind of welfare system will also open up the gap between his company and other companies in the future.

Ye Zishu asked Xuanwu Technology Company to give the three sisters a week's rest. After a week, their injuries should be almost healed, and they can participate in pre-employment training and other work.

As for what they told their family members, Ye Zishu didn't care about it, and he didn't want to care about it. Anyway, every room has a phone, and the phone bill is paid by the user.

Ye Zishu also knew that they had no money now, so he gave them 100 yuan as his living expenses during this period, and the company would not pay them until they officially arrived.

Now that they can be allocated a room to live in, Ye Zishu paid for them. He doesn't want to violate the company's system, and it is also an example.

After dealing with this matter, it is only a few days before the opening of the Canton Fair. He simply does not plan to return to the capital, and he is here staring at the R\u0026D center while processing the task list at hand.

It is now October, and Ye Zishu hopes to complete all the research and development work on the semiconductor production line before the end of the year, and start producing key equipment.

In this way, before and after the Spring Festival, the semiconductor manufacturing plant of Xuanwu Technology Company will be able to operate, which is very critical to many of his plans for next year.

Now many chips are used by other people, the cost is high or not, but the most important thing is that some chips cannot meet his product design needs.

Only by opening up the entire hardware industry chain can he design related products more freely, instead of feeling restricted by the current technological level everywhere.

For example, he really wants to develop a home game console that can run 3A masterpieces,

However, this game console has very high requirements for CPU and GPU, and the current related chips simply cannot meet the requirements.

At present, research and development work is done on special servers, and personal computers cannot be carried at all.

Another example is the sound effect chip and video chip used in the home theater.

There are also various problems in the radio frequency chips and processor chips used in PHS, which lead to some differences between the designed products and what he envisioned.

Imagine that the size of PHS is only a little smaller than that of his elder brother. For such a brick, he would feel embarrassed to be named PHS.

With Ye Zishu in charge of the R\u0026D center, the efficiency will be improved a lot. On the one hand, if there are any problems, he can provide more help.

On the other hand, with such a hard-working boss sitting beside him, the researchers in the R\u0026D center have to walk with wind and dare not slack off.

And Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. does not seem to be calm on the surface. They are busy with the trial production of the electronic production line on the surface. According to their data, the pass rate of products has been increased to 95%.

Although it meets the minimum requirements set forth by Ye Zishu, it is not enough. To obtain more profits, the pass rate must be increased to more than 98%.

In fact, during this period of time, the management of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. has been extremely busy, and hundreds of subsidiaries have been established at once. The personnel composition of these subsidiaries is quite a hassle.

Then we have to choose a site for the subsidiary, which involves many things, and then we have to build a factory, recruit people, produce and operate, etc., all of which are intricate.

Some of the valleys can be handed over to the person in charge of the subsidiary, while others need the assistance of the head office. The only relatively stable one should be the electronics manufacturing department.

This is still the first batch of subsidiaries. Next, many subsidiaries will be established in industries related to semiconductor equipment manufacturing, and then let the subsidiaries develop and grow based on these advanced semiconductor equipment.

This kind of development model is to target an upper-level industry from point to point, and then build the entire industrial chain. After the technology is developed, rely on these technologies and equipment to establish various subsidiaries.

In this way, from the beginning of its establishment, the subsidiary has possessed advanced technology and manufacturing capabilities, and also has a certain revenue base, so it will not be too difficult to develop again, unless the level of the person in charge of the subsidiary is limited.

This is also what he emphasized. As the head office, Xuanwu Technology Company has the right to supervise and assess the operation of its subsidiaries on a regular and irregular basis, in order to avoid the situation where the development of the company is weak due to the lack of ability of the person in charge of the subsidiary.

Although it is necessary to give subsidiaries more autonomy so that they can get rid of the shackles of the above and better develop according to market needs, it is not completely ignored, and the probability of problems is greater.

If the power is not controlled, generally there will be no good results. This kind of management setting can not only give full play to the initiative of the subsidiaries in operation, but also properly limit their power to avoid going off track.

Although Yeshu did not participate in the establishment of these subsidiaries, during this period, he would review their plans every day.

Now these electronic manufacturing equipment are all produced in the production plant of the headquarters of Xuanwu Technology Company. After the construction of the subsidiary's own production plant is completed, the production site will be transferred.

The vacated headquarters production plants will switch to the production of semiconductor equipment. After the subsidiaries in the semiconductor-related industry chain are established, these manufacturing plants will be emptied and the production tasks will be transferred to the production plants of the subsidiaries.

In this way, until the head office does not need to produce equipment and components in the industrial chain, these vacated factories will be used to produce electronic and semiconductor products.

This model of changing the dragon to the bird can not only ensure that the current production plan of the head office will not be affected, but also give the subsidiary enough time to meet the production requirements.

Of course, the main reason for doing this is that the production task of Xuanwu Technology Company is not heavy at present, and the main thing is to receive orders from Lingtong Technology Company, and the number of orders is not too many at present.

So far, Lingtong Technology Company has not sold a single product. The main purpose of placing a production order is to allow Xuanwu Technology Company to operate first.

At the same time, we can also accumulate some inventory, and when the market demands, we can directly provide a batch of products without waiting for production, and can deliver goods quickly.

Currently, there are only 50,000 workers on the electronics manufacturing line of Xuanwu Technology Company. This is the result of advanced recruitment. After recruiting in advance for training, and with a certain degree of proficiency, they can become veteran employees.

When the production is expanded, these old employees can bring new employees. It is no problem for one old employee to bring two or three new employees. In this way, the production capacity can be rapidly expanded by two or three times.

In addition, he also attaches great importance to the education and training of employees. He took the time to listen to a few classes. The school teachers he invited were very responsible in class.

Under salary incentives, employees are more motivated to learn, that is, employees who are in their thirties have slow learning ability, but their effort is much stronger than employees who learn quickly.

They all cherish these opportunities. It is difficult to get the salary here in other companies, and it is even more impossible to ask teachers to teach them knowledge. Anyone who is sensible knows that opportunities are rare.

Literacy education is from 6pm to 8pm, while professional skills education is from 8pm to 9pm. It is quite hard to learn, but he thinks the current efforts are worthwhile for these employees.

In this world, there is no high salary that can be easily obtained, and there is no easy success without hard work. Even if they don't work in this company in the future, after they go out, it will be their ability to survive.

However, after Yu Minhong's vocational education institution is set up, a vocational education school will be established here. At that time, the training work will be transferred to the vocational school instead of being done by the enterprise. Now it is a bit of a nonsense.


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