Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 183 Land Purchase Negotiation (2/4)

"Mr. Ye, we have already negotiated with the Lujiazui Development Company. The remaining land in Lujiazui is 4.89 square kilometers. We will sell it to us at a total cost of 3.912 billion yuan." Guo Dongsheng called and said.

"The contract has been signed?" Ye Zishu asked in surprise.

He thought that this matter would not go well, after all, this is the most essential part of PD, and he felt unreliable to sell the rest of the land as a whole.

He just asked Wancheng Foundation to try it out. After all, the funds are sufficient. If he paints a better blueprint for them, it should be able to impress some people.

The purpose is not to buy all the land, but to buy as much as possible. During the negotiation, the goal can be set high, but whether the negotiation is successful depends on the situation.

"The contract has just been signed!" Guo Dongsheng said excitedly.

Not to mention the planning of Lujiazui as a financial center, but the geographical location of Lujiazui itself is also very superior, with great development value and huge potential for future appreciation.

And they mainly choose self-owned properties, and the annual rental income in the future can reach more than 30 billion yuan, which is not considered self-operated business, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cornucopia.

Of course, although Lujiazui is not a barren land, no one can imagine the future development potential of this place. There is still a saying that "it is better to have a bed in Puxi than a house in PD".

"Well done, there should be other conditions, right?" Ye Zi praised Guo Dongsheng, and then asked again.

"The condition is that all new construction in this area needs to be started within five years, otherwise they have the right to take back the land at the current sale price." Guo Dongsheng said.

For powerful companies, this condition is almost unlimited, but for companies that want to speculate, it is a huge risk.

If the construction is not started within 5 years, it means that the company has lent a large sum of money to the Lujiazui Development Company without interest, and in the end the benefits it can reap are limited.

It is estimated that Lujiazui Development Company is willing to sell all the remaining land to Wancheng Foundation because of this. If Wancheng Foundation fulfills the requirements, then Lujiazui can be completed in a short time.

This can bring huge economic benefits to SH, and the financial city can take shape in a shorter period of time, which is very beneficial to speeding up the economic development of SH.

But if the goal is not achieved, there is still a large area of ​​land that has not been developed,

Then after collecting it, they can sell it at a higher price and earn a 5-year interest-free loan for nothing.

Anyway, no matter how they calculate, they can all gain benefits, while Wancheng Foundation needs to bear certain risks. If it is really powerful, then the profits will be the most lucrative.

"Why did they give such a generous time limit?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"After we went to the site for inspection, we found that Lujiazui is not an unoccupied land. There are many residents and some factories on it. It will take a lot of time to demolish the land.

So we decided to extend the promised development period. On the one hand, it will give us plenty of time to prepare for development, and it can also ease the tightness of the capital chain.

On the other hand, we do not have the confidence to start the construction of such a large area within two years. It will take a lot of time to plan and design this area. " Guo Dongsheng said.

Guo Dongsheng himself promised the five years of relationship, just to let the Lujiazui development company make up their minds, and they will not lose money anyway.

It is rare in the world that such a construction company buys and develops a piece of land and starts construction in a short period of time. If they sell it piecemeal, it may take more than 20 years for the land to be fully developed.

Instead of selling the land piecemeal, it is better to sell the whole piece of land directly to Wancheng Jiye. With this promise, they are not afraid that Wancheng Jiye will play tricks.

Wancheng Jiye wanted to keep the land in their hands, and the way to make money waiting for a high price to sell was blocked. This was the only hidden danger they had to worry about selling a large piece of land.

The most famous person in his previous life was Li Ka-shing, who bought a lot of land in the mainland but didn't develop it, and then sold it after the land appreciated, and made a lot of money in one fell swoop.

In fact, doing so is not the most profitable. If the funds are sufficient, building buildings on these lands can not only enjoy the rental benefits of more than ten years, but also enjoy the benefits of real estate appreciation.

There are two main reasons for not doing this. The first reason is that they do not have enough funds to develop these huge lands. After all, self-sustaining properties require strong strength.

The second reason is that they are not necessarily optimistic about the inland economy. They feel that the development of these land plots may not necessarily bring them more income in the future. In their opinion, not developing these plots is the best choice.

In short, generally speaking, it is because we are not optimistic about the inland economy. Investing more funds may not necessarily get more returns, but the inland economy will definitely improve, so holding land and not developing it is the business with the highest return on capital.

But Ye Zishu has more confidence in the inland economy than anyone else. Not to mention that he was able to develop to that height in his previous life. Now that he is still there, the economic development will only be better, and the potential will only be greater.

In fact, if Guo Dongsheng didn't propose a 5-year development period himself, and let Lujiazui Development Company set the time, it might be longer.

Because if you want to develop all this piece of land, the development funds will reach more than 100 billion yuan, mainly because super high-rise buildings are very expensive.

According to the contract, there is also a limit on the number of super high-rise buildings. SH hopes to make Lujiazui a domestic business card, so it naturally needs to show its strength, and super high-rise buildings are the best way to show its strength.

According to the contract, there should be no less than five buildings over 400 meters high. In addition, Lujiazui itself is a tidal flat with soft soil, so the foundation required for super-tall buildings is particularly deep.

Take the Jinmao Tower in the previous life as an example, the underground depth is as high as 80 meters, and the above-ground building is only more than 400 meters, costing more than 5 billion yuan.

Therefore, these five super-tall buildings alone require no less than 20 billion yuan in construction funds, and the other 200-meter-high buildings are even more clustered. The estimated funding of 100 billion yuan is relatively conservative.

Although Wancheng Foundation can spend nearly 4 billion yuan to buy land at a time, it has only just been established after all, and they don't think that Wancheng Foundation can start all development work in a short period of time.

So according to their understanding, giving more time is a high probability event. After all, the overall goal is to develop this piece of land, instead of waiting for Wancheng Foundation to take back the land and then sell it at a high price to make a profit.

"Although 5 years is relatively generous, you must not relax, you must know that you are not just developing this area.

We also need to build a new domestic construction industry chain, which involves more things. I hope you can establish the construction industry chain as soon as possible.

Besides, besides the area of ​​Lujiazui, you will develop more places in the future. You don't need to worry about the financial issue, and you need to go all out for the rest.

Especially in terms of management, if the management is not good, accidents are particularly prone to occur, so you need to strengthen your own management system construction in the future, hoping to become a mature real estate development company as soon as possible. "Leaf Book said.

"We will definitely be able to do these tasks well!" Guo Dongsheng said confidently.

At this time, no matter whether they have the bottom line in their hearts or not, they must be full of confidence. Investments of hundreds of billions, or even hundreds of billions, cannot allow anyone to back down midway, and no accidents can be tolerated.

Just to make a joke, if you screw up on this matter, it will be easy to be sunk into the HP river hundreds of times, so no matter how many difficulties you encounter, you have to go on with your courage and don't tolerate any mistakes.

"Mr. Ye, when will you give us the relevant technical information?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

Whether the construction industry chain can be built as soon as possible, in addition to their own efforts, the technical information provided by Yeshu is also very critical, especially Yeshu has high requirements for construction.

High-demand buildings must be supported by higher-performance materials, so the speed of establishing the entire construction industry chain also has a lot to do with the speed and difficulty of the technical information provided by Ye Zishu.

Hearing Guo Dongsheng's question, Ye Zishu gave a dry cough and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will provide you with technical information in time. You'd better build up the team first."

Hearing what the boss said, Guo Dongsheng suddenly laughed from the other end of the phone and said, "Don't worry, we are preparing to form a team dedicated to recruiting talents, and we will definitely be able to gather a large number of talents for the company."


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