Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 184 Be Careful and Make No Big Mistakes (3/4)

"Don't be too happy, your mission is not just to develop Lujiazui, there are many places waiting for you to discover, which requires you to do more work." Ye Zishu said.

"I know that we have set up a special department called the Project Planning Department, which is to find suitable investment projects for the company, select suitable land plots, and estimate the commercial potential in the early stage." Guo Dongsheng said.

When Ye Zishu heard it, yo, he immediately looked at Guo Dongsheng with admiration. Although this is a test of whether the project planning department's vision is accurate, but he can think of this, and he has made great progress.

If a company wants to move towards specialization, it needs its employees to be absolutely professional in a certain field. There are very few places where a company needs generalists, and the more generalists, the more likely they are mediocre in all aspects.

Not everyone is as open to him as he is. It is impossible for a person to be professional in all aspects, and whether he is professional or not has to be compared with his peers in the industry. If he cannot be top-notch, it is still not professional enough.

Therefore, a general company will set up a special department to specialize in a certain business field or a certain link of the business, so as to be the most professional among its peers.

"It's very good that you have this awareness. Whether a company can go far depends on the professionalism of its employees. It's just that you are not enough. As a future super real estate company, you must be the top in the industry in all aspects.

So you still need to continue to improve the company structure, set up relevant departments and subsidiaries for all aspects of real estate development and operation, and invite global professional talents to come. "Leaf Book said.

For the real estate business, he specifically emphasized global professionals, because the technical part of this part is not too high, but the requirements for intelligence are also not low.

At present, all aspects of the country are still too weak, especially in the area of ​​architectural design and planning, which is still far behind the world's giants.

To narrow this gap, it is necessary to introduce enough international high-end talents, and then let domestic talents follow suit to improve the overall domestic level.

If it is a matter of pure science and technology, relying on the materials he provided, it is not too difficult to improve, and the dependence on foreign technical personnel is relatively low.

But for business and operational ability, there is relatively little room for him to contribute. Even if he has that ability, he is unwilling to spend a lot of energy on these things, which is not worth it.

The reason why he emphasized this point to Guo Dongsheng was because he was afraid that Guo Dongsheng would think that he only liked to use domestic talents, because many of his companies were not highly internationalized.

It's easy to be misunderstood,

As a subordinate, he likes to think about the boss's preferences. If this is the case, it will seriously slow down the development of Wancheng Foundation, so it's better to just say it clearly.

He is the kind of leader who doesn't like the people below to guess. In his opinion, the people below have to figure out everything by themselves. Apart from making the people below more tactful, there is no benefit.

"Mr. Ye, we have spent nearly 4 billion yuan now, and the company only has about 1 billion yuan in its account. It is not enough to establish a whole real estate industry chain." Guo Dongsheng said.

Guo Dongsheng didn't say one more thing. If the planning department finds a better place, it will naturally need to buy it, which will also cost money.

At present, the funds supporting the development of Wancheng Foundation mainly come from Taiji Health Care Company. In addition to supporting its own development, the funds of Phoenix Technology Company also support the development of Xuanwu Technology Company.

As for other companies, their revenue capacity is still limited, and they are even in the stage of investment, such as Lingtong Technology, but they should be profitable soon.

The last time I went to Tai Chi Health Care Company was in mid-September, and their products were launched in July, that is to say, within two months, they achieved a profit of 10 billion yuan.

According to this profitability, coupled with the rapid growth that is currently being achieved, by the end of the year, their account funds may reach more than 20 billion yuan.

"You don't have to worry about the funds. Before the end of the year, I will ask Tai Chi Health to lend you more than 10 billion yuan of funds." Ye Zishu said.

Guo Dongsheng was shocked when he heard Ye Zishu's words. The initial 5 billion yuan of Wancheng Foundation was borrowed from Taiji Health Care Company.

He even bought health care products from Tai Chi Health Company for his mother. Although his mother is not yet in the category of elderly people, she is only in her 40s and less than 50 years old.

But in the eyes of a son, it is completely different. In addition, there are many small problems accumulated over the years of hard work, but he has lived a relatively comfortable life in the past two years.

Then he asked his mother about her physical condition every once in a while, and even went to the hospital for regular checkups. It turned out that her health was getting better and better than before, and some minor problems began to weaken.

According to the doctor, these minor ailments that are difficult to cure may eventually disappear if this trend continues. This conclusion gave him a new understanding of the products of Tai Chi Health.

It is very reasonable for people to make so much money. The products of Taiji Health Care Company are so miraculous that people doubt life, but the facts are facts, and it is not surprising that they make so much money.

It's just that he didn't expect that Taiji Health Care Company would make so much money. Hearing Ye Zishu's relaxed words, they made far more than 10 billion yuan.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Guo Dongsheng said with a smile: "With Mr. Ye's words, we can rest assured that our side will definitely not delay the whole progress."

In fact, he quite understands Guo Dongsheng's mood. Although he seems to control a large enterprise with several billion yuan, the key funds cannot be decided by himself, which will prevent them from being completely independent when implementing their plans.

It's not that Guo Dongsheng hasn't said anything about loans. After all, the real estate industry is an asset-heavy industry. Loans for development are very common. Borrowing money to make money is what businessmen should do.

It was just rejected by Ye Zishu. In his opinion, it is very dangerous to borrow money to engage in real estate development. Although it can greatly reduce the pressure on him, it may actually be a huge pit.

He mainly comes from two concerns. The first aspect is that the domestic real estate market has not yet been fully opened, which means that the operating income in the later period is not very certain, and it is likely that the income cannot cover bank interest.

This will lead to the more construction, the greater the scale of interest payments, which will eventually lead to financial collapse. Because of the possibility of such a situation, it is better to do what you can.

On the other hand, the current domestic political environment makes him worry. Now no one comes to pick peaches, not because no one wants to attract his attention, but because his industry is very special.

The main sources of profits for his industries are technology companies, and even Tai Chi Health Care Company has high technology content, which is completely different from other pure marketing companies.

For such a company, as long as Ye Zishu is unwilling, it will be difficult for them to take advantage of Ye Zishu's seven inches. As for taking over, it is impossible.

Not only is it officially named, but it is also well-known in the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Europe, the United States and other countries. If they don't hold Ye Zishu's seven inches, they dare not do it casually.

Sometimes the popularity is too high, which will bring him a lot of trouble, but sometimes the popularity is too high, and it is also a good protection for him, especially for a person like him who combines capital and popularity, it is very difficult to deal with.

If he was really moved, it would be tantamount to disrupting the basic national policy of reform and opening up. Even the most courageous people would not dare to act rashly without the assurance that Ye Zishu would be obedient.

And the bank's huge loans are likely to become his seven inches. Although it cannot affect national policies, it can introduce some small policies, or even no policies.

All it takes is for the bank to collect debts on a large scale, and he will not be able to raise too much money in the short term. In the end, he can only admit his failure and leave the market at the expense of others.

The most important thing is that the superposition of these two reasons will lead to the insolvency of Wancheng Foundation, which will eventually affect other companies under him, and even himself.

The reason why insolvency may occur is mainly because the marketization of real estate assets is insufficient, and the valuation deviates from the actual value, while bank loans are real.

At that time, you only need to use some means to make these assets depreciate sharply. Because of their large size, a slight depreciation can cause the asset-liability ratio to soar.

Under the possible risks, he would rather be self-reliant, develop slowly, minimize the dependence on external funds, and realize the internal circulation of capital.

What's more, his speed of making money is not slow anymore, and most of the market comes from overseas. People who can control him in China, except for the country, individuals really have nothing to do with him.


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