Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 187 Let's drink a cup of tea together (2/4)

After walking around, there was not much that could arouse his interest except for some of the above thoughts, and finally returned to the booth of his own company.

When I arrived at the place, I found that there were far more Chinese people around the booth than foreign businessmen who came to consult, especially in front of the booth of Lingtong Technology Company.

In order to allow people to experience the Internet on the spot, instead of coldly displaying various parameters of the equipment, Lingtong Technology has built a complete experience environment here.

In addition to the essential PHS call experience, I also made a lot of gadgets for Internet experience. Most of the people gathered here are to experience this.

Among them, the game experience is the most popular. The games they provide are not complete. After all, it takes a lot of time to make a game, and the trial version is only 10 minutes.

But the production is quite excellent. Although the game engine designed by Ye Zishu was not finalized at that time, it is still no problem to use this game engine to develop small clips.

Ye Zishu approached the person in charge of the exhibition of Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. and asked how many foreign companies had consulted on the company's communication equipment and whether they had reached a deal. The result was very frustrating.

So far, there have been no orders. According to the person in charge, the foreign businessmen who come to the Canton Fair have no communication field at all, and all of them come to purchase cheap goods.

Ye Zishu did not expect such a situation, which exceeded his expectations. He thought that his communication products would be a hit at this very important exhibition.

The reason for this situation is that the target population does not match, and their equipment needs to be sold to communication operators in various countries, while our country's strength in the field of communication equipment was not strong before.

As a result, no communication operators came to participate in the exhibition at all, and there was no possibility of a transaction. This is the first time to participate in the Canton Fair and has no experience.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do. From now on, he could only rely on the people in the marketing department to open up the international market.

Just when Ye Zishu was about to leave, he saw a familiar figure in front of the booth asking the booth service staff about the situation, which caught his attention.

He walked over, smiled and said to the figure who was still asking the service staff: "Mr. Ren, it's a pleasure to see you here."

Ren Zhengfei heard someone calling him, turned to look at him, confirmed it, and then said with a smile: "Oh, I know you, Ye Shu, I didn't expect you to come to the Canton Fair."

"President Ren just joked,

Can I not come? The booth you are asking about now belongs to my company. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ren Zhengfei was shocked when he heard what he said. He was attracted by this booth as soon as he came here. After limited experience, he was sure that the communication technology of this Lingtong technology company far surpassed his company.

It's just that he didn't expect that the star in front of him turned out to be the boss of this company.

Seeing Ren Zhengfei's astonished expression, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "It's fate to meet each other, why don't we find a place to have a cup of tea?"

When Ren Zhengfei heard Ye Zishu's invitation, he readily agreed. He also needed to obtain more information, and there was nothing more efficient than talking directly with the boss of the company.

So the two went straight out of the exhibition area of ​​the Canton Fair, walked outside, Ye Zishu drove, and found a place to drink tea.

"I didn't expect that you are not only a big star, but also have business talents, which is a bit beyond my expectation." Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

"Mr. Ren may not pay enough attention to me. During the Spring Festival Gala last year, he said that he was short of money and needed to invest a lot of money in electronics and software research." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Ren Zhengfei seemed to remember it, at least on the surface, giving people a feeling of sudden enlightenment, and said with a smile: "Look at me, my memory is not very good, such important details, I probably only saw it at the time. forgotten."

In fact, it’s not just Ren Zhengfei. There are thousands of people who have watched the Spring Festival Gala, but few of them take his words seriously. In everyone’s eyes, there is still a certain boundary between celebrities and businessmen, let alone high-tech, completely No side.

When the tea came, the two took a sip each, and Ye Zishu asked, "Mr. Ren also saw the communication system and equipment of Lingtong Technology Company just now. How do you feel?"

When Ren Zhengfei heard what Ye Zishu said, he fell silent, did not speak immediately, thought for a while, and then said: "I have to say that the technology is very advanced, far beyond the current level of network communication."

Although everyone is a competitor, but the facts are in front of you, and if you say anything else, it seems that you have a small belly, so it is more appropriate to praise honestly according to the actual situation.

Hearing Ren Zhengfei's words, the smile on Ye Zishu's face suddenly brightened, and he said with a smile: "To be honest, I know very well the technology of Lingtong Technology Company.

I plan to use this set of complete and advanced Internet communication technology to open up the domestic telecommunications, cable broadcasting, and Internet communication markets, and realize the goal of three-in-one domestic communication network.

At present, the domestic market is so big, and my family feels that there is little to eat. Naturally, I don't want to leave more market share to other companies. "

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he picked up his teacup and took a sip, leaving Ren Zhengfei time to think.

The meaning is very clear, he wants to dominate the domestic market, and Ren Zhengfei's Huawei is naturally his competitor, and will naturally be impacted by Lingtong Technology.

Although his tone is loud, Ren Zhengfei also has to admit that with the current technical level of Lingtong Technology, it is really not a big problem to hang them domestic communication equipment manufacturers.

Not to mention the domestic communication equipment manufacturers, even the foreign communication giants that were rampant in the country before cannot match in terms of technology. If they want to reach the level of Lingtong Technology Company, they will have to work hard for several years of research and development.

However, Lingtong Technology Company is not unwilling to make progress. When they develop a technology of similar level, Lingtong Technology Company will probably launch more advanced technology.

It's just that the foreign communication giant, relying on its existing business, although the market will definitely be greatly affected, it will not go bankrupt, but what should his Huawei Technologies company do.

In order to develop a digital program-controlled switch, he borrowed usury loans. If the project dies before it succeeds, he will really jump off the building as he said before.

Thinking of this, he actually felt desolate. Facing Ye Zishu, he didn't know how to speak for a while, so he could only drink tea with his head depressed.

Seeing Ren Zhengfei's appearance, Ye Zishu put down his teacup and said, "I am not demonstrating in front of you, but explaining the facts. In the high-tech field, owning technology is equivalent to owning capital.

But this is too cruel for many domestic communication equipment companies, and in the process of national communication technology autonomy, you practitioners in the communication industry have also made your own contributions.

As a latecomer, I can't bear you to suffer huge losses because of me, so I plan to carry out acquisitions of domestic communication companies with research and development capabilities.

I wonder if Mr. Ren is willing to sell his Huawei Technologies Company to Lingtong Technology Company? "

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he looked at Ren Zhengfei's expression. After all, he was scheming, so he didn't see anything, but from the fact that he hadn't spoken for a long time, he could also see his inner struggle.

"I know that Ren is always a resolute person, and he has made a lot of efforts to stop the domestic communication technology from being monopolized by foreign communication giants and realize the independence of communication technology.

Our Lingtong Technology Company has not only broken the monopoly of foreign countries, but even achieved technological overtaking. From the national level, we should be happy.

But when it comes to the enterprise level, it is difficult to accept the facts for a while. I have always admired Mr. Ren, if Mr. Ren is willing to sell Huawei Technologies to Lingtong Technology.

Then Mr. Ren will be the general manager of Lingtong Technology Company and hand over this company to you. I hope you can lead this company to conquer the world. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing that Ye Zishu actually handed Lingtong Technology Company over to him for management, he was a little surprised and asked, "Aren't you going to manage it yourself?"

"With Mr. Ren's great talents, I am very relieved to manage Lingtong Technology Company. Under your leadership, Lingtong Technology Company will definitely be built into the world's largest communication giant.

As for myself, I still have many other things to do. To tell you the truth, I own not only Phoenix Technology Company, but also Xuanwu Technology Company, as well as other industries. "Leaf Book said.

After speaking, he glanced at Ren Zhengfei and saw his slightly confused eyes, Ye Zishu had to add: "Phoenix Software, a subsidiary of Phoenix Technology, is the company that develops the Phoenix operating system.

Xuanwu Technology Company is the company that built the electronics manufacturing industry base and semiconductor manufacturing industry base in Nanshan District. In this way, Mr. Ren should have an impression. "

It’s okay if he doesn’t explain. After the explanation, Ren Zhengfei was even more shocked. Anyone with a little knowledge in China can guess how much money Phoenix Software makes.

As for Xuanwu Technology Company, although it has not yet mass-produced and does not know how large the output value will be, Ren Zhengfei, who is also in Shenzhen, still knows about such a big movement.

He also saw these electronic manufacturing equipment and technologies at the exhibition just now, and they are all very advanced. This company must also have great development potential.

And Ye Zishu just said that there are other industries. With so many industries, it seems that Lingtong Technology Company's position in Ye Zishu's heart is not particularly prominent.

"Boss Ye is amazing!" Ren Zhengfei came back to his senses and could only give Ye Shu a thumbs up, and he didn't know what to say about the rest.

It has been 8 years since they were busy in 1984. As a result, they were all beaten down.

Not only Huawei Technologies has to consider the future, but also other domestic communication equipment technology companies, such as ZTE, must also think carefully about this issue.

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