Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 188 Persuasion is not easy to do (3/4)

Ye Zishu saw that Ren Zhengfei hadn’t let go, so he decided to work harder. It’s useless to just talk about money and power with such people, and talk about ideals with them.

So he said: "Just now I also walked around the exhibition area, and the overall feeling is that there are not many products with technical content, and the traditional products are basically the main ones.

Moreover, the homogenization competition is very fierce, and basically rely on low prices to obtain international orders. In the end, it is only the employees who suffer. This is to make money with the blood and sweat of our people.

To be honest, making such money feels hot. This also made me feel how important technological independence is. Only technology can rejuvenate the country and allow people to live the same life as developed countries.

Mr. Ren should have seen the booth of Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. just now. Did he find that there were no foreign communication companies coming?

It stands to reason that Lingtong Technology's technology is so advanced, so it doesn't make sense to come and take a look. The exhibition area is not small, but it is not too big.

It is because our country gives others the impression that it is a backward country. They don't think that our country can produce excellent technological products, so these international communication companies are not even interested in coming.

Mr. Ren has also been engaged in the field of communication technology for many years, so he should feel more empathy than I do. Are we just going to suffer in silence, waiting to earn enough hard-earned money before starting R\u0026D and climbing the technological tree?

No matter what other people think, I can hardly bear such a situation anyway. I don't want ordinary people to shed blood and sweat for a lifetime, retire with injuries, and then spend their old age in pain.

We are all human beings, with one head, two ears and one pair of eyes. There is no reason for us to be inferior to others. What's more, we still have a history of 5,000 years of civilization, but we have not caught up with the pace of technological development in the past one or two hundred years.

I think I still have a bit of technical talent, but I am still a person, and if I want to achieve this goal, I can't accomplish it even if I am exhausted.

I need more people with lofty ideals and talents to join my team and continue to move towards this goal, and Ren is always the person I prefer, who can work hand in hand with me to move towards this goal. "

After Ren Zhengfei listened to Ye Zishu's words, the tea cup in his hand stopped in the air, thought carefully about his words, and then said: "I will replace wine with tea, toast Ye Zong!"

Ye Zishu picked up his teacup, clinked it with Ren Zhengfei, and drank the remaining tea in the teacup, then looked at Ren Zhengfei, waiting for his next words.

"Although Mr. Ye is young,

But there is such a big ambition, which is just in response to the old saying, "Those who have ambition are not young", I admire it!

It’s just that Huawei Technologies, the place where I struggled for 8 years, suddenly disappeared. I couldn’t accept it for a while. You know, I’m not too young.

It can be said that I have poured a lot of effort into this company, and it is difficult to let go of it for a while, so thank you, Mr. Ye, for your love. Even if this company goes bankrupt, I will accept my fate. "Ren Zhengfei said with a heavy tone.

When Ye Zishu heard this, he almost burst into foul language. He tried his best to persuade him, even he was moved by himself, but it had little effect on him.

If it weren't for the fact that he had too many things at hand, and he had to hand over the management of the industry that already had a certain foundation, he really planned to give up.

It's just that he knows that people can't be so self-willed. He just decided to enter the field of transportation manufacturing. This field is not limited to motorcycles and cars, it involves a wide range of fields.

In particular, he has long been fed up with domestic train traffic, and plans to set up a rail transit research and development team at the same time. Regardless of whether high-speed railways are built in China, at least once he has the technology, it will be off-the-shelf.

Others include urban rail transit, and even he wants to be involved in aircraft manufacturing, but it will take some time to realize this goal. At least the basic industry must be perfected before it can be done, and it can be done with half the effort.

Not to mention so many fields, that is, automobiles and motorcycles. The technical information he has to provide is calculated in tons, which requires a lot of energy on him.

However, if Lingtong Technology Company wants to achieve rapid development, it must find a leader with real leadership qualities as soon as possible, and Ren Zhengfei obviously meets this requirement.

He heard a different message from Ren Zhengfei's words, that is, he still has feelings for Huawei Technologies, and he doesn't want this company to disappear into history.

This is also easy to handle. After the acquisition, let Huawei Technologies exist in the form of an independent subsidiary, and even Lingtong Technology can provide technology.

In this way, to the outside world, there are two companies operating communication equipment and systems, one operating high-end equipment and the other operating low-end equipment, directly eating up the market.

Moreover, the competition between two powerful communication companies can also kill other communication equipment manufacturers by the way, and eat most of the market into their own stomachs.

"I can also understand Mr. Ren's feelings. As the founder of a company, the company he founded is like his own child. When the child grows up, as a parent, he puts all his heart and soul into it. give up.

So I decided that if Lingtong Technology Company acquires Huawei Technologies Company, Huawei Technologies Company will exist in the form of an independent subsidiary.

Although it is nominally a subsidiary of Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd., it has a fairly high right to operate independently, and can even obtain technical support from Lingtong Technology Company.

What does Mr. Ren think? "Leaf Book asked.

"Mr. Ye can understand my feelings. I am very happy. It's just that Huawei has left me. I don't know if I can go on. The current Huawei is still very immature." Ren Zhengfei said.

"If Mr. Ren has any ideas, just say it!" Ye Zishu said directly.

He didn't expect Ren Zhengfei to be such a mother-in-law. Isn't the situation clear enough now? The so-called person who knows the current affairs is a hero, let alone in the acquisition, he will not be treated badly.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei hesitated for a while, and then said: "It doesn't matter whether Huawei can retain its independent identity. If the two companies merge, they can be named Huawei Technologies."

Hearing Ren Zhengfei's words, Ye Zishu almost didn't spit out a sip of tea. It turned out that he had this idea to directly erase the name of Lingtong Technology Company and use the name of Huawei Technologies Company.

"Mr. Ren should have heard the principle of 'Do not do to others what you don't want done to you'. Huawei Technologies is Mr. Ren's child, and Lingtong Technology is not my child.

What's more, Lingtong Technology still has an advantage at present. If it follows Mr. Ren's request, I, as a party who is eager for talents, have no objections. After all, it is all for the development of the country, and it is okay to sacrifice.

But what do the scientific researchers who work day and night for Lingtong Technology, the marketing personnel who are constantly busy for the market, and other staff of Lingtong Technology?

I also need to consider their ideas. After all, they are also important members of the company and have contributed to the company's development, not just doing whatever I want as the boss.

So Mr. Ren is better off being realistic! "Leaf Book said.

Without waiting for Ren Zhengfei to speak, Ye Zishu continued: "Moreover, the operation of two relatively independent companies is beneficial to both parties.

No matter which country or era it is in, the communications field is relatively sensitive, and no country will allow a single company to monopolize the entire industry.

What's more, we still have to compete in other markets. In order to balance, the market that may have been completely occupied by us will have to be divided into other communication equipment companies.

As such, why don't we run two companies ourselves, both competing and cooperating with each other, so that we can keep the two companies alive, and at the same time be able to compete with each other and gradually drive other competitors out of the market?

This can also circumvent the anti-monopoly laws of various countries, which is beneficial to both parties. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei nodded in agreement, and then said: "I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so thoughtful and have such great opinions on market competition, which is an eye-opener for me.

I agree to Mr. Ye's acquisition of Huawei Technologies, but I have one request, that is, I will still be the person in charge of Huawei Technologies, and Huawei Technologies will also belong to Mr. Ye, so it can be regarded as doing things for Mr. Ye. "

He saw Ren Zhengfei's stubbornness, as if his life and death depended on Huawei Technologies, which made him a little difficult to deal with, but there was nothing wrong with his words.

"Since Mr. Ren said this in his speech, I don't intend to hide it. In my opinion, Ren is always a talented person. He only confines himself to the field of communication, which is a bit overkill.

The reason why I insist on having Mr. Ren as the person in charge of Lingtong Technology is mainly to let you adapt to the work of Qinglong Technology, the parent company of Lingtong Technology, after a period of time.

Because Qinglong Technology Company will carry out more businesses next year, it needs a capable person to run the affairs of the entire Qinglong Technology Group, not just the network communication industry. "Leaf Book said.

"I don't know what business Qinglong Technology will carry out next year?" Mr. Ren asked.

"Mr. Ren has not yet joined my company. I shouldn't have said that, but I still told Mr. Ren that Qinglong Technology will develop general logic chips, general graphics computing chips, memory chips, and flash memory chips next year.

In addition, there are development plans for home game consoles, computer products, home appliances, DVD players, and music players. "Leaf Book said.

Ren Zhengfei thought that the industry to be expanded should be an industry that is not far from the communications field, but he did not expect that the difference is so far away, and the technical content is not low.

"Is the home appliance industry a bit inappropriate?" Ren Zhengfei asked.

"The needs of human beings are roughly the same, but products with the same function in each era have different forms of expression, and TVs are also very different from TVs." Ye Zishu said.

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