Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 189 Agreeing to be Acquired (4/4)

"Where does the technology come from? You must know that the chip industry has been monopolized by American companies. It is not so easy for us to enter. Even if it is designed, it cannot be manufactured." Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu was not only not angry, but a little happy, because he began to think from the perspective of Qinglong Technology Company, which showed that he had begun to agree with him.

"The chip manufacturing is in charge of Xuanwu Technology, and in fact their chip production line can be completed around the Spring Festival, which is much more advanced than the world's most advanced production line.

As for the chip design, the relevant design software has been developed by Suzaku Software Company, which is also a software company under Phoenix Technology Company, mainly engaged in the development of industrial software.

As for the instruction set of the chip, I will provide it myself, as well as the architecture of the chip, etc., and I will also provide relevant information. Mr. Ren does not need to worry about this, he only needs to realize the blueprint.

Our plan is not determined by brainstorming. Before entering any industry, we will have absolute certainty. At least there will be absolutely no technical problems. The rest is your operational capabilities.

As for home appliances, such as TVs, we directly launched LCD TVs, and other home appliances, not to mention leading the world's advanced level, are at least at the same level of technology.

As long as Mr. Ren comes over, he will be able to take charge of this trillion-dollar enterprise in the future. This is not only an opportunity for Mr. Ren himself, but also an opportunity for the country's economic development, and it will be of great help to me.

Mr. Ren may have doubts just now, why am I so busy that I don't even have time to manage my own industries, I will also explain here.

My main energy is still spent on scientific research. I believe that there is no shortage of domestic operation talents, but talents who can develop high-tech technologies are scarce. "Leaf Book said.

Although Ye Zishu's words sound a bit fanciful, it seems that these unattainable technologies in the eyes of others are like wholesale for him.

But Ren Zhengfei couldn't find a reason to refute. He is not a technical person himself, and he doesn't necessarily have a clear understanding of technical details.

In addition, Lingtong Technology Company is right in front of us, so the research and development time for such an advanced complete network communication system and equipment must not be long.

So he still chooses to believe it. If he puts it in the ears of professionals, he will probably be questioned and questioned repeatedly. Just like Pei Qing, he has to explain clearly to convince her.

"As for Mr. Ren's concern that Huawei Technologies has left Mr. Ren,

There will be problems in operation, and I also have a solution, which is to let Huawei acquire ZTE. The level of their bosses, Mr. Ren knows better than me.

Then let their president Hou be the head of Huawei Technologies, so that Mr. Ren should be able to be the head of Qinglong Technology with peace of mind. "Leaf Book suggested.

As for whether ZTE can be acquired, neither Ren Zhengfei nor Ye Zishu thinks it is a problem, because ZTE will also face the same dilemma as Huawei Technologies.

What's more, Hou Weigui is not the owner of ZTE Corporation. At that time, it will be enough to recruit him with a high salary. As for the life and death of ZTE Corporation, it has nothing to do with them.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei finally felt relieved, and said: "Since Mr. Ye has mentioned this, if I refuse again, I will be a little ignorant."

Hearing what Ren Zhengfei said, Ye Zishu immediately stood up happily, and said, "Having Mr. Ren join us will definitely be like a tiger with wings added to the future development of Qinglong Technology Company.

Welcome Mr. Ren to join our big family, and hope that Mr. Ren can lead Qinglong Technology Company to travel the world, and come to us to have a toast with tea instead of wine. "

After the two drank a cup of tea, Ye Zishu continued: "Then let's talk about the acquisition of Huawei Technologies. I wonder how much Mr. Ren will offer for the company?"

"President Ye's bid is more appropriate!" Ren Zhengfei said.

"I don't know the specific situation of Huawei Technologies very well, but I estimate that this year's sales will be about 100 million yuan, and the actual profit should be less than 10%.

As for Huawei's technical assets, they are not of much value to Lingtong Technology, but your researchers are very valuable.

Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. acquired Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. at a price of 100 million yuan. I wonder if Mr. Ren is satisfied with this? "Leaf Book said.

Ren Zhengfei was taken aback by Ye Zishu's quotation, which far exceeded the current valuation of Huawei Technologies, which was just an agent of a telecommunications company in Hong Kong before.

Although it has developed its own technology since 1989 and has achieved some results, it is not technically advanced, sales are very limited, and profit margins are lower.

Although the digital program-controlled switch they are currently developing has invested a lot of money, and he even borrowed usury loans, but it has not yet come out, so it can only be regarded as sunk costs, and cannot be calculated as a premium.

The funds in Huawei's account are only 100,000 yuan, and many accounts cannot be collected. Although the R\u0026D personnel are paid high salaries, they can only get half of it, and the other half is recorded in the account.

The acquisition funds of 100 million yuan not only directly earned back Huawei's previous investment, but also left a lot. Ye Shu was so generous, which he did not expect.

Of course, Ye Zishu knew that the purchase price he offered was very high. In fact, it only needed about 60 million, which was enough to acquire Huawei Technologies.

It's just that he doesn't want to haggle with Ren Zhengfei because of this little money. With Ren Zhengfei's joining, at least the energy he needs to consume for Qinglong Technology Company will be greatly reduced. This is not something that 100 million yuan can buy.

His time and energy are very valuable, there is no need to worry about these trivial matters, and he can also gain Ren Zhengfei's favor, allowing him to work for him with peace of mind.

Of course, the most important reason is that the 100 million yuan is not considered a lot of money to him now. If it was in the past, he would have to worry about it for a long time.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your generosity, I have no objection to the purchase price!" Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing what Ren Zhengfei said, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "My price is mostly for Mr. Ren's sake. Mr. Ren is definitely worth the price."

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, Ren Zhengfei hurriedly said: "Thank you Mr. Ye, but I still need to talk to the company's employees about the acquisition. As Mr. Ye said just now, these employees have also made a lot of contributions to the company. have some discretion.”

After hearing this, Ye Zishu expressed no opinion. After all, the lawsuit between Huawei and Cisco occurred in the previous life, and some employees of the company proposed to sell the company to Cisco. It was only after the price was not negotiated that the acquisition was not successful.

This shows that Ren Zhengfei is more respectful of the opinions of the company's employees. Anyway, the current situation is the same. In fact, whether you say it or not, the ending is similar, and you may feel more at ease.

Write Ren Zhengfei his phone number at Xuanwu Technology Company, so that after he has the result, he can call this number to tell him, and then separate.

Back at Xuanwu Technology Company, he continued to be busy with the work at hand, but he did not expect that in the evening, Ren Zhengfei called and told him that the entire company agreed to be acquired.

He thought it might take a day or two to get the results, but he didn't expect the results to come so soon, but it's understandable considering Huawei's current situation.

So he personally drew up an acquisition contract, and then rushed to Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. When he arrived, Huawei's employees were not off work and were waiting for him.

He followed Ren Zhengfei to the conference room, handed the contract to Ren Zhengfei, and asked him to see that if there is no problem, he can sign it now.

Ren Zhengfei read the contract carefully. Although there are many clauses, they were all agreed upon before. Ye Zishu did not make excessive demands, and also admitted the current salary of the employees.

After the acquisition, Qinglong Technology will inject 500 million yuan of funds to maintain the operation of Huawei Technologies, and also to acquire ZTE.

At the same time, Lingtong Technology will license part of its technology to Huawei Technologies, so that Huawei Technologies can produce more advanced network communication equipment.

After the acquisition, Huawei Technologies will be a subsidiary of Qinglong Technology, which is at the same level as Lingtong Technology, which will make it easier for Ren Zhengfei to accept.

Looking at these terms, Ren Zhengfei didn't say much, and signed directly on them, and then Ye Zishu himself signed, and both parties kept a copy, and the acquisition was officially concluded.

Next, as long as the funds from Ye Zishu arrive in the account, Ye Zishu invites all Huawei employees to a big hotel in the evening to celebrate them joining the new big family.

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