Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 190 Acquisition of ZTE (1/4)

Two days later, Ye Zishu transferred 100 million yuan of acquisition funds to the account of Huawei Technologies in the name of Qinglong Technology Company, and the acquisition transaction was officially completed.

After the internal processing of the 100 million yuan by Huawei Technologies, Qinglong Technology will transfer the second 500 million yuan to Huawei Technologies' account again.

The previous 100 million yuan is not only the shareholders' income of Huawei Technologies, but also the salaries that Huawei owed to employees before, and the repayment of external arrears, and the rest is the shareholders' own income.

The latter 500 million yuan is the asset of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., and because the nature of the two sums of money is different, Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. transferred the money in two sums.

After Huawei received 500 million yuan of funds, it immediately began to initiate the acquisition of ZTE, and ZTE's shares became more complicated.

Fortunately, ZTE Corporation is not listed. As long as the major shareholders reach an agreement, it is still easy to acquire. It depends on whether the major shareholders can see the situation clearly.

At the beginning, the acquisition offer of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. was not ignored by the management of ZTE Corporation. Although the revenue of the two companies is similar, ZTE Corporation is still stronger than Huawei.

At that time, ZTE's switches were all on sale, and Huawei Technologies was established not long ago. Now ZTE is also leading in technology.

The gap between the two, in Yeshu’s view, is mainly due to the different marketing strategies. Huawei is targeting the rural market, which is extremely important for Huawei’s future development, and avoids direct competition from international giants.

Ren Zhengfei saw that the other party did not respond, and knew that it would not be possible to just send a written request for the acquisition, so he asked Hou Weigui to come out for an interview.

The two were sitting in a teahouse, looking at the bustling crowd outside, Hou Weigui asked: "Mr. Ren invited me to drink tea, won't you still want to buy our company?"

"Mr. Hou really has sharp eyes, and this is the purpose of inviting Mr. Hou this time!" Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

"Mr. Ren, you know what's going on with your Huawei company. Do you think it's possible to acquire ZTE?" Hou Weigui asked after taking a sip of tea.

"If it was in the past, I definitely wouldn't have this idea, but now it's different, Mr. Hou's news is still not well-informed." Mr. Ren said.

"Oh, I would like to hear more about it!" Hou Weigui asked with an expression of interest.

"Actually, I am no longer the boss of Huawei Technologies. Huawei has just been acquired by Lingtong Technology.

After the completion of the acquisition of ZTE, I will no longer be the person in charge of Huawei Technologies. "

When Ren Zhengfei said it, he was still a little bit emotional. Who knew that the market environment would suddenly change. Although he doesn't regret it now, every time he thinks about it, he still feels a little embarrassed.

"What kind of company is Lingtong Technology Company?" Hou Weigui asked strangely.

"So your information is not well-informed, but they did hide it very well. If I hadn't been to the Canton Fair, I would not have known about this network communication company." Ren Zhengfei said.

"You were acquired just like that?" Hou Weigui asked strangely.

"No way, the situation has changed, you have never seen the advanced nature of their network communication technology, not to mention your company, even the international communication giants, have to bow down.

It can be said that as long as their network communication technology and equipment are supplied to the market on a large scale, not to mention the foreign market, at least the domestic market, there will be no place for you and me to survive.

It was precisely because of this consideration that I agreed to their acquisition proposal. After all, after being acquired, the employees of the company can also be guaranteed. In addition, the other party is also considered to be rich and powerful. It is much better for employees to follow them than to follow me. "Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing Ren Zhengfei's words, Hou Weigui asked in surprise: "How advanced their technology is, and after letting you see it, you don't have the courage to compete?"

Hearing Hou Weigui's words, Ren Zhengfei said: "That's not true, it's just that we need to spend at least five years and invest a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to reach a similar level.

What's the point of Gu just doing this? It's not like they haven't developed in the past five years, and you should know the household communication plan of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. They set a five-year plan.

In the past five years, it is estimated that the domestic phone market will be eaten up by them. At that time, we will not only face the dilemma of shrinking market, but also face high R\u0026D costs. Do you think we can support it? "

In fact, Ren Zhengfei gave himself a face in five years. If it is only in the field of telephone communication equipment, it is still possible, but in the field of Internet communication equipment, the gap cannot be shortened in five years.

In fact, the most deadly thing is that Lingtong Technology Company not only uses a lot of new technologies in its own equipment, but also applies for a lot of patents for new technologies that are not used.

The purpose of doing this is to establish its own patent barriers and directly block those companies that want to bypass Lingtong Technology's patents.

Anyway, these patent leaflets only need to be copied, basically at no cost, but they can block the way out of other communication companies.

In the future, if other communication companies want to enter the field of Internet communication, they must either purchase the patents of Lingtong Technology Company, or they can only try their best to bypass the patents, but the research and development costs will be unimaginably large.

And time waits for no one. When they have worked so hard to bypass the patent and get a feasible device, the market probably has no place for them.

As for the current Cisco, their heavyweight product series will not be available until 1994, and it is still an acquired technology.

At present, they have only launched AGS, which is not at the same level as Lingtong Technology's complete set of Internet communication solutions.

"Even if Lingtong Technology Company is very advanced in the telephone exchange, it is not so advanced, and the telephone communication equipment can still play tricks?" Hou Weigui asked curiously.

"It is really difficult to play with digital telephone exchanges, but now it is not just the era of telephone communication, but the era of the Internet.

The document of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications proposes a three-network-in-one construction plan, planning to build domestic telephone, radio and television, and the Internet at the same time.

And Lingtong Technology Company has a very mature and advanced triple play solution, and communication operators can directly solve these three problems at a relatively low cost.

You say that it is better for others to use a single solution or choose a comprehensive solution. At least I will choose a comprehensive solution, which can greatly reduce the comprehensive cost.

In terms of thinking, Mr. Hou is a bit outdated. I was like you before, but when I saw their solution with my own eyes, I felt that my previous ideas were a bit ridiculous. "Ren Zhengfei shook his head and said with a smile.

When Hou Weigui heard Ren Zhengfei's words, he became even more curious, and quickly said: "Scientific development still has to follow the basic laws. If I guess wrong, Lingtong Technology should not have been established for long.

Otherwise, it is impossible for me not to have heard of this company, and you are also aware of the domestic scientific research level. It is impossible to develop such an advanced communication technology in such a short period of time. "

"You won't be too surprised after listening to the boss of this company." Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

"Oh, tell me!" Hou Weigui asked curiously.

"Mr. Hou should know about the popular Phoenix operating system these days. Maybe Hou's company is using it. The boss of Lingtong Technology Company is the boss of Phoenix Software Company, which developed the Phoenix operating system, Ye Shu."

Hearing what Ren Zhengfei said, Hou Weigui immediately sat up and said, "The two companies have the same boss?"

"I can still lie to you. Phoenix Software has also developed a world-leading operating system from scratch. It is not surprising that they have broken scientific research rules in the field of communications." Ren Zhengfei said.


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