Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 191 Communication Hegemony Has Been Formed (2/4)

It can be said that the Phoenix operating system is a banner of my country's innovative technology, which has convinced many people that as long as they lead in technology, they can gain a huge market.

This is naturally due to the huge revenue capacity of the Phoenix operating system, which is a huge stimulus to domestic technology companies. Let alone other things, the number of software companies seems to have increased a lot.

It's just that they thought the process of developing the Phoenix operating system a bit simple. If it weren't for the technical support provided by Ye Zishu, it would be tantamount to wishful thinking to develop the Phoenix operating system in this era.

However, such stimulation is of great benefit to the development of our country's scientific research field. No matter whether these companies can succeed in the end, investing capital in research and development can always improve our country's scientific research strength.

When Ren Zhengfei mentioned Lingtong Technology Company, Hou Weigui didn't know, but when it comes to Phoenix Software Company, not many people don't know, at least those who have been in contact with the Phoenix operating system know.

However, not many people know that the owner of Phoenix Software Company is Ye Shu, and Ye Zishu himself has never publicly said these things, and even he doesn't even have many opportunities to appear in public.

Now Phoenix Software Company's public figure is Li Kaifu, even if someone knows that the owner of Phoenix Software Company is called Ye Zishu, they may not necessarily be associated with the singer Ye Zishu.

Just like Hou Weigui, he asked, "Tell me about this leaf book, it's so powerful!"

"You may also know him. He is Ye Zishu who sang in the Spring Festival Gala. He has also released many albums. My children like to listen to his songs." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Singer?" Hou Weigui asked in surprise.

These two seem to have nothing to do with each other. No wonder Hou Weigui was surprised, let alone him. Anyone who heard this would doubt it and would confirm it again and again.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it, but that's the truth. Do you remember when he said he was short of money at the Spring Festival Gala last time? He was just raising money for his company," Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing this, Hou Weigui had a vague impression, but at the time everyone just took it as a joke, not to mention that Ye Zishu was short of money, everyone in China was short of money, it was normal to be short of money, and it was abnormal not to be short of money.

"Don't tell me, he also participated in the research and development of these technologies, right?" Hou Weigui asked.

He vaguely remembered that Ye Zishu was a student majoring in computer science at Tsinghua University, which meant that he had certain research and development capabilities, and it was possible to participate in software research and development, but there was still a big difference between communication systems and software.

"Although I'm not sure,

But what is certain is that he played an important role in the research and development process.

Although I am also shocked, we have to admit that the gap between people is sometimes beyond our imagination. "Ren Zhengfei said.

Regardless of whether what Ren Zhengfei said was true or not, Hou Weigui didn't question it anymore, because this kind of thing can only be done if he has seen it with his own eyes. It doesn't make any sense to sit here and question it. He just smelled it for the first time and was surprised.

"Mr. Ren also knows that I'm just a part-time employee of ZTE Corporation. Whether to acquire the company or not depends on the decision of the company's shareholders." Hou Weigui said.

"That's what I said, but you are the person in charge of ZTE after all. Your opinion is very important for shareholders to make accurate judgments. I wonder what Mr. Hou's opinion is?" Ren Zhengfei asked.

Hearing what Ren Zhengfei said, Hou Weigui said: "From what you said, I do have some judgments, but I definitely can't use your words as a basis for judgment."

"It's easy to handle. I have built a communication system of Lingtong Technology Company in Huawei Technology Company. If you have time, why don't Mr. Hou come and have a look with me?" Ren Zhengfei laughed.

Hearing what Ren Zhengfei said, Hou Weigui stood up directly and said, "Let's go, I'll go and have a look now."

So Ren Zhengfei brought Hou Weigui to Huawei Technologies. When they arrived, researchers from Huawei Technologies' Technology Department were nervously testing the system.

Ren Zhengfei asked the researchers to explain the specific performance of this system to Mr. Hou. As for the technical details, it is temporarily inconvenient to explain.

In fact, Lingtong Technology Company provided such a system to Huawei Technologies Company mainly to allow them to observe and learn in advance, and to provide necessary technical patent authorization later.

As for Huawei's own network communication system, it needs to be developed by Huawei itself, and Lingtong Technology will not interfere. After all, they are two companies and may be competitors in the future.

Even if Ye Zishu is the boss, he still needs to control it to a certain extent, and he must take care of the interests of Lingtong Technology's employees, unless the treatment of the two companies is exactly the same.

But this is impossible. The salaries and bonuses of employees are linked to the company's income. It is impossible for the company to not do well and still receive the same benefits. This is unfair to those who work harder.

However, Ye Zishu has already considered adjusting the wages of the employees of its subsidiaries, because Huawei Technologies pays employees too high a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan.

This was in 1992, when the per capita GDP was only more than 2,300 yuan, and the average monthly salary was only one or two hundred yuan. With such a high salary, Huawei definitely paid a lot of money.

Of course, this does not mean that Ren Zhengfei is generous, but that he himself does not understand technology, and if he wants to engage in research and development, he can only hire talents, and paying high salaries is the most direct way.

As for the other companies under Ye Zishu, the technology is provided by him. The requirement for talents is to have professional knowledge. Whether the innovation ability is strong or not, there is no special requirement.

Even so, the salary he gave is much higher than the current domestic average salary, but compared with Huawei, it is a bit small.

He was not in the same system before, and the salary he gave was quite appropriate. Now that he is in the same system, the salary of these companies is a bit inappropriate.

Not to mention that they are exactly the same, at least based on ability, there should be little difference. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to be a boss. He can't be as profitable as his own company, and his salary is lower than that of Huawei employees.

I am afraid of comparison in everything, and it is a comparison within the system. The salary that I thought was good at first will suddenly become unsatisfactory.

It's just that the salary adjustment needs to wait until the end of this year. In order to compensate its employees, it has decided to pay more money during the year-end rewards to even out the income gap.

As for the employees of Huawei Technologies, it is impossible to increase their salaries so much in the future. Although he doesn't mind giving employees high salaries, there is a limit.

Because he is not a company, but has a huge industrial chain, it is normal for companies to have a gap, but if the gap is dozens of times, it is a bit too much.

In the end, the salary should match the ability of the employees, rather than the company's high income and unrestrained salary increases, which is difficult to reflect the value of the employees themselves.

Just like Phoenix Software Company, there must be some powerful researchers among the researchers, but there are also ordinary ones. With such a team, it is difficult to develop the Phoenix operating system, and most of the credit for this is his.

After the technicians explained the system to Hou Weigui and let him experience it for himself, the previous doubts were completely gone, and the mood was almost the same as that of Ren Zhengfei.

Hou Weigui bid farewell to Ren Zhengfei and returned to the company in a hurry. No matter how much he said, it would be better for him to experience it himself and truly feel the power and shock brought by technology.

After returning to the company, Hou Weigui immediately held a high-level meeting, focused on what he experienced today, and repeatedly assured that what he said was true.

First, the management reached a consensus on the acquisition, and then they immediately notified the shareholders to come to a meeting, told them about the matter, and told them the difficulties the company would face.

Shareholders are all for money. After hearing the management's analysis, they are directly shaken and authorize the management to negotiate the acquisition.

After a week of back and forth, Huawei Technologies acquired all the shares of ZTE at a price of 120 million yuan, and the integration of the two companies followed.

Hou Weigui was responsible for the integration, while Ren Zhengfei went directly to Qinglong Technology Company and took away part of the management team as his own team.

This also frees up some positions for the management of ZTE Corporation, making the merger more smooth. The name of ZTE Corporation is no longer retained, and the company name is still Huawei Technologies Corporation.

So far, two of the four major communication giants in the "Great China" in the previous life have been acquired by Ye Zishu, and the remaining Julong Group, which has not yet been established, has no great development prospects due to natural defects in the management structure.

Datang Communication, on the other hand, had to wait until 1998 for its establishment. Now that Lingtong Technology has better technology, it is still unknown whether it will be established in the future.

So far, Qinglong Technology Company under Ye Zishu has become the overlord of communications. In the future, it depends on the achievements of Lingtong Technology Company and Huawei Technologies Company, the two communication companies, in the international arena.

The two companies will be in a long-term relationship of both cooperation and competition. He asked Ren Zhengfei to be fair to the two companies, and not to be unfair just because Huawei was founded by himself.

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