Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 196 Monopoly Market New Posture (3/4)

The reason why Ye Zishu is so confident and dares to set such a huge goal is because of his golden finger. Without this, he would definitely be more cautious.

Goldfinger can bring him endless knowledge and technology, which can effectively reduce the capital demand for industrial chain establishment, and also make building an industrial chain much easier.

For example, in the health care product industry, if there is no golden finger and you want to rely on R\u0026D personnel to complete R\u0026D tasks, the investment cost will be very high, unless it is the same as other health care products.

But if it is the same as other health care products, it will not be able to obtain huge profits. Most of his current industrial development funds come from the profits of health care products.

Although other industries also need to spend a lot of money when they are built, the scale of investment is much smaller than starting from scratch.

Especially when the basic industry is more and more perfect, the technology he provides will become easier to implement and the scale of investment will be smaller and smaller.

Moreover, since all of them are operated within the system, a considerable part of the funds remains in the system, which means that the funds have turned around and a considerable part of them has returned to his hands.

However, in the process of capital circulation, a large number of products have been born, huge wealth has been created, and then funds have been expanded to more industrial fields.

At that time, the whole system will be like a monster with self-expansion, constantly expanding its business outward, making the whole system bigger and bigger.

And more and more people will enter this system, and naturally more people will rely on this system to survive, and this system will become more stable.

Of course, there is no need to tell Wang Chuanfu these words. He just said to Wang Chuanfu: "I will solve the funding problem. Your responsibility is to realize this blueprint."

Hearing what the boss said, Wang Chuanfu didn't ask. The source of the funds must be the boss's secret. As a person who has not joined the company, he is not qualified to ask such detailed questions.

"Wang Gong, what can you do to help me?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I have to deal with some things, and I need approval from the leader. It will take at least a week." Wang Chuanfu said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu nodded and said: "After Wang Gong resigns, you can come to Phoenix Software Company to find me, and I usually work in this company.

After Mr. Wang joins the job, I will provide you with relevant information and assign you persons in charge of administration, personnel, and finance.

After setting up the basic enterprise framework, the rest will be done by the King of Labor. "

At this point in the conversation, the two of them are also full of wine and food, and there is no need to continue the conversation, because everything that can be discussed has been discussed, and what cannot be discussed will not be discussed.

The two left the hotel at 8 o'clock, and then called a taxi for Wang Chuanfu, while Ye Zishu walked back to Phoenix Software Company by himself.

During this week, he must first sort out the industrial technical data related to motorcycles and batteries. Fortunately, these two projects are not particularly complicated, and his company has a certain foundation, so the time should be enough .

But before that, he needs to finish sorting out the 3G technical information. He has been sorting out one after another before, and it is almost done.

There is still a big difference between the collation of 3G communication technical materials and the collation of industrial technical materials, at least the workload is much less than that of industrial technical materials.

There is no need to draw too many drawings for the communication technology information, only need to explain the communication principle and system architecture, and provide advanced communication algorithm support.

As for how to turn these into real objects, it can be completely handed over to the R\u0026D personnel. Before, he still needed to provide these basic things, but now he doesn't need it.

As long as the R\u0026D personnel develop the real object, Xuanwu Technology Company can manufacture it, which is also the value of its R\u0026D personnel.

The reason why he has to sort out the 3G technology first is that after the acquisition of Huawei and ZTE, the communication talents under his company have increased significantly, and they cannot be allowed to study outdated things with high salaries.

Moreover, he also issued a "military order". Although no agreement was signed, a gentleman's word is hard to follow, and he doesn't want to be a person who breaks his promise.

Face is second to none, the main thing is a broken promise, which is to consume other people's trust in him. In the future, people may not want to listen to what he says, and things will naturally be much more difficult.

It took two days to sort out all the information of 3G communication technology, because now there are two communication companies under its umbrella.

He intends to let the two companies develop a set of 3G communication standards, although it seems a bit redundant, but it increases the cost of research and development.

But since they are to be in a state of competition, it is natural to differentiate them. If the products are completely similar, then the competition can only be a price war.

Moreover, the two 3G communication standards they chose are the most advanced and most credible, which is very important for building 3G communication barriers.

What he needs is to build patent barriers, but if a company builds barriers, it will easily be sanctioned by governments of various countries in the name of anti-monopoly, and even require the sharing of patents.

In this way, the two companies each have different 3G communications and are inextricably linked, but they are also in a competitive relationship in the market, which is the best state he currently feels.

Not to mention 3G communication technology, even the Internet communication technology authorized by Lingtong Technology Company is different from Lingtong Technology Company, and it is not exactly the same technology.

It's just that the two technical standards are consistent. Only when the standards are consistent can the two technical systems communicate with each other without creating communication barriers.

Moreover, jointly formulating a set of standards is also conducive to promoting the standards established by them into world standards, so as to regulate the development of the entire Internet communication, and to gain the most profits.

After handing over the entire 3G communication technology to the two communication companies, he was able to work on the motorcycle and battery industries with peace of mind, and also paid special attention to the industrial software development of Suzaku Software Company.

The efficiency of drawing by hand is too low, especially for equipment with a particularly complex mechanical structure. It takes too much time and energy to draw all the structures clearly.

If there is software that can replace hand-painting, it will greatly save his time, but the current progress of the related projects of Suzaku Software Company is not particularly smooth.

The electronic industry-related software that they first researched and developed is nearing completion, and the writing and testing of the entire software should be completed in December.

However, software systems in the semiconductor industry are not progressing smoothly. In order to increase the difficulty and efficiency of chip design in the future, he wrote an intelligent module himself.

Just wanting to integrate intelligent modules into the software system of the semiconductor industry not only did not reduce the development tasks, but made the system more complicated and increased the difficulty of the R\u0026D personnel.

Most of the R\u0026D personnel in the industrial software department are half-way monks, and many of them started to learn software programming after entering Suzaku Software Company, which belongs to the state of learning while doing.

Therefore, although the number of personnel in the entire software industry group has increased a lot during this period of time, the efficiency has not improved much. According to him, it will take half a year to enter a new state.

As for the mechanical design and manufacturing and automation industrial software system he wants, it needs to use a lot of simulation technology, which is more difficult for the industrial software department.

The urgently needed semiconductor industry software system and mechanical design and manufacturing and automation software system must be developed as soon as possible. In order to speed up their progress, he even moved from Phoenix Software Company to Suzaku Software Company to work.

Other industrial software is fine. These two industrial software systems must be produced before the end of this year, especially the semiconductor industry software system.

Without the support of industrial software, semiconductor design, manufacturing, testing and other links will be greatly affected. It is impossible to draw chip design drawings by hand, right? Although it is not impossible to do that, it is too inefficient.

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