Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 197 Questioned again? (four four)

On November 7th, Wang Chuanfu finally came to Suzaku Software Company to meet Ye Zishu, a week later than what he said before.

After the two signed the contract, Wang Chuanfu officially joined the Huanyu Group, which is under the leaf book and takes charge of the transportation manufacturing field. Yep book temporarily gave him an annual salary of 500,000 yuan.

After the agreement was signed, Ye Zishu led Wang Chuanfu to the reference room, which was full of materials that Ye Zishu had sorted out. For the sake of confidentiality, there was a special confidential room for storage.

"These are technical documents!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Wang Chuanfu was very surprised to see that the room of more than 100 square meters was filled with large and small piles, and asked, "Are these all technical materials?"

"These are all sorted out by me in my usual time. The technical information of Huanyu Group is here!" Ye Zishu said as he came to the pile of technical documents of Huanyu Group.

Although this pile of information is a bit small compared to the surrounding ones, it is still 1 meter high and weighs at least 500 kilograms. The main reason is that there are too many drawings of mechanical equipment related to motorcycle manufacturing.

In addition, there are design drawings that Ye Zishu has seen in his previous life and have not yet appeared, as well as design drawings of motorcycles designed by himself.

The battery technology involved in it is relatively much less. Leaf Book only provides nickel-metal hydride battery technology, lithium iron phosphate battery technology and lithium-ion battery technology.

These three batteries have their own advantages and disadvantages, and can be used in different fields. They are all very advanced battery technologies at present.

Ni-MH batteries are not considered a new technology, but our country's research on Ni-MH batteries lags behind a lot, and the national 863 plan only includes this kind of batteries into the scope of research.

The hydrogen storage alloys used in nickel-metal hydride batteries must use rare earths, and my country’s rare earth reserves are very rich, which has the conditions for the development of nickel-hydrogen batteries.

Moreover, compared with nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries have less pollution to the environment and have a much longer service life. Of course, the disadvantages are poor overcharge performance and poor secondary charge performance.

However, in the current field of commercial batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries are still very advanced battery products, and my country has gradually caught up in this field after the new century.

The most important thing is that nickel-metal hydride batteries have the characteristics of large charge and discharge power, while lithium iron phosphate batteries do not have this feature, but lithium iron phosphate also has its own advantages.

That is, the safety is very high, and it has good overcharging performance and secondary charging performance.

The price is relatively low, the disadvantage is that the density is low, and the energy carrying capacity per unit volume is low.

For smartphones in the previous life, the energy storage level of lithium iron phosphate batteries obviously cannot meet the requirements, but in the era of functional phones, lithium iron phosphate batteries are definitely sufficient.

The lithium iron phosphate battery was first discovered in 1996, and now it is equivalent to the invention of Huanyu Group itself, with a complete patent.

As for lithium-ion batteries, many laboratory products have appeared, but commercialization has not been very successful. It is the right time for Huanyu Group to enter the field of lithium-ion battery research.

Ye Zishu gave the most lithium-ion battery information, and he sorted out the lithium-ion battery technology and materials that have not been discovered so far.

This can ensure that Huanyu Group has the advantage of overtaking on curves in the field of lithium-ion batteries, otherwise it can only follow others in research and never catch up with others.

Lithium-ion batteries are characterized by moderate safety, excellent overcharge performance and recharge performance, and a much higher power density than lithium iron phosphate.

The batteries of smartphones and laptops we used in previous lives were basically lithium-ion batteries, but the price of lithium-ion batteries is much higher than that of lithium iron phosphate.

He hopes that lithium-ion batteries can be used in notebook computers launched by Qinglong Technology Company, and lithium iron phosphate batteries can be used in PHS.

In fact, the use of lithium iron phosphate batteries is still very wide, not to mention others, that is, the batteries of motorcycles, cars, and electric vehicles can use this kind of battery.

Just because their unit energy density is low, they are not suitable for the field of consumer electronics with high energy requirements, but it seems that there are no particularly energy-consuming consumer electronics products.

Of course, he must have black technology-level battery technology in his hand, but with the current global battery level, there is no need to do this at all.

Although he provides a large number of technologies for three types of batteries, the technologies he gives are very mature, especially the lithium-ion batteries that are more popular now.

The battery technology he provides is not one, but many kinds of lithium-ion batteries, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, which can meet the needs of different products for batteries.

Wang Chuanfu picked up the information from the top and flipped through it. It was full of dense text and design drawings. Now he no longer doubted Ye Zishu's previous statement of providing technical information.

"Boss Ye, you researched it all?" Wang Chuanfu asked curiously.

"Most of them are my research results, but there are also improvements based on existing technologies. You can take them back and let researchers turn the technologies into real objects based on these materials.

This includes motorcycle manufacturing technology and equipment technology, as well as the overall design drawings of motorcycles. Based on these drawings, you can create low-, medium- and high-end motorcycle brands.

I suggest not to put motorcycles of various grades under one brand. You need to adopt different brand strategies according to the positioning of consumers, which is more conducive to business operations. "Leaf Book said.

Of course, such a strategy of multi-brand management also has disadvantages, that is, the operating cost will also increase. If it is the same brand, only one brand needs to be promoted, which can greatly reduce the cost of publicity.

In terms of operation and maintenance, although he tried his best to unify the standards of parts and components, there are still considerable differences in parts and components, which will increase the cost of operation and maintenance.

It is impossible to use the same engine for low-end motorcycles and high-end motorcycles, then consumers will not buy it, and differentiation is inevitable.

"Battery technical information includes nickel-metal hydride batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries, and lithium-ion batteries. At present, these three types of batteries can meet the needs of batteries in most usage scenarios.

Among them, lithium iron phosphate battery is a new battery technology, and related patents are already being applied for, and you need to follow up on patent matters.

Lithium-ion batteries are currently the most cutting-edge battery category. I have provided more than a dozen kinds of lithium-ion batteries here, all of which are relatively mature lithium-ion battery technologies.

These lithium-ion batteries can basically meet the needs of various battery applications, but the cost is relatively high, and they can be used in high-value products, and related patents are also being applied for.

Of course, the three types of battery technologies I provided are all rechargeable batteries. You can also do research on other types of batteries according to your needs, such as the dry batteries that are currently used in China.

The reason why I provide these materials is just to keep you from starting from scratch and to reduce the cost of starting a business.

But I still want to say, that is, you cannot rely entirely on the technical information I provide to survive, and you need to build a complete research system yourself.

The result I hope is that I can help you for a while, but you need to go on your own way in the future and reduce your dependence on my technology. "Leaf Book said.

When Wang Chuanfu heard his words, he nodded and said, "I understand the truth, it's just that Mr. Ye really sorted out so many technical materials by himself?"

This is another person who doubts himself. Fortunately, he now has a wealth of experience in dealing with these doubts. The simplest and most direct way is to prove it directly with his strength.

"It seems that Mr. Wang doesn't believe this. Otherwise, I'll tell you about the content of the information."

Before Wang Chuanfu could reply, Ye Zishu began to talk about the key technologies in these materials. On the one hand, it was to dispel Wang Chuanfu's doubts, and on the other hand, it was to let him know more about the core technologies.

Seeing Ye Zishu's eloquent speech, Wang Chuanfu had no choice but to say: "It's not that I don't believe Mr. Ye, it's just that it's unbelievable, and I don't mean to doubt it."

Wang Chuanfu still has some research on battery-related technologies, but he doesn't know much about motorcycle-related technologies.

Hearing Wang Chuanfu's words, Ye Zishu finally showed a satisfied smile, and said, "If you don't have any skills, how could you create such a huge situation today? You can doubt the boss's other abilities, but don't doubt the boss's technical ability."

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